It was cool enough to open the window this morning, but I couldn’t open the door for cross ventilation, because the temperature in the hallway was 88°. I expect a cool morning tomorrow until the heat returns to the 90°s on Monday for several days.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:49 (average 4:49). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Ellipsoid Orb:
Preseason began on Thursday, and my Broncos meditate on the Orb’s divine light at home this evening with the Vikings. The starters will only go for a series or two. May the holy Ellipsoid Orb bless my Broncos.
Fantasy Football Announcement:
The Holy Ellipsoid Orb has begun to bless the earth with its divine light once again. The live online draft for our own fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends, is next Saturday, August 18, at 9 AM PDT (10 AM MDT, 11 AM CDT, 12 Noon EDT). I strongly recommend that players log into the league and participate in a mock draft between now and then. If you cannot attend, the league will draft for you. There are only six of us this year. See you then!
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): Space Force Anthem
I wonder whether the power of space force will be as great as the infinite spaces between GOP sheeple’s ears. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From The New Yorker: Making a major announcement at the Pentagon on Thursday, Vice-President Mike Pence said that the proposed United States Space Force was necessary to defend the U.S. from gay aliens.
“I stand before you today to say that this country is under attack from outer-space gays,” Pence told the military gathering. “Only Space Force can protect us from their unimaginable evil.”
Pence detailed a nightmare scenario in which “gay aliens by the thousands” land in the U.S. in “seemingly cute spacecraft” and “subvert life in America as we know it.”
“Let’s say, for example, that these gay aliens can assume human form,” he said. “What’s to stop them from infiltrating normal bakeries and baking cakes for gay weddings?”
Dang Andy! Can we trade those gay aliens for Pence and all the Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From Axios: The confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will begin September 4, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said in a statement Friday.
The hearings should last three to four days, Grassley said, a timetable that aligns with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s plan to get Kavanaugh on the bench before the midterm elections.
No quorum before the midterms. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/11/2018”
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5:52 – It could be less; I was multitasking. Does the time keep going if you are in a different window? It looks like it does for 10-15 seconds and then stops. So not enough to worry about.
New from Amy McGrath
FFC – I saw this went up (late) but hadn’t watched it yet. I did read some replies to Stephen King’s provocative tweet though. Some very clever people!
TNY – One of the tweets I just mentioned addresses this. Very funny!
Axios – And keep hammering away at those missing documents!
Cartoon – Well, of course it was Republican, They were, as they are, the ones with the money.
?Gay?aliens in the W.H. would be so cool ?
Sadly, we have a form of alien in the WH, seriously. He is not ONE OF US!
AMY McGRATH ROCKS!!!! Thx, Joanne.
FF: Pew!! Pew!! My favorite is “Space Force All The Way!! With his 5 military deferments, dt should go first, to try it out.!!!
NYer: omg!! This IS HILARIOUS!!
Axios: UGH!!! Where’s OUR voice in this process, Mitch McConnell??? I agree, NO quorum!
Best to you w/your game this evening. Thunderclouds overhead here, I hope it rains! Enjoy your evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
FF: Pat is right. With weightlessness, his heel spurs ought not be a problem. Gee, now that I think of it, they don’t seem to get in the way of his golfing either, do they? this whole thing is nothing but a gift to the munitions and military industrial industries!!
New Yorker: Pence might one of those gay aliens, in a body snatched get-up. He has about as much emotional appeal as those very limited things showed.
Axios: And in time to start the impeachment hearings for Rosenstein!!!!!!!!
Sam ?: With no idea what this space force is going to look like and what it is going to do, but full steam ahead with its merchandise, presenting this administration with an anthem seems very appropriate. Especially when it pays tribute to the honour and glory of king Drumpf.
TNY: Love your way with words, Andy: “Only Space Force can protect us from [outer-space gays] unimaginable evil.”

Axios: No documents, no quorum!
Cartoon: The first time a presidential candidate made it to a newsreel and look where it got us. A reality-show celebrity pretending to be president 24/7 on camera.
Enjoy the few cooler days while they last, TomCat.
The “Space Force” is more proof that tRump is living in La La Land. Just another excuse to further fatten the already obscenely obese “defense” budget, while starving domestic programs so our streets continue to deteriorate (I hit a nasty pothole today) and Grandma has to get a job slinging hamburgers while Mom lectures the kids why they had better stop whining about getting rice and beans for the umpteenth night in a row.
The storm is building, and when it breaks it will be a doozy.
Thanks and hugs to all.