Aug 242018

As much as we all know how big a pervert Trump is, I’m obviously talking about a different Pecker.  If the pecker he sleeps with, not counting Putin [R-RU], was exposed, nobody would ever know.  Anyone bizarre enough to want to see it would need a very powerful magnifying glass.  The Pecker in question is David J. Pecker, and he has more dirt on Trump than a dawg has fleas, and that dirt will be coming out.


Federal prosecutors reached an immunity deal with the tabloid executive David J. Pecker, a key witness in their monthslong investigation into payments during the 2016 campaign to two women who said they had affairs with Donald J. Trump, according to two people familiar with the investigation.

Mr. Pecker is the chairman of American Media Inc., the nation’s biggest tabloid news publisher, which was involved in the payments, which prosecutors have identified as illegal contributions made in violation of campaign finance law.

As prosecutors in New York built a case against Michael D. Cohen, Mr. Trump’s longtime lawyer, that resulted in a guilty plea on Tuesday, Mr. Pecker emerged as an important figure. The investigation appears to be continuing, and as a longtime friend and ally of Mr. Trump, Mr. Pecker could have additional information valuable to the prosecutors.

In pleading guilty to campaign finance violations, Mr. Cohen said Mr. Trump directed him to arrange the hush money payments to protect Mr. Trump from embarrassing stories during the campaign. The cooperation of Mr. Pecker is another potential blow to the president from a former loyalist… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

This guy heads the vile Republican propaganda tabloid, the National Enquirer.

Rachel Maddow has all the dirty details.

Do you, like me, REALLY want to know what’s in that safe?



74 DAYS!!


  13 Responses to “The Fuhrer’s Pecker Exposed!”

  1. If there is anything in that safe which would turn his cult followers against him, I want to know that, and I want to know what it is, and I want iron-clad proof. Beyond that, it would be a real challenge for me to care less.

    Of course I don’t suppose when David Pecker bught or started or whateveer the National Enquirer he had any inkling how prominent a political figure he would one day become. But he’s still a good entry into “Names of people who should never go into politics.”

    (A hundred and fifty years ago, you know, it still meant “chin.” W. S. Gilbert used it to mean chin in “Trial by Jury.”)

  2. Loved her intro into this piece…lol
    Ahhh…….it’s almost like Christmas morning when the little ones find out what they got from Santa…
    Mr. P. holds a treasure trove of information and getting immunity to spill the beans too!
    Lordy, this is getting GOOD !!

  3. Apparently, Pecker is a real prick! laughing 06 10

  4. Donny claiming that the Enquirer ought to be respected, should have been enough to warn his fans about just how sick he is!
    My, my, what a week!

  5. No, I’ll be the exception to the rule; I don’t want to know what’s in that safe. Either let it lie or destroy it before it gets published and believed by millions of dimwits who also believed anything the National Enquirer said before was true. And stop giving everyone who says he’s got a story to tell immunity to every scum bag until the full extend of their “usefulness” and their own guilt is known. It wouldn’t be the first persecutor to go down because his ‘crown witness’ couldn’t or wouldn’t deliver, but walked away with amnesty nevertheless.

  6. Thanks and hugs!  All I want from the safe is evidence! 02

  7. Diaper Don: “…on the front page of the National Enquirer, which does have credibility …” 

    Credibility???  The National Enquirer has about as much credibility as Diaper Don, which is to say NONE!!!

    Diaper Don is not fit to be POTUS if this is what he considers a good information source.  He calls the NY Times the “failing NY Times” yets holds up the National Enquirer???  Where are those 27 psychiatrists??? 

    I would like to see some of that stuff in the safe but not if it means low information sheeple can see it.  At work, staff were always buying the rag to read on their lunch break and I could never understand why!  They always get sued.  It’s insurance rates must be through the roof!

    • Maybe he thinks “credibility” is another word for “covfefe”?  Or – wait – maybe he was trying to say “credulosity”!  You know how much trouble he has with words of more than two syllables.

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