Jul 112018

It’s been a busy sweltering day here in the CatBox.  The heat wave appears to be long term with the coolest day in the next two weeks forecast at 87°.  Store to Door delivered groceries, and I put them away.  WWWendy is coming this evening.  Happy Hump Days to all!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:46 (average 5:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Tales:

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): The Even More Disgraceful Trump Balloon


It looks like the Fuhrer. Every place he goes should make one! Are they also full of flatulence, like him? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Nazi, White Nationalist Running As Republicans | All In | MSNBC


These Republicans are the ones most like Fuehrer Drumpfenfarten! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: A Washington, D.C., man has won a nationwide essay contest on the topic “Why Donald J. Trump Shouldn’t Go to Prison.”

The man, Brett Kavanaugh, received his award for the winning essay at a ceremony at the White House on Monday night.

Kavanaugh’s essay, which was distributed to the press shortly after he was announced as the winner, reads as follows: “Donald J. Trump should never go to prison because he is the President of the United States and the President of the United States is a very important person in the country. It would look bad if visitors from foreign countries came to the United States and asked, ‘Where is your President?’ and we had to say, ‘He is in prison,’ which in my opinion is another reason Donald J. Trump should not go to prison. For these reasons, if I am ever in a position to keep Donald J. Trump from going to prison, I will do that (keep him from going to prison).”

I see Andy is back to straight news again. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




Reject Kavanaugh!

 Posted by at 1:11 pm  Politics
Jul 102018

Donald Trump, Resident of the Republican Reich, has nominated an extreme ideologue, Brett Kavanaugh for Antony Kennedy’s seat on SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD).  If confirmed, he will vote to either overturn or thoroughly undermine Roe v. Wade.  He will vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act.  He will give the NRA whatever they want.  He has opined that sitting Presidents are immune from prosecution and may fire special prosecutors at will.  Reject Kavanaugh!


Because he was a swing-vote in favor of abortion rights, Kennedy’s departure from the court has sparked alarm among abortion rights activists that Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, could be overturned. In addition, Trump has long vowed to appoint justices who would reverse Roe and allow states to determine whether abortion should be legal.

Kavanaugh has not expressed outright opposition to Roe v. Wade.

One of his opinions likely to draw scrutiny from senators is a his dissent from a ruling of the DC Circuit last October that an undocumented immigrant teen in detention was entitled to seek an abortion.

In his dissent, Kavanaugh wrote the Supreme Court has held that "the government has permissible interests in favoring fetal life, protecting the best interests of a minor, and refraining from facilitating abortion." He wrote that the high court has "held that the government may further those interests so long as it does not impose an undue burden on a woman seeking an abortion." He said the majority opinion was "based on a constitutional principle as novel as it is wrong: a new right for unlawful immigrant minors in US government detention to obtain immediate abortion on demand." He added, however, that "all parties to this case recognize Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey as precedents we must follow."…

Inserted from <CNN>

Republicans claim that it’s OK for moderate and DINOs to vote for him because he acknowledges Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey as "precedents we must follow."  Their deception is glossing over the reason why.  Because appellate courts may not overturn precedent, he HAD to follow it, but if appointed, he could set new precedent.

That article only discussed abortion.  Here is Lawrence O’Donnell interviewing Elisabeth Warren on Kavanaugh’s other positions.

Can there be any doubt?

In the above graphic, my Senator, Jeff Merkley [D-OR], made his position clear.  Here’s a bit of what he says:

Tell the U.S. Senate: REJECT Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court!

Donald Trump’s first choice to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, has shown himself to be a right-wing activist, backing recent decisions to uphold Trump’s Muslim Ban, gut workers’ rights, attack women’s health care, and undermine voting rights.

Now, Trump has nominated another extremist, Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is someone who argued that sitting presidents should be immune from prosecution, and that the president has the sole power to appoint and fire special prosecutors at will. And he was on the hand-picked list put together by right-wing activists who want to overturn Roe v. Wade, marriage equality, coverage for preexisting conditions, and more.

To sign Jeff’s petition, click here.

Whatever it takes, Kavanaugh must be stopped!



Jul 102018

It’s a muggy day, here in the CatBox.  It was supposed to be be cloudy, but the sun is on the wall, so there will be no break from the heat wave.  I had a ton of paperwork to do this morning, but I still managed to finish my research.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:18 (average 6:12).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Liz Crokin Says Trump Has Confirmed That ‘Pizzgate Is Real’

Barf Bag Alert!!


When Trump confirms something is real, that proves that it’s bullshit! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Admin. Won’t Meet Child Reunification Deadline


In reality, those children have rights, but in a Republican Reich all children’s rights end at birth. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: Trump and the GOP want to hold onto their control of the U.S. Senate more than anything in the world. They want it so bad they were willing to go to Moscow and telegraph their new quarterback, Vladimir Putin, to run the same play he ran in 2016, the one where Russian Internet trolls carpet-bombed Facebook and Twitter, spreading nasty smears about Hillary Clinton and thereby allowing Donald Trump to slither into office.  Hell, all Trump had to do for this gesture of friendship was launder a hundred million or so in dirty Russian money and make a few minor foreign policy adjustments. Oh, and find a workaround to those pesky sanctions, too.

You can’t argue with that kind of success. The GOP knows that its base only wants a win, and as Trump demonstrated, it doesn’t matter much to those folks in the heartland how you get there. Besides, their constituents are now practically lining up in red states to learn Russian.

Republicans don’t need to rush to learn Russian. If they have their way, Russian will soon be available in US public schools, where English will be taught only as a second language. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



For Ogling Only

 Posted by at 12:57 pm  Politics
Jul 092018

Now, if I were to tell you that I have never, or do never, enjoy the delights of gazing upon the female form, I’d either have to admit I was lying or turn in my TomCat ID card.  However, even I realize that breasts have a primary purpose, and for that purpose, nothing is better.  However, it appears that the Republican Reich wants to make them for ogling only!


A resolution to encourage breast-feeding was expected to be approved quickly and easily by the hundreds of government delegates who gathered this spring in Geneva for the United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly.

Based on decades of research, the resolution says that mother’s milk is healthiest for children and countries should strive to limit the inaccurate or misleading marketing of breast milk substitutes.

Then the United States delegation, embracing the interests of infant formula manufacturers, upended the deliberations.

American officials sought to water down the resolution by removing language that called on governments to “protect, promote and support breast-feeding” and another passage that called on policymakers to restrict the promotion of food products that many experts say can have deleterious effects on young children.

When that failed, they turned to threats, according to diplomats and government officials who took part in the discussions. Ecuador, which had planned to introduce the measure, was the first to find itself in the cross hairs.

The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

This shows just how low Republicans will to increase profits for the greedy.

Jul 092018

It’s a slow day for news, dominated by speculation over Trump’s choice of fascists this evening.  I had a busy morning juggling medical mayhem.  I rescheduled my Cat Scan.  After thinking it over, I decided that I could not inflict myself on them, stripped down after three days in the 90°s without a shower.  I rescheduled to a Thursday, the day after shower day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:49 (average 4:22).  To do it click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Current Affairs: [F]or a person who runs a “current affairs” magazine, I often know embarrassingly little about what is going on in my immediate vicinity. I’m often preoccupied with the national and international at the expense of the local. So I did not realize, until I bumped into it while wandering through my neighborhood, that New Orleans was going to have a demonstration against Trump’s immigration policies yesterday. I came upon it entirely by surprise. Which, in retrospect, was entirely the best way to find it. There is nothing quite like walking alone through a city and suddenly finding yourself surrounded by thousands of sympathetic comrades and friends, demonstrating for an important humanitarian cause.

That author is a lucky fellow! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Crooks and Liars: Normally, I don’t buy into "lesser-of-two-evils" politics. If Democrats nominate a corrupt reactionary Blue Dog I’m at least as incensed as I am over a Republican. That’s not going to change either. And, I’m still saying that "normally" no longer applies, not with Trump and his Congressful of enablers and rubber stamps. I’m telling friends and relatives– my sister lives in Jeff Van Drew’s district– to just hold their noses and vote for anyone with a "D" next to their name.

As Digby has been saying since he moved into the White House, we’re in existential territory here. Boxing in Trump is more important than anything….

…That said, there’s no need to stop reminding the establishment Democratic Party that we need them to stop turning off the base with their Blue Dog/New Dem agenda and their uncontrollable hatred for the Democratic grassroots, for progressives and for the kind of reform that will cut off the spigots of money and power that motivates the careerism of the Hoyers, Wasserman Schultzes, Crowleys (buh bye) and the mirror images the DCCC keeps recruiting as candidates.

The DCCC is now whining how progressives have to get on board the unity train and pull together to elect a Democratic Congress to stop the boogie man in the White House. They’re correct. What they’re not correct about is that that’s a one-way street.The same thing is happening with progressive primary winners all over the country– including in must-win swing districts! Blue America has a page for that: Abandoned By The DCCC.

There are men and women– mostly women– on this list who won their primary races and who the DCCC is refusing to recognize while they’re asking progressives to support wretched Blue Dogs and New Dems because… "TRUMP!" [emphasis original]

Establishment Democrats need to support progressive nominees. Progressives need to support establishment Democratic nominees.  We can fight amongst ourselves after Trump and his Reich are defeated. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Caller: Conservative groups are rolling out million dollar ad buys Monday evening immediately after President Donald Trump announces his pick to replace outgoing Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.

Judicial Crisis Network (JCN), a conservative political organization, is launching a $1.4 million ad campaign Monday evening in Alabama, Indiana, North Dakota, and West Virginia. The ads will start right after Trump announces his nominee at 9 p.m. Monday night, featuring an introductory bio on the nominee. In addition to running in those four states, the ads will run on national cable and digital media.

The buy comes after JCN rolled out a seven-figure ad campaign supporting Justice Neil Gorsuch — Trump’s first nominee to SCOTUS. The ad, much like Monday’s, targets vulnerable Democratic senators up for re-election in November in states Trump won in 2016.

In total, JCN will spend $2.4 million backing Trump’s nominee in national cable, broadcast and digital media.

They don’t care which, because they are all goose-steppers, and all will trash YOUR rights. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



What Happened to Bill?

 Posted by at 1:07 pm  Politics
Jul 082018

I wondered yesterday what had happened to Bill Maher, since I usually post his Friday night clips on Saturday.  It turns out he was doing a special in Oklahoma.   

I’m sorry but YouTube took the clip down. 🙁

Bill Maher went to Oklahoma to perform for his live HBO special, opening with a bit about how much he loves both Red State liberals and Millennials who don’t need “Safe Spaces.”

It was a theme he continued to return to throughout the hourlong special, in which he poked at liberals for making room for Trump with their own brand of extremism.

Specifically, he said #MeToo is an important issue for Democrats—provided they don’t get off track.

“Liberals have the high ground on this issue—let’s not veer off, as we so often do, into that weird place where we look ridiculous,” Maher said…

Inserted from <Raw Story>

Instead of the small clip embedded in the article, I found the entire thing for you.




Jul 082018

It’s very muggy here in the CatBox.  WWWendy is cooking up a tray of super hot taco pasta, specially designed for northward travel.  Enjoy Your Sunday.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:33 (average 5:01).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Newsweek: Throughout the country, a record number of white nationalists and anti-Semites are running for election this year, many of whom have shown no signs of hiding their views. Among them is John Fitzgerald, who since winning enough votes in June to compete for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives this November has reportedly appeared on several neo-Nazi podcasts.

Last month, Fitzgerald came second in a top-two primary with nearly 25 percent of the vote, which was more than 20,000 votes, and will face off against incumbent Democrat Mark DeSaulnier in November’s midterms. After the primary, the California Republican Party said they do not support the Holocaust-denier who is running as a Republican.

“The California Republican Party’s Board of Directors took swift and decisive action to eliminate any support for John Fitzgerald.

Now that Republicans have the candidate they wanted, they are just pretending they don’t want him. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Politifact: Most political scientists we spoke to said Democrats have no procedural tools at their disposal to delay a Supreme Court confirmation until the midterms.

However, there is an extreme and untested option Senate Democrats could use to try to block the vote, according to Gregory Koger, a political science professor at University of Miami.

At least 51 Senators must be present in the chamber to establish a quorum, the minimum number of members needed to debate and vote. Without a quorum, no business can be conducted. That includes confirmation votes on Supreme Court nominees.

While Republicans currently hold 51 seats, Arizona Sen. John McCain’s failing health has prevented him from voting since last December. If all 47 Democrats (and two Independents) agreed not to attend, Republicans would be unable to maintain a quorum, rendering them unable to confirm a nominee.

Bust the Quorum!! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Former President George W. Bush is eagerly counting down the days until he is no longer the worst President in U.S. history, Bush confirmed on Tuesday.

Speaking to reporters at his home, Bush said that he “could hardly wait” until Friday, when he will be officially bounced from the worst-President slot.

“I have to admit, I never thought I’d see this day in my lifetime,” the former President said. “When you leave office with the nation in smoldering ruins, you sort of come to accept that you’re gonna be worst for a long, long time.”

“I guess you could say I set the bar kind of high, worst-wise,” he chuckled.

As the returns came in on Election Night, however, the former President suddenly realized that his days as the worst President in U.S. history might be coming to an abrupt end.

But Andy, Bush will still be the worst President in history, and Trump, the worst Resident. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 072018

Try to imagine yourself as a refugee parent.  ICE has ripped your young child from your arms.  You heard him screaming as they took him away.  Finally you learn that the US government has promised to reunify families, and you desperately wait to get your son back.  Then the government gives your son to a US family and deports you to your home country.  Can you imagine how you would feel?  What kind of people actually do such things?

El Salvador Desperate Migrants

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) said Friday that Trump administration officials have told him and his staff that they view placing separated migrant children in foster care as an equivalent to reuniting them with their families.

“The secretary told us on a conference call they do not have an intention to reunify these children with their parents,” Inslee said on MSNBC’s “All in With Chris Hayes,” appearing to refer to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar.

They’re going to call it good if they can find anybody else who can serve as a foster parent or anybody else who can serve as familial relationship, and these kids don’t even know these strangers,” he continued.

Inslee claimed that the Trump administration doesn’t plan on complying with a court order requiring that officials reunify all of the immigrant children separated from their families at the border under a since-ended Trump policy.

It’s clear they do not intend to be humane and it’s clear they will continue on this course until he is removed from office,” the governor said, referring to Trump.

Inslee and five other Democratic governors signed a letter Friday to Trump officials, saying they were “deeply concerned that wholly inadequate resources and procedures are in place to ensure children and parents are reunified safely and securely.”

The letter also states that during a June 29 meeting with governors’ offices, administration representatives “shared that reunification may include the placement of separate children with any long-term sponsor,” including long-term foster care.

“If true, this interpretation appears to blatantly ignore the terms of the court order,” the letter reads.

Democratic Govs. Andrew Cuomo (New York), Dannel Malloy (Connecticut), Tom Wolf (Pennsylvania), Phil Murphy (New Jersey) and Kate Brown (Oregon) also signed the letter…. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Hill>

Here is Chris Hayes as he interviewed Jay Inslee (D).

I asked what kind of people actually do such things.  Only one kind could be so vile: Republicans.


