Jul 042018

I’m in a hurry today, because Wendy’s niece is coming an hour early.  I’m tired, because Safeway.com delivered my food over four hours late yesterday.  The heat wave is here.  UGH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:18 (average 6:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Prime Miniter [sic] Mark Rutte gives President Trump a lesson in being a world leader


He demonstrated that he alone understood trade. Kudos to the Netherlands. However, Donald Duck could give Resident Trump a lesson in being a world leader. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Right-wing media repeatedly incite violence

Barf Bag Alert!!


Criminal violence is the long term Republican way. Remember "Kill a commie for Christ"? RESIST!! THINK BLUE!!

From Crooks and Liars: Ever wonder what a real political interview sounds like? You’re not ever going to see anything this pointed, this direct on American cable news, so be prepared to get startled a little by what real journalism looks like.


Animae, may we steal that interviewer? We’ll give you Jeanine Pirro in return. Winking smile  RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 032018

Safeway.com is due in the next 75 minutes.  I hope they don’t screw up.  I’m also enjoying the last cool morning before the heat wave hits.  It will last through mid-July or longer.  This is my only article today, and I will not be sending links messages on Care2.  I’m still waiting for Safeway to deliver.  They are now over 2 1/2 hours late.  AAAARRRRHHHHHHHH!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:20 (average 5:39).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): ZERO TOLERANCE Parody of "Casual Conversation"

Barf Bag Alert!!


Spot-on, but he could have done it without nekkid Trump! YUCK!! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: Special Report: What Can We Do?



From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Fox’s Judge Jeanine Pirro goes bananas



Pirro wants an example? Trump, Congressional Republicans, Republican pundits, Faux Noise, Putin, and the entire FSB (formerly KGB) ganged up on Hillary Clinton. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



Pithy Progressive #10

 Posted by at 8:42 am  Politics
Jul 032018

Sean Patrick Maloney is a Congressman from New York’s 18th District. But he is running in November to be the Attorney General of the State. I received an email from him which caused me to drop my jaw – not that I didn’t know that certain feminine products are taxed by many states on the grounds thay they are luxuries; I was aware of that. (Sean may have had to look it up for this, but he knows now.) The whole thing is just so petty that I think it needs to be shared as necessary, up to November and likely beyond.

Bustle dot com picked up the story, as did a couple of other outlets, but I wouldn’t call it wide exposure at this point. I am furnishing the link, though I’ll mostly quote the email – which is a trifle less organized, because he is PISSED OFF.

The Republican leadership in Congress just PUNISHED my office for buying tampons for our staff and visiting constituents, Joanne.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Last week, I made the “mistake” of including feminine hygiene products in my office’s purchases — along with tissues, hand sanitizer, and first-aid supplies.

And now, the GOP is DEMANDING that I personally write a check to reimburse the $37.16 we spent on feminine hygiene products, because in their own words, “tampons are NOT office supplies”. They think they’re a luxury.

Joanne, this incident says everything you need to know about how the Republican Party views women.

I’m running to be New York’s next Democratic Attorney General because we must fight back against this type of discrimination our mothers, sisters, and daughters continue to face everyday.

In 2016, the State of New York stopped taxing women’s periods by ending its discriminatory ‘tampon tax.’

Because Joanne, women shouldn’t be punished for simply being women.

Women’s rights aren’t a matter of convenience — they’re a matter of equal justice under the law.

But the GOP is hanging on to their aging, sexist policies that are clearly discriminatory towards women.

At a time when the U.S. Supreme Court could be shaped in Donald Trump’s image for a lifetime, we need to elect leaders who won’t hesitate to take down these blatantly sexist policies.

Let’s put an end to these ludicrous, sexist policies, Joanne.

Sean Maloney for New York

-Sean Patrick Maloney
Candidate for New York Attorney General


I don’t put links to donation sites in these posts; though of course they are not hard to find, I want to be reportorial raather than pushy.

Bustle did point out a couple of things Sean left out, such as the roughly $5.9 BILLION that women in the US need to spend each year on sanitary supplies. (Now you know why many women do the happy dance when they reach the age of menopause. But I assure you, and our younger sisters, that we haven’t forgotten what it was like.) Oh, and the fact that the House Administration Committee claims he is lying. (I know who I would and wouldn’t believe, and I’ll bet you do too.) And the fact that Sean wrote his personal check to the committee – while making the Twitter video he posted to publicize the insanity – sorry, that’s insanitea.

I’m sure I don’t need to point out that the next Attorney General of New York will inherit any and all cases regarding Donald J. Trump, his family, and his staff, and the breach by any of them by any laws of the State of New York. Not living in New York, I can’t vote for him, but I certainly encourage anyone who can to do so.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.


Poll Results – 7/2/2018

 Posted by at 12:12 pm  Blog News, Politics
Jul 022018

Here are the results of our “Bee v. Trump" poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.


And here are your comments:

Showing comments 112 of 12.

Posted by Joanne D  June 24, 2018 at 9:55 am. From: CO (US


Has anyone besides me noticed that the phrase, "

less country," as in "Under Trump, we have become a

less country," is starting to catch on?


Posted by Lynn Squance  June 12, 2018 at 11:04 pm. From:  BC (CA)


Had Ivanka been younger, as in a minor child, this borders on child abuse. Since she is not a minor, Drumpf is just displaying his licentious behaviour and disrespect for his daughter. While I am not a fan of this c word, Sam is making a point in political comedy. Ivanka made herself a target of such comedy by propping up daddy.


Posted by Mitch D.  June 11, 2018 at 2:01 pm. From:  NJ (US)


Trump was talking about his very own daughter, and that was out of bounds, by far!!!!!!!!!!!


Posted by Yvonne White  June 4, 2018 at 7:38 am. From:  IL (US)


While I loathe the "c" word, if the shoe fits..;) Trump encourages sexists, racists, pedophiles (one is running in Virginia!), and horrible deplorables all across the nation & nobody seems to be up to burning him out of the White House..:(


Posted by gene  June 4, 2018 at 6:09 am. From:  MN (US)


I went with the majority here. I think what Donald did was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard a father say about his own daughter. I don’t care what he thinks, but to say that out loud and on air? Well, that’s just ugly as can be. Which is no surprise in regards Donnie. He’s the most crass person to ever inhabit the Oval Office in every way.


Posted by Vivian B  June 4, 2018 at 5:44 am. From:  OK (US)


tRump commenting about his daughter was totally disgusting! Anyone that would say anything close to what he said should be investigated for ALL the rapes, sexual assaults and just plain creepiness! But the rethuglicans will just let it slide off his back and keep going! That’s why we ALL HAVE TO VOTE! And VOTE BLUE!!!!


Posted by Lona Goudswaard  June 4, 2018 at 3:43 am. From:  (NL)


The incestual undertones makes everything Drumpf says about Ivanka disgusting, especially when as a father he’s rating his own daughter like a prized cow.


Posted by Katie and Bill Dresbach  June 4, 2018 at 3:35 am. From:  OH (US)


He said this about his own daughter? No one I know would. Dirty old man


Posted by Nita L  June 3, 2018 at 3:31 pm. From:  TX (US)

I voted that Trump was worse.


Posted by Animae  June 3, 2018 at 12:36 pm. From:  (AU)

i voted ‘trump was worse’


Posted by Pat B  June 3, 2018 at 10:45 am. From:  TX (US)


Who in their right mind would say something like that about their daughter? Or anyone for that matter? He’s a disgusting perv, and talks/looks at her like candy. He’s a revolting pos, and there’s no excuse. imho.


Posted by joanne D  June 3, 2018 at 9:51 am. From:  CO (US)


As strongly as I feel about this, I may struggle a little to explain it. Mainly I am basing it on where respect is due. A father owes respect to his daughter because she is his flesh and blood; he is responsible, both for making her, and also for taking care of her, including protecting her. Donald’s remark was the opposite of that. Now, Ivanka has some position in the White House, and with that go responsibilities, including the responsibility of being a decent human being (and yes, I know n one in the White House is up to that; therefore NONE of them has earned any respect.) Whereas a citizen has a right and duty to call out bad behavior by officials to the degree the behavior is bad. Doing so is not disrespect if the behavior deserved it. This did.


And then, of course, I also agree with Sally Field.

I voted for the obvious choice for the obvious reasons.  Score one for Thunder!

The new poll is up.  Vote!  Then…



Jul 022018

I’m back in the saddle again today.  Yesterday, Katie was very efficient.  I was glad to have her, even if she wasn’t WWWendy.  Tomorrow  I have a grocery delivery coming from Safeway.com  I’d rather not use them, but Store to Door is closed for the 4th, and WWWendy is out of town.  The extra time that will take is likely to limit me to a Personal Update or and Open Thread, with no links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:04 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: How to Prevent Future Trumps

The Reich on the left is 100% right. Those are the things we need to do, which is why I have maintained that Democrats need to focus more on economic issues, while standing strong on social issues. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NY Times: Riding a wave of populist anger fueled by rampant corruption and violence, the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected president of Mexico on Sunday, in a landslide victory that upended the nation’s political establishment and handed him a sweeping mandate to reshape the country.

Mr. López Obrador’s victory puts a leftist leader at the helm of Latin America’s second-largest economy for the first time in decades, a prospect that has filled millions of Mexicans with hope — and the nation’s elites with trepidation.

The outcome represents a clear rejection of the status quo in the nation, which for the last quarter century has been defined by a centrist vision and an embrace of globalization that many Mexicans feel has not served them.

Mexican voters are smarter than US voters. They elected a progressive, not a Nazi. Kudos to Mexico. Obrador is anti-Trump! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: During an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, Tapper noted: “You’re going to get a lot of pressure from groups and individuals who support abortion rights and one of the things that they think about you is that you get played by these judges and that ultimately, if you vote to support whoever President Trump nominates presuming the person comes from the list of 25, that one of your longest lasting legacy is likely going to be you vote to confirm a justice that ultimately tipped the balance of political power on court and voted to overturn [Roe v. Wade].

Collins, however, defended her record.

She is talking about stare decisis. I have no doubt that Trump’s pick will promise to abide by it. Every Republican appointee since Thomas has made that promise, and they were all lying. We can’t depend on Collins. She will probably make sure they give her the answers she needs to goose-step, and claim she was duped later. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 012018

Wendy’s cousin is coming at an off hour, and I have a lot of extra work to do to make the job easier for her.  This is my only article today, and I will not be sending links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:22 (average 5:25).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Think Progress: It’s been less than a week since Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, but already anti-women activists are plotting how best to take advantage of a weakened judicial branch in order to undermine access to safe abortions.

Kennedy was long thought to be the crucial swing vote on any legal challenge to Roe v. Wade, having already upheld the landmark decision in 1992. With his departure, Donald Trump will have an opportunity to nominate a second person to the bench, one who figures to be far less sympathetic towards women’s rights.

In case there was any doubt about the administration’s intentions behind filling Kennedy’s seat, the director of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services Roger Severino appeared at the National Right to Life Convention on Thursday in Overland Park, Kansas and assured the crowd of anti-woman activists that the Trump administration was “just getting started.”,

“Our president is fearless when it comes to life and conscience,” Severino added.

If Trump is able to appoint a crucial fifth anti-woman justice to the Supreme Court, the fate of safe abortions for millions of women across the country will be jeopardized. Already, there are several states that have passed unconstitutional laws aimed at criminalizing abortion. Those laws are facing legal challenges, some of which seem likely to end up before the Supreme Court.

My comment is graphic.




O’ Canada

 Posted by at 1:35 am  Holiday, Politics
Jul 012018

I am proud to be a Canadian Sasquatch and proud of  the Canadian values of diversity, multiculturalism, compassion, equality, and our rights and freedoms.  I am also proud of our prime minister, Justin Trudeau, who has remained polite, professional and focused in the face of personal and national attacks from Drumpf and his minions.  This is not to say that we don’t have our foibles because we do.  But here are 151 facts about Canada that you may not know.

Despite the fact Canada is more than 150 years old, the country is much younger than many other nations.

Still, a lot can happen, and a lot can change, in a century and a half, and our country has metamorphosed many times over that period.

As Canada hits its 151st birthday, here are 151 things to know about Canada’s weather, climate, land, history and people.

1. Canada’s coldest temperature: -63oC

Canada’s coldest day on record is also North America’s coldest day. And it was terrifyingly cold.

The small Yukon hamlet of Snag recorded a temperature -62.8° C on 3 February 1947. It was so cold, in fact, the joke was that the meteorologists couldn’t toast the new record because their alcohol was frozen at the bottom of their thermometers.

The frigid air was so still that exhaled breath made a hissing noise, and lingered in the air for several minutes. Dogs could be heard barking from kilometres away, and exposed skin froze in less than three minutes.

2. Hottest temperature: 45oC

Two communities share the dubious honour of once having been Canada’s hottest-ever places.

On July 5, 1937, at the height of the Great Depression, Midale and Yellowgrass each reached a daytime high of 45oC, almost 20 degrees above either town’s average July highs.

16. Canada is the world’s second most tornado-prone country

Canada sees the second largest number of recorded tornadoes per year: Around 80-100, according to Environment Canada. However, those are just the tornadoes that are confirmed by investigators, and doesn’t count tornadoes that may have gone undetected or uninvestigated in the more empty parts of Canada’s enormous geography.

Even so, that’s well behind the United States, which records 1,000 to 1,200 per year.

17. Canada’s strongest earthquake: West Coast, 1700

Canada’s strongest-known earthquake was an estimated Magnitude 9.0 monster that destroyed at least one village in what is now British Columbia, and caused numerous other deaths when it struck in the Cascadia Subduction Zone, just off the B.C. coast, in January 1700.

Aside from First Nations accounts, it also appears in records in Japan, where people marked a small “orphan tsunami” that had reached the island from all the way across the Pacific.

37. Humidex is a Canadian invention

Thermometer says 25oC, but it “feels like” 30? Meteorologists try to account for that using humidex.

Short for humidity index, it’s actually a Canadian invention, in use since 1965.

38. Canadians also invented the UV index

Another Canadian invention is the UV index, a measure of the strength of the sun’s rays on a given day (UV stands for Ultra-Violet).

First developed in 1992, it was adopted worldwide by the World Health Organization and U.N. Environmental Program.

42. Canada’s national animal: The mighty beaver

The beaver was declared a symbol of the nation in 1975, after centuries of playing an important role in Canada’s development.

Its pelt made it the target of fur traders and trappers, fuelling the growth of the Hudson’s Bay and North West companies, with some 100,000 pelts being exported per year, such that the animal was almost wiped out. Now in no danger of extinction, they’re found in every province and territory.

48. Churchill, Man., is the polar bear capital of the world

The Manitoba port of Churchill has a good claim to being the capital of a polar bear kingdom that stretches across the Arctic region, with the bears a top tourist draw as they roam the shores of Hudson Bay waiting for the water to freeze.

The bears are found all across Canada’s northern coasts, though they are under pressure due to climate change, which is shrinking the sea ice on which they rely for hunting. They are considered a vulnerable species.

54. Second largest country by land area: 9,984,670 km2

We’ve got a lot of land! Canada owns the second-largest chunk of real estate on Earth, at around 9,984,670 km2.

That puts us slightly ahead of China and the United States, though still way behind Russia, which is around 17,000,000 km2 in area.

55. Longest coastline in the world: 202,080 km

Canada has the world’s single largest ocean coastline, at around 202,080 km according to the measure used by the CIA World Factbook.

If that sounds a little longer than it looks, keep in mind Canada owns numerous islands, including its sprawling Arctic archipelago. Those islands actually account for more than half of the total coastline, according to the Canadian Encyclopedia.

56. Canada owns a LOT of the Arctic

A large part of Canada’s territory is included in its Arctic archipelago, a collection of more than 36,500 islands, 94 of which are larger than 130 km2.

According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, it’s also the largest collection of High Arctic territory held by any nation, with the exception of Greenland, which is mostly ice-covered.

These are 11 of 151 facts about Canada.  Click through the Weather Network article for the other 140.  While you’ll see poutine listed as a Canadian “delicacy”, there is another equally well known delicacy which is very sweet and very tasty, especially if you are a chocolat lover — Nanaimo Bars which originated in the BC city of Nanaimo.  Feast your eyes and salivate!  In addition to the traditional bar, my personal favourites are raspberry, mint and Bailey’s Irish Cream (not shown).


Happy Canada Day

Bonne Fête Canada



