Aug 022018

Since TC is all tied up with medical mayhem, at his request I’m posting three clips from Sam from last night.

Act I – Downloadable guns and other nonsense

Act II – #MenToo

Act III – Asgardia.  Really.

I can’t wait to hear what y’all think!


Cross posted to Care2 HERE


  6 Responses to “Samantha Bee from August 1”

  1. Sam – Act I – Isn’t it fascinating that NOW this is hitting the news, when it’s already too late. Where was everyone in 2013? (I did think she was going to end with “Book him, Danno” though.

    Act II – It seems to me that belittling male victims began with prison rape, exactly because way too many people think that if someone is in prison, he or she MUST have DONE something so bad they are no longer human. Even progressives (or people who think they are progressive, or like some progressive ideas) are guilty of this. It’s kind of the issue that separates genuine human beings from … others.

    Act III – Half a terabyte? I have portable hard drives twice that size. But. Seriously. Oh, wait. There is really nothing serious that can be said about this. Except maybe: Oh, God. (Which apparently means Oh, Odin.)


  2. She’s so spot on !!! Sam Bee is great, love her. 
    Thanks, Joanne for getting this out here. Passing on too! 

  3. She’s awesome! ? 
    The crazies getting crazier!! 
    Ascardia? Isn’t that a game? 
    OMG it’s not a joke!!! ?

    • “Asgard” was the home of the Norse gods.  With so many neo-Nazis deciding they want to worship Odin and Thor instead of even pretending to be Christians, the name alone is enough to put me off.

  4. Sam I – What JD said and spot-on Sam!

    Sam II – I’m sooooooo abused by women.  They say NO! 05

    Sam III – The Republican nation is space is Nazi ASSgardia.

    Thanks JD!  Everyone, I did not have time yesterday, so I asked JD to put it up! 35

  5. Again sob, can’t wait till we have a decent internet connection…bookmarked Sam ? until that time.

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