Aug 272018

I’m getting this up very early, because when I return, I’ll be fully dilated and too blind to be useful.  Hugs!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:58 (average 4:19).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Alternet: Arizona Republican Kelli Ward was blistered on Twitter on Sunday morning after it was revealed she and one of her staffers accused Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) of announcing that he was about to die at a time that would harm their campaign.

Late Saturday, following the announcement that McCain had succumbed to brain cancer at his home, Arizona TV reporter Brahm Resnik shared tweets between the staffer and Ward herself, in which they complained about the timing of McCain’s announcement that he was dying.

“I wonder if John McCain’s trying to steal attention from Ward’s bus tour by announcing his life is coming to an end,” the staffer wrote, with Ward replying, “I think they wanted to have a particular narrative that was negative to me.”

Well the next time John McCain dies, I hope he has the courtesy to consult these two fucking Republican idiots on the timing! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!  71 DAYS!!


Time for the last?


  12 Responses to “Personal Update – 8/27/2018”

  1. i heard about that dumb f*ck Kelli Ward, what an effing disgrace! Hopefully nobody will vote for her!!!

    Take time to rest up while you’re dilated TC ?


  2. AN: So rude and crude from both her staffer, and Ward. What a disgraceful thing to say!! 

    Hope that your appointment goes well, again, to and fro also. Take good good care, Thanks, Tom. 

  3. 5:27 (4:19) Maybe Squatch can save him.

    I was reading about the Fox News poll that has all the RWNJs melting down – the one that showed
                                   Approve Disapprove
    Democrats                        50 46
    Republicans                      39 56

    What most interested me in the poll was the distribution – not the technical term, but it’ll do. For each party, the percentages add up to 95 or 96, which means there’s the usual component of “no opinion.” But look at the differences! For the Democratic Party, the difference is 4%. For the Republican party, the difference is 17%. That suggests (it doesn’t mean this, it just suggests this) that the Democrats inspire “meh” while the Republicans are REALLY polarizing.

    This article suggests that we can do well running on increasing that polarization, since the corruption is real. I don’t think that means that we shouldn’t also run on positive policies, though.

    This article is sort of a follow up on Everday Erinyes #129. No word that I have found about how the US is affected by the skin-whitening issue.


    AlterNet – This primary is for Jeff Flake’s seat; he decided not to run again. There will be a special election eventually to fill McCain’s seat for the rest of his term. I point out that this is a primary, because that changes the dynamics. There are three candidates: Martha McSally, Kelli Ward, and “Sheriff” Joe Arpaio. There is little to choose among them. Arpaio is unthinkable, but not to Arizonans. After this fiasco in the Ward campaign, I think I hope she DOES get the nomination, since this rudeness will be something Democrats can use which even some Republicans can understand. We will have a primary too. Our candidates are Kyrsten Sinema and Deidre Abboud. Either would be a fine Senator. Sinema is favored to win the Democratic nomination. In a deep red state it will be an uphill battle, and a flawed candidate would help us. (Arpaio is not considered by Arizonans to be flawed.)

    Cartoon – A lot of good has come from drilling, but also a lot of evil. It is definitely time for the last one. We need to grow up and learn to use adult methods of getting energy.

    This is a pathetic version of Freya’s wonderful “If Indicted, Trump will be tried as an Adult,” but I had fun making it.

  4. Hope all goes/went well w/ your eye exam.

    Kelli Ward gives Twitler a run for his money when it comes to being a totally self-absorbed, petulant toddler.

  5. Alternet: I hope you don’t mind that I quote the comment I gave on Mitchell’s posting on the same subject yesterday: “You’d think we’d seen it all with Drumpf’s egocentricity, but it seems that his level is now a prerequisite for all Republican candidates for a seat. How self-centred must one be to think that a family, announcing that their dearest is in his final stages and soon to die, would even think of her campaign let alone be out to harm her by timing these horrible and incredibly personal tidings to coincide with her rallies?

    Lets hope Arizona’s voters are not so deluded to think that Kelli Ward is going to represent THEM in any way in Congress. She made it crystal clear that it is all about her and nobody else.”

    Cartoon: The last one is overdue.

  6. Puzzle — 3:55  No budgie fricassée tonight Puddy Tat!!!  Order in pizza instead!  We have a pizza hjoint near by called the Flying Wedge.  Order from there — at least it flies like a budgie!

    AlterNet — Tomi Lahren (I can’t bear to call her a journalist) in an AlterNet article is quoted as having said on Friday 24 August 2018 at a Kelli Ward rally “we can’t put up another RINO [Republican In Name Only] like McCain and Flake.”  Shortly after that at the same rally, Ward repeated the same disgusting dribble.  Now we have Ward and a staffer blaming Senator John McCain for the timing of his death and the effect it will have on her campaign.  Both Lahren and Ward are a disgrace to the female gender and to the human race in general.  If Ward is the best and the brightest that Arizona has to offer, damn are they in big trouble if Ward wins!

    Cartoon — Fat chance with Diaper Don and the money grubbing Republicans in the Congress.  I don’t like Canada’s pipeline issue but would be more accepting if there was a section of the agreement that conditioned the pipeline to development of clean, affordable energy development on a reasonable timeline . . . not the never, never plan!

    Hope all went well today!  Based on your puzzle times, I don’t think there is anything wrong with your eyes!

  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!  Good results! 35

  8. Yes, definitely time for the last oil well – anywhere on this planet. I hope that my next car can be 100% electric, but I’ll probably have to wait a while for one that recharges in a reasonable time.

    Good job on your cartoon, Joanne.

    Pat B. left a great comment on Care2, which I don’t see here so I’m copying it: “The only person Trump ever hired who was actually qualified to do their job was Stormy Daniels.”

  9. Kelli Ward, useless protoplasm!
    ‘Toon: Yes, we need to grow up and recognize that fossil fuels have outlived their benefits, except for those people making fortunes out of them!

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