Will His Dream Survive?

 Posted by at 1:00 pm  Politics
Aug 282018


Martin Luther King, Jr. influenced my political thinking more than any other individual.  I was fortunate to have worked under him on Vietnam Summer and to have been present on the Washington Mall fifty-five years ago today on August 28, 1963. It’s hard to believe that we are once again fighting the battle to secure the voting rights won as a result of his dream, and to restore them, where racist Republicans are outlawing the right to vote. Will his dream survive?

Never before has there been such a threat that his dream will be destroyed by the Republican Reich!  Will it survive?  That depends on YOU!



70 DAYS!!


  16 Responses to “Will His Dream Survive?”

  1. We didn’t think that we’d be fighting the same battles over and over again. But we are. And I fear we always will. We certainly must not get complacent again – that will only make our job harder in the long run.

  2. The best way to make sure that Rev. Dr. King’s dream survives? Resist, persist, insist, and above all, VOTE!!!

  3. I believe that we will persevere!! through it all. VOTE, RESIST!! His memory lives on, and his Dream is strong, and still alive, as with the younger generation! 

    Great post, Tom.

  4. Good on you TC. To me it’s not looking too good.

  5. Predicting the future is something humans are just awful at doing, but one can help, and hope.

    • Mitch, this comment went to moderation because you misspelled your name.  That is why you did not see it.

      A kid in my youth group about 35 years ago spelled his name incorrectly on a high school exam.  His name is Miles but he wrote Mices and that has been his nickname ever since.  There can be consequences.

  6. Predicting the future is something humans are just awful at doing, but one can help, and hope.

  7. Upon exiting the Constitutional Convention Benjamin Franklin was approached by a group of citizens asking what sort of government the delegates had created.

    His answer was: “A republic, if you can keep it.” 

    If America survives (something I can no longer be sure of) Martin Luther King’s Dream will also survive.

  8. The only thing I can do is cheer on all Americans who are fighting for those votes and are trying to keep MLK’s dream alive.

  9. As long as there are people who believe, the dream is alive!  It is up to believers to hold fast and push back.

  10. Thanks, tired hugs, and Amen! 17

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