No Security for You!

 Posted by at 1:00 pm  Politics
Jul 242018

Little Donnie Diaper Dump is not happy.  He does not think his poo stinks.  Some terrible meanies were so evil, that they actually told the truth that it does.  Little Donnie owns the national security sandbox (very temporarily we hope).  Until then, little Donnie says he won’t let those meanies play with the toys there.


President Donald Trump is considering revoking the security clearances of former intelligence officials who have criticized him and have been the targets of some of his relentless attacks.

The officials include former CIA Director John Brennan, former FBI Director James Comey, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA and National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden, former national security adviser Susan Rice and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters Monday.

Sanders was initially asked about Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) calls for Trump to remove Brennan’s security clearance. Paul claimed on Twitter that Brennan has been “monetizing his security clearance” by criticizing Trump.

“The president doesn’t like the fact that people are politicizing agencies and departments,” Sanders added later, despite the fact that Trump has repeatedly cast doubt on the work of U.S. intelligence agencies and officials and denigrated them.

She also claimed that the former officials have been “making baseless accusations of improper contact and accusing the president of the United States of treasonous activity,” appearing to refer to the investigation into the Trump presidential campaign’s ties to Russia…

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

Is is any surprise that Diaper Dump lies that claims about the treason he committed baseless?

Here’s a video report.

The bottom line is that Trump is being incompetent and petty for threatening to take away what these people either no longer have or don’t need.  None of them would be read into anything requiring a clearance as long as Trump is Fuhrer.  Afterwards, any of them would be qualified for jobs  where they would need it, and it would be granted in a hot minute.



Jul 242018

Welcome to the hot CatBox with 90°s weather and an air quality alert (smog) all week long.  Yesterday’s CAT-Scan (both chest and abdomen) was pretty grim.  The injected dye made me sweat all over, but the worst was the the great big bottle of dye I had to drink for the abdominal portion of the scan.  I had a bad taste in my mouth, and chemical smelling burps and farts for the rest of the day.  I had red-hot burritos for breakfast to overpower the dye.  I’ll get the results next Thursday, but there’s no reason to suspect anything problematic.  I hope you are enjoying your day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:41 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: We’re Living a Constitutional Crisis


Of course the Reich on the Left, Robert Reich, is right, except for one detail. Donald Trump, Fuhrer of the Reich on the Right, the Republican Reich,is a Resident. He is not and never will be a President. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Representative Adam Schiff: Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy Lied About The F.B.I.


Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy won’t be expelled from the House until and unless Democrats take control of the HR. Even then, it might be a bad idea, as the Fuhrer could put them on SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD). RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Remember This?): Dixie Chicks – Not Ready To Make Nice


Fifteen years ago, when they said they were ashamed of GW Bush performed this song, he was the worst occupant of the White House I can remember. Republicans tried to destroy them. Now, Trump is far worse that Bush ever thought of being.  But remember, Trump is just a very blatant form of what the Republican Party has been for decades.  Trump is the tumor.  The Republican Reich is the cancer.  RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 232018

I’m up early to write this before I leave for my CAT-Scan, so I don’t have to do it when I’m queasy from the dye they inject.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:31 (average 4:29).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From The New Yorker: In a series of early-morning tweets on Sunday, Donald J. Trump demanded that the Russian national anthem be played before every National Football League game and that all N.F.L. players stand during the performance.

Trump asserted that playing the Russian anthem was a “necessary gesture of good will from the USA to our No. 1 ally,” and that “any player who refuses to stand for the Russian antem [sic] hates America!”

Seeming to double down on his demand, Trump tweeted that all N.F.L. players must remain standing while the color guard unfurls the flag of the Russian Federation.

Andy, I can believe that! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 222018


Mitch followed Politics Plus and commented for quite some time on Care2, where he had been active since 2010. He started commenting here at the site early in 2016 and won his first two Big Mouth Awards on June 5 and September 2 of that year.  He has commented here virtually every day ever since, but he hasn’t hit the magic number, until now.  He comes from the state, where I grew up, NJ, so he still lives with the constant danger that PIGnocchio will end his life by sitting on him. His comments remain sharp and dry.  His pet peeves are people, who use their religion to promote hatred, bigotry and discrimination.  He’s an advocate for human rights of all kinds, and animal welfare.

As the first to make a comment at the 100,000 level, he won both a Politics Plus mug and a Politics Plus T-shirt.  Unfortunately, for personal privacy reasons, he declined the prizes.  He suggested that perhaps we should auction the prizes by based on Meal Train donations for Sheryl at Care2.  I’m not sure I have the time for such a project, although I have already donated to Sheryl’s fund myself.  Any ideas?

His daily participation here makes life more interesting for us all.  Please be excessive with praise and  kudos for Mitch.  He has earned them.



Jul 222018

WWWendy is due in a half hour and we have a busy morning planned.  Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital for my annual preventive Cat-Scan for cancer.  I should be home before the severe heat of the day, but the dye they inject usually leaves me feeling queasy.  Please don’t be surprised, if I publish the Personal Update and that’s all.  I will not be sending links messages at Care2.  Portland is under an Excessive Heat Watch.  WWWendy kindly offered to do the dreaded task by herself, so I can finish early and rest.  I need to be in the lobby at 6:00 AM in the morning.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Rachel Maddow: We Have To Assume Russians Recorded Trump-Putin Meeting


Nobody farts in Russia without the FSB recording it for Putin [R-RU]. That’s the way Trump wants his control to be here in the US! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NOLA: A CVS pharmacist refused to fill an Arizona transgender woman’s hormone prescription on the basis of moral grounds, according to the Arizona Republic. 

Hilde Hall said she was "elated" when her doctor handed her the prescription for her first round of hormone medication, the Arizona Republic reported. However, instead of walking out of the Fountain Hills CVS with her treatment in hand, Hall said she was denied her hormones and "loudly questioned" by the pharmacist as to why she had the prescription.

The pharmacist also refused to give Hall her prescription note back, according to Arizona Republic, and she left the store feeling "mortified." Hall told her doctor, who sent the order to a Walgreens instead, where Hall was able to get the prescription filled.

According to Arizona Republic, CVS apologized for the incident in a statement… [emphasis added]

And CVS damn well should apologize, and the pharmacist should be fired and lose his license.  Imagine the Republican Reaction, if a pharmacist denied Trump the Preparation H he uses as face cream. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: Glenn Greenwald has a piece up at the Intercept declaring that Julian Assange’s tenure at Ecuador’s London embassy may be coming to an end very soon.

Ecuador’s President Lenin Moreno traveled to London on Friday for the ostensible purpose of speaking at the 2018 Global Disabilities Summit(Moreno has been confined to a wheelchair since being shot in a 1998 robbery attempt). The concealed, actual purpose of the President’s trip is to meet with British officials to finalize an agreement under which Ecuador will withdraw its asylum protection of Julian Assange, in place since 2012, eject him from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, and then hand over the WikiLeaks founder to British authorities.

Now it is Glenn Greenwald, so take it with an appropriately large grain of salt, but apparently this has been in the works for some time.

I hope Greenwald isn’t blowing smoke up our butts, as he so frequently has. However, I’d love to see Assange [R-BS] face comeuppance for his crimes. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




 Posted by at 1:02 pm  Politics
Jul 212018

Every week we sign dozens of petitions, bitch about hundreds of outrages, and more.  Several of my Senators’ and Rep’s Aides recognize my voice.  If I had a nickel for every time I’ve bitched about Putin’s Puppet, we could all retire in style.  But we all need to remind ourselves, every day, about the most important things we need to do, as Frank Bruni explains in this editorial.


We got it wrong in 2016. We can get it right in 2018. There’s a far side to this American disgrace, a way to contain the damage, and it’s both utterly straightforward and entirely effective.

It’s called voting. And from now until Nov. 6, we must stay fanatically focused on that — on registering voters, turning them out, directing money to the right candidates, donating time in the right places.

The moral of the Helsinki freak show, the NATO tragicomedy and the children in cages near the border isn’t just that Donald Trump lacks any discernible conscience, real regard for this country or mature appreciation of history and our exalted part in it. It’s that this next election matters — immeasurably.

There’s no hyperbole in the frequent assertion that it’s the most important midterm in a generation. And those of us rightly appalled by this president must devote as much energy to giving Democrats control of at least one chamber of Congress — and the ability to restrain him — as to finding fresh methods for mocking him. A blimp in a diaper is a hoot. A legislature with its foot on his throat is an insurance policy… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Click through to read the rest of this fine article.  There’s much more there.



Jul 212018

It was cool in the CatBox early this morning, but the sun hit the wall at 7:00 AM, and I had to button up and go to A/C at 7:30.  We have 90°s weather forecast for the rest of the month and beyond.  UGH!  On Monday morning I have my annual preventive Cat-Scan for cancer.  Those things are a rip-off, because I never get to play with the other cat.  In any case, please expect no more than a Personal Update Monday.  I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Why Donald Trump’s Legal Team Would Leak Cohen Playmate Hush Money Tape


I agree with Rachel that the Trump team leaked the tape. Hell! If he had a copy, Trump would leak the Moscow pee-pee tape to distract attention from the Helsinki blowjob. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: The leaders of isis and Al Qaeda said on Friday that they were totally perplexed as to why Donald J. Trump had not yet invited them to the White House.

The terror chiefs said that, as sworn enemies of the United States, they had certainly attacked the country enough to warrant an invitation for an official visit, and possibly a state dinner.

“Maybe we haven’t done anything to directly undermine their democracy—I get that,” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of isis, said. “But we’ve been nemeses of America for years, and that ought to be worth something.”

Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al Qaeda, said that he also feels snubbed. “No invitation. Not even a save-the-date,” he said. “At this point, I’d settle for the White House Easter Egg Roll, but I’m not counting on anything.”

Dang Andy! Do you think the Tangerine Traitor is losing his memory? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Think Progress: The Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services changed or removed information on its website about sex discrimination, according to a new report from the Sunlight Foundation.

The Office for Civil Rights altered this information on several webpages on Section 1557, part of the Affordable Care Act that relates to sex discrimination, between March and August 2017, according to the nonprofit focused on government transparency. Now, mentions of sex discrimination on the basis of gender identity, that relate to requirements for health services for transgender people, “sex stereotyping,” and termination of pregnancy are gone.

Discrimination is now formally approved in the Republican Reich! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!




Everyday Erinyes #129

 Posted by at 10:05 am  Politics
Jul 212018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

I’m not going to try to compete with the horrifying news that is coming out this week, with all its implications, and new facets being examined at least daily. In fact, I’m not going to comment on anything going on in the United States at all. I picked up a story regarding Australia – certainly not wanting to pick on Lona or Animae – but it’s been going on for five years now, very few people outside Australia are aware of it, and it hasn’t been picked up by any other place I go for news, although it’s an AP story, so one would think they would all have received it.

It appears that Australia is having its own issues with refugees and other unexpected immigrants. Now, unlike the US, Australia does not share a land border with any other nation. Oz is therefore unable to set up border checkpoints and keep people from crossing the border.
So, instead, to prevent people coming in boats from staying, they re-boat them.

Australia drew a line in the sand on July 19, 2013, to stem a rising tide of asylum seekers brought by people smugglers on long and treacherous ocean voyages. No refugees who attempted to reach its shores by boat from that date forward would ever be allowed to make Australia their home.

Five years later, the polarizing policy — both lauded as a template for other countries and condemned as a cruel abrogation of Australia’s international obligations — appears to have succeeded as a deterrent. The rickety fishing boats that were arriving from Indonesian ports at a rate of more than one a day have virtually stopped. 

Not that there aren’t other immigration detention facilities, including some operated by the government and some by contractors (in other words, “private prisons.”) But facilities on Australian land (even if that land is an island) are easier to see. People confined in Papua New Guinea are easier to forget. Some have been forgotten for five years.

I am not trying to badmouth the Australian people – just as in the US, there are Australians who are outraged by this situation. In fact, our own Animae has posted a petition to the government to end this suffering – a petition which is close to 30,000 signatures but of course still needs more. On the other hand, many Australians, like Americans, DO approve of this tough refugee policy. which makes it difficult to make changes without repercussions. One expert says of the government “They’ve really painted themselves into a corner.”

Megaera, I assume that, however you all parcel this out, you will be on this situation,since it really exemplifies “grudging” (and stubbornness.) Good luck. You and whoever works with you will need to be creative.

But I don’t want to just stay in Australia – there is a trend surfacing in Ghana which has worldwide implications – and scary ones at that.

We pink (“white”) people are generally aware that our group demonstrates bias against people of color, and that that bias on our part, even if unconscious (or maybe expecially if unconscious) negatively affects their lives. Some of us are also aware that, among people of color, there exists a cultural preference for lighter sking over darker skin – but not every pink person knows even that. We who do tend to just accept it as a fact and not think about it much. But I’m going to make you think about it now.

Products to whiten or lighten the skin have become a multiBillion-dollar market. The cosmetics market in West Africa is dominated by products like these. The use of such products has spread to, and taken hold in, the Caribbean countries and even parts of Asia (as well as throughout the so-called “African diaspora,” which most certainly includes the United States.) Estimates are that 70% of West African women use some kind of bleaching cream, as well as about 35% in South Africa. Some of these products contain hydroquinone, a topical ingredient that disrupts the synthesis and production of melanin, leaving the skin less protected from West Africa’s intense sunshine. Last year Ghana banned such products – but I have no information on this particular black market, so I have no way to know how much may still be getting used in Ghana. Nor do I know how many or which countries have NOT banned hydroquinone. I’m guessing that it’s not banned everywhere.

Per Lafayette College Professor Yaba Blay:

While it’s true that skin bleaching represents a multifaceted phenomenon, with a complexity of historical, cultural, sociopolitical, and psychological forces motivating the practice, the large majority of scholars who examine skin bleaching at the very least acknowledge the institutions of colonialism and enslavement historically, and global White supremacy contemporarily, as dominant and culpable instigators of the penchant for skin bleaching. 

But so far I have only discussed people, primarily women, endangering their own skin, that is not the trend which most concerns me. Rather, it’s this:

A disturbing skin bleaching trend in Ghana has officials worried for the health of pregnant women and their unborn babies….

Ghana’s Food and Drug Authority (FDA) said using Glutathione tablets for skin bleaching purposes is “dangerous” and emphasized that “… no product has been approved by the FDA in the form of a tablet to lighten the skin of the unborn child,” BBC Africa reported. The trend continues to grow, however, with pills being smuggled into the country inside airport luggage, oftentimes in large quantities.

Anyone besides me remember thalidomide?

Of course it is only natural that any woman would want only the best for her child. If cultural preferences for lighter skin over darker are that strong, it is natural that a mother might want to lighten the skin color of her child, if possible.

But it isn’t.

Earlier this year, health officials issued a stern warning against women taking pills during pregnancy to lighten the skin of their unborn children while still in utero. Health experts warned that the illegal drugs could lead to birth defects, as well as cause damage to the baby’s limbs and internal organs. 

This makes me want to cry … not that crying will do any good. Alecto and Tisiphone, maybe you can figure out a way, or ways, to do some good.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.
