Everyday Erinyes #128

 Posted by at 7:31 am  Politics
Jul 142018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Cairo, Illinois is the southernmost town in Illinois. It sits in a little pocket formed by the Missouri and Ohio Rivers as they flow into each other to become the Mississippi River. On the other side of the Missouri River is Missouri; on the other side of the Ohio River is Kentucky.

Google map of Cairo, Illinois

Cairo has a history, starting in the first half of the nineteenth century when multiple attempts were made to establish it (chartered 1818, settled 1836-37, collapsed 1840, re-chartered 1857, and this time it took off.) Not all of the history is pretty. In 1842, after the first collapse, Charles Dickens visited it. He used it as the prototype for the City of Eden in Martin Chuzzlewit. I haven’t read all of Dickens, and Martin Chuzzlewit is one I have missed, but apparently, for City of Eden, read Republic of Gilead.

After the re-chartering in 1857, Cairo enjoyed a period of prosperity through trade. In 1862, General Grant made it a headquarters, and had Fort Defiance built there, but this diverted much of its trade commerce to Chicago (where the railroads went), and it never really recovered. Instead, its economy devolved into agriculture, lumber, and sawmills.

Being, as it was, at an important confluence of important rivers, and with steamboat transportation increasing, it couldn’t be kept totally down, and the railroads returned, and the ferry industry took off, since there were no bridges. By the early 1900s, it had seen a number of mansions and public buildings erected, many of which still exist and are on the National Register of Historic Places.

Race relations were abysmal, and lynchings were sufficiently prevalent that even some whites were lynched (by other whites). Bridges constructed in 1929 and 1937 ended the ferry industry, and we all know what the airlines did to the railroads everywhere, so the 20th century was one of economic decline for Cairo. Not that they would have anyway, but with many jobs lost by the 1960s, the white population of Cairo did not take kindly to the Civil Rights Act, nor to any persons of color attempting to exercise their civil rights.

The Interstate being built in 1978 to bypass Cairo was its economic death knell. From its highest population of 15,203 in 1920, it had fallen to 2,831. Why am I going through all of this? Because, already a ghost town, it has become a target for Ben Carson’s HUD.

In April 2017, Demarion Duncan learned he’d have to move. That in itself would not be the end of the world; the McBride public housing project in Cairo, Illinois, where the 12-year-old Duncan lived with his mom, dad, and two younger siblings, was falling apart…. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development had been debating what to do with public housing in Cairo for seven years and two presidential administrations, since federal inspections first uncovered grift, decay, and racial discrimination at the Alexander County Housing Authority. The mostly black residents of McBride and Elmwood, a sister project nearly two dozen blocks north that housed about 80 families, lived in squalor, while the white housing authority brass, under Executive Director James Wilson, blew public funds on boozy Vegas getaways and prioritized maintenance of the predominantly white high-rise across town. In the final year of the Obama administration, HUD placed the housing authority under receivership, but it left the future of Cairo’s public housing unresolved.

Ben Carson resolved public housing in Cairo by destroying it. Well, except the white part. He condemned McBride and Elmwood and gave residents a year to move out, on the grounds that Cairo was a dying town. (One suggestion was that a few tenants of McBride – there would not be room for all – could move into the white project. In a town with a history like Cairo’s, if I were a person of color, I would not be happy about that prospect, even though it might be the only way not to have to leave town.) Demarion Duncan and his classmates were facing the prospect of being scattered all over the midwest. Now in sixth grade, they had mostly been classmates forever. With the help of their teacher, Mary Beth Goff, they wrote letters to Ben Carson.

Magnolia Manor, a post-bellum Victorian mansion, now being operated as a museum in Cairo, Illinois

I won’t go into detail on the letters’ content. Some are cited and quoted in Mother Jones. They were mailed in April 2017.

Carson found himself on the defensive. The students made CNN. The president watches CNN. Carson wrote back promptly. In a warm but brief letter, he thanked the students for their messages. “You are living proof of the old saying, ‘Home is where the heart is,’” he wrote. In a separate letter to the superintendent, he got to the point. “I’ve had teams of experts searching for any viable solution to preserve affordable housing opportunities in Cairo, from rebuilding to utilizing manufactured housing,” he wrote. “Sadly there are very limited viable financial options for a nearly bankrupt housing authority.”…

“The kids said, ‘We don’t even think he read our letters,’” Goff told me. “There’s no way he could have read what we wrote” and written what he did.”

A lot has been said about Ben Carson not knowing what he is doing. Well, “Carson may not know what he’s doing, but he knows what he wants. He once told an interviewer that poverty is ‘more of a choice than anything else’; by proposing to raise rents in subsidized buildings, slash budgets, and tear down homes, Carson and the Trump administration are forcing the working poor to choose something else.

The infamous Ben Carson

I worry about everyone living in subsidized housing. The minimum rent has been $50 per month for some time. Carson has proposed tripling that. I am not in subsidized housing, I have a mortgage, but I can certainly tell you I could not afford to triple my mortgage payment. I could not afford to triple just the principal payment, leaving the interest and escrow constant. Heck, I could not afford to increase it by the $100 that tripling the minimum would impose on the poorest of the poor. Of course, states have some say in how these things are administered. The Mother Jones article will tell you plainly, if not using my words, that Illinois is not there for these people of Cairo.

Dear Furies, this story, which I have really just skimmed over, is as convoluted as – well, as a federal witch hunt would be if there were such a thing. You will have to call up every unnamed Fury to begin to deal with it (I hope some are trained as accountants.) We have to try.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.


The Piñata Hit Back!

 Posted by at 1:06 pm  Politics
Jul 132018

Yesterday Conspiracy Theorist Trey Gowdy [R-SC] and his Republican mob of Benghazi bullshitters in the House of planned a massacre of Peter Strzok, former Chief of Counterespionage at the FBI.  They expected an easy time.  They would bust him up like a piñata to discredit the Mueller investigation and protect their Fuhrer, Putin’s Pervert, from his criminal conspiracy to steal the 2016 Presidential election with Russian help.  The piñata hit back.  Not only did Peter Strzok hold his own, he also left Gowdy and his lackeys looking like the fools they are.


TEMPERS BOILED over on Capitol Hill Thursday as Peter Strzok, the FBI official at the center of President Trump’s attempts to discredit special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, testified before a joint meeting of two House oversight committees. With all its yelling and interruptions, the hearing was a fitting coda to the hyperpartisan farce of an investigation that House Republicans have conducted into the FBI and Mr. Mueller’s Russia probe.

Republicans spent hours parsing text messages and waving documents in the air. But all of it, just like most of the broader House investigation, was a distraction from this central point about the conspiracy narratives the president and his defenders have been cooking up about the FBI: If the agency had been trying to harm Mr. Trump’s campaign, agents could have released damaging information on pro-Trump Russian interference before Election Day — and they did not.

The investigators certainly had a lot they could have spilled. “In the summer of 2016, I was one of a handful of people who knew the details of Russian election interference and its possible connections with members of the Trump campaign,” Mr. Strzok said. “This information had the potential to derail, and quite possibly, defeat Mr. Trump. But the thought of exposing that information never crossed my mind.”

Whether you believe Mr. Strzok’s account of what he was thinking, the fact is that the FBI said little about Russian meddling before Election Day 2016. There simply was no effectuated plot to harm Mr. Trump’s electoral chances.

For his part, Mr. Strzok could not argue his way out of responsibility for his now-famous 2015 and 2016 text messages expressing strong anti-Trump views, as well as criticisms of other 2016 presidential candidates. Yet the messages are not proof of anything other than Mr. Strzok’s personal feelings — and, in committing them to writing on company equipment, his poor judgment. Republican arguments presumed that Mr. Strzok’s opinions were tantamount to corrupt behavior. As Lawfare’s Susan Hennessey, a former National Security Agency lawyer, put it, “What is actually on display here is House GOP members demonstrating that they cannot even conceive of the possibility someone could place duty and institutional integrity over base political and personal interests.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

The story would not be complete without the extremely thorough coverage Rachel Maddow provided.  It’s almost 19 minutes long and worth every second.

Could Gowdy and his vile minions have looked more absurd?



Jul 132018

Here at the CatBox the heat wave continues.  It’s so bad I smell like Saturday night on late Thursday morning.  TGIF, and I get to cross your path today.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:40 (average 4:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Was John Kelly Really Just Hangry [sic] At NATO Breakfast?


Dang! Who stole Kelly’s breakfast? Or could it be that Upchuckabee-Sanders was, as usual, lying? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: 7 Truths About Immigration


The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Right on the Right, the Republican Reich, is full of racist Trump crap! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Queen Elizabeth II has cancelled a scheduled Friday meeting with Donald J. Trump after complaining of a “flare-up of bone spurs,” Buckingham Palace has confirmed.

The announcement took many royal watchers by surprise, because in her sixty-six-year reign the Queen had never before complained of bone spurs.

But, according to the Queen’s spokesman, Peter Rhys-Willington, Elizabeth had intentionally kept her chronic bone-spur condition a closely guarded secret until now.

Oh Andy! The poor Queen! I suggest that she flush one Trump and get lots of bed rest. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 132018

First, the old adages “Too cute by half” and “Be careful what you wish for …” apparently were totally foreign to felon-in-waiting Paul Manafort and his team of “legal beagles”.

For weeks they endlessly whined to U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis that having Manafort jailed (as a VIP) in a facility two hours south of Washington was impeding their ability to defend their client – to the point they wanted his trial delayed.

But the wise Judge solved the problem by moving Manafort from the plush Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw (Virginia – not Poland) …


To the much closer Truesdale Adult Detention Center in Alexandria


OOPS!  Manafort’s “legal beagles” realized their bigly error and begged the Judge to stop the move because of concern for Manafort’s safety.  But Judge Ellis would have none of it, assuring them that officials at the federal lockup in Alexandria have experience handling inmates such as “foreign and domestic terrorists, spies and traitors.”

But it truly is a step down from his other homes, like his condo that the FBI raided last August, and where he was able to stay under house arrest until he got caught tampering with witnesses.

(Judge Ellis is handling the Virginia case against Manafort, where he faces charges of bank fraud, tax evasions and failure to report foreign bank accounts.  But Manafort also faces additional charges in Washington for money laundering, failing to register as a foreign agent and witness tampering.)

Poor, poor Paulie … it’s a shame you are THAT STUPID!

But on an even brighter note is the great success the folks of the UK, and their snarling baby blimp, had in making Twitler feel – in his very own words – “UNWELCOMED”!

After his fiasco performance flop at the NATO conference …

(I will say one thing for Twitler, he does “CLUELESS” even better than Dubya did.  And no, that picture is NOT Photoshopped.)

He went to visit Prime Minister May in London.  Here he is arriving on Air Force One

The highlight for us – and the lowlight for him – was that snarling, diapered baby blimp in bright orange with his trademark white tanning goggle marks.

So Twitler decided to hightail it out of London to the Prime Minister’s country home, Chequers.  But his helicopter was forced to fly directly over a Moat Farm field in Stoke Mandeville with a 650-foot wide … hmmm, errr … greeting … in Russian that’s loosely translates as “FUCK TRUMP”!

(The word in Cyrillic script literally means “whore” – but is commonly used for the “F Word”.  A marketing agency, The Tenth Man, came forward on Thursday to take credit for the prank with the help of artists from Circlemakers.   They reported the circle took over two weeks to design and over 12 hours for a crew to create.)

So THIS is what being well-respected around the world looks like.  Now aren’t you glad Trump was elected to make America so well-respected by our Allies?  </snark>




Trump the Fool!

 Posted by at 12:43 pm  Politics
Jul 122018

The only way to to graph Trump’s foreign policy performance is as an asymptotic equation approaching infinitely bad.  His horrid example at NATO fits that pattern.  He is doing everything inhumanly possible to alienate every friend we have.  And he claims victories to describe his failures.


Donald Trump took to the stage in Belgium to crow about how he scored a major foreign relations victory in getting NATO allies to increase their military budgets—by questioning the value of NATO and threatening to leave the vital military alliance. However, other NATO leaders are already disputing Trump’s statements, making his “victory” over NATO appear as illusory as his “agreement” with North Korea.

After two days in which Trump attacked multiple allies, particularly Germany, and denied that NATO had any value to the United States, Thursday morning he suddenly appeared to make an unscheduled speech, where he declared he has solved the problem of NATO.

Trump: Yesterday I let them know that I was extremely unhappy with what was happening … They have substantially upped their commitment and now we’re very happy and have a very, very  powerful, very, very strong NATO.


Trump tweeted overnight that NATO countries had to up their military budgets “immediately,” perhaps missing that bit where, in democratic nations, leaders don’t have instant, unchecked power to make such commitments. But where Trump’s appearance at last year’s NATO fiasco could be passed off as Trump simply not understanding how the alliance worked or was financed, that was obviously not the case this time.

Instead, Trump set out to “solve NATO” as he solves every other problem. First create the problem, then pretend it’s fixed. Then accept the applause. In this case, Trump didn’t name any country that had upped its commitment to NATO, or point to any real change that had resulted in NATO now “running like a machine” and being “much stronger than it was two days ago.” However, he did toss on more numbers about how much of Germany was controlled by Russia—all of them simply invented.

Meanwhile, the Washington Post reports that other NATO leaders are already stepping forward to deny they’ve changed their commitment for military spending… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

World, please be patient with us.  The American people who think are trying to undo Trump’s Republican Reich.  Whatever boycotts or sanctions you deem necessary, I ask for mercy to the people by targeting Trump’s assets.



Jul 122018

Here at the CatBox the heat wave continues.  Yesterday was bad.  Today will be 8°-10° worse.  Before I go to the rest room, I take off my shirt, so I don’t have to change it, when I get back.  ARGH!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:28 (average 4:26).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Russian TV thrills over Trump’s NATO performance


Putin is probably beaming over quid pro quo. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): How German News Covered Trump’s NATO Visit


I understand it’s really Austrian News. Trump has made the US both a laughing stock and a pariah! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, took a break from the nato summit in Brussels on Wednesday to ask the independent counsel, Robert Mueller, if there is anything she can do to help.

According to those familiar with the phone conversation, Merkel told Mueller that she would take a leave of absence as leader of the German government and move to Washington to work full-time for Mueller “if that would be of assistance.”

Touting her credentials, Merkel told Mueller that she was fluent in Russian and could be helpful in translating the thousands of Russian-language documents that the special counsel has in his collection of evidence.

“I will work for free and pay my for my own food,” Merkel said. “I just want to make this stop.”

Dang Andy! Merkel is more American than Republicans are. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



Only Four!

 Posted by at 12:05 pm  Politics
Jul 112018

When the High Priest of Hatred, aka Donald Trump, went into the business of stealing children from desperate Latinos, he either had no intention of reuniting them, heads a Republican Party too incompetent to reunite them, or both.  Fortunately judges put the Republican Reich under court order to reunite all 102 children five are less by yesterday.  When the deadline had come and gone yesterday, only four kids were back with their families.


As an initial deadline for the Trump administration to reunify separated migrant families arrived Tuesday, desperate parents said they still had no idea when they would see their kids again.

The federal government on Tuesday said that only four — out of 102 — migrant children under 5 years old had been reunited with their parents before the July 10 deadline, according to a court filing from government lawyers. Another 34 could potentially be back with at least one parent by the end of the day, according to federal officials.

"Why was it so easy for them to take our children but so hard to give them back?" asked Digna, a 37-year-old Salvadoran mother who has been separated from her two children since crossing the border in May. "It was traumatic for someone to tell these children they were going to be ripped from their mother’s arms."…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NBC News> 

It turns out that one of the children may actually be a US citizen.  Lawrence O’Donnell has that story and more from the families.

There  is no excuse for this abuse of power by the Racist Republican Reich!  Why racist?  They aren’t abusing people at the northern border, are they?


