Everyday Erinyes #130

 Posted by at 8:10 am  Politics
Jul 282018

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

I received an email from Everytown for Gun Safety (with a petition link) which read, in part,

[W]e may be down to the wire, but we’re putting everything we have into this fight to stop downloadable guns from becoming a reality — and they’re feeling the pressure.

Yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo stated that he will look at the State Department’s decision to allow a company to post its gun blueprints online. This decision would enable anyone, including terrorists, convicted felons, and domestic abusers, to download plans to print functional, untraceable guns out of plastic — and all they would need is a 3D printer. Plus, many of these guns would be undetected by metal detectors, putting our planes, our music festivals, and our government buildings in danger.

BUT — they’re feeling the heat, so we can’t let up just yet! … 

Wondering why I hadn’t heard a whole lot more about this than I have, I went to Snopes to find out more. Well, actually, I went to Google, but from Google I went to Snopes because I trust them to do the homework. The craziness in the world and on the internet has become too much for a Mom-and-Pop site to handle, so there are many new names there since the time when most articles were written by Barbara Mikkelsen, but I still trust the site to have standards, now in their hiring as well as in the actual writing. Here’s what I found out.

What has been going on – and going on since 2013 – is basically one lawsuit by one company which in 2013 developed both software and schematic files which, printed on a 3D printer, allowed anyone who might download these to create a fully functional plastic gun, designed to fire handgun rounds, with interchangeable barrels for different calibers. Besides tha ammunition iitself, the only metal part in the whole thing is a nail which serves as the firing pin.

On May 5, 2013, the company – Defense Distributed – uploaded these files to the internet. Days later, the State Department demanded the files be removed, on the basis that these files were in violation of both the Arms Export Control Act and International Traffic in arms Regulations (ITAR for short).

The files came down, and the founder of Defense Distributed, Cody Wilson, filed a federal lawsuit in the Western District of Te

Photo courtesy of Cody Wilson

xas seeking an injunction to permit the specs to stay on line while he and the State Department were working this out. The request was denied, appealed, denied again, and appealed again, this time to the Supreme Court, which, this last January, declined to hear the appeal.

By July 10, Defense Distributed and the State Department, partly under Rex Tillerson and latterly under Mike Pompeo, had reached a settlement, including that the State Department would issue a public statement specifically excluding 3D printed designs from the ITAR. It also included the provision that “designs for any non-automatic firearms up to .50-caliber, including the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, could be distributed online.”

If this sounds to you like not so much a settlement as a giveaway, you are not alone.

The administration “capitulated in a case it had won at every step of the way,” said J. Adam Skaggs, the chief counsel for the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. “This isn’t a case where the underlying facts of the law changed. The only thing that changed was the administration.”

Alex Kasprak, who completed the article for Snopes, went to a UCLA Law Professor, Eugene Volokh, an expert on the First and Second Amendments to clarify the implications of this case.  Volokh explained that, while a settlement agreement is not technically a legal precedent, this settlement agreement is likely to embolden others to design and publish similar content.

What sets a precedent? A published opinion from a court, preferably an appellate court. But that’s in the narrow sense, the way lawyers would talk about this precedent. If you’re asking whether this settlement will have broader effect on other companies, the answer is absolutely.

This is the federal government, and the federal government usually tries to be fairly consistent in its actions, and it can be easily called on by people if it’s being inconsistent. So the settlement, I think, will have substantial practical effect. Not just in Defense Distributed, but on other companies that are doing similar enough things.

Volokh also stated that he feels the case has not been primarily a Second Amendment case but rather a First Amendment case.

You can, of course, print it in any color.

[I]t’s quite a plausible argument about Defense Distributed’s own rights. It says we want to put up information … and you are stopping us from doing that and stopping us from communicating to other Americans about this sort of thing. So that’s a pretty serious argument.

Where does – where can – the government draw a line on dangerous information? Well, it’s not certain. A case in the late 70’s went to the courts when The Progressive wanted to publish an article titled “The H-Bomb Secret: How We Got It, Why We’re Telling It.” Using zero classified information, but relying only on publicly available data. However, that case was never decided on its merits. It was rendered moot when another publication published the information first.

The court was the Western District of Wisconsin; as I say, they never decided the case, but they did issue a prelimiary injunction against publication, stating

A mistake in ruling against The Progressive will seriously infringe cherished First Amendment rights. If a preliminary injunction is issued, it will constitute the first instance of prior restraint against a publication in this fashion in the history of this country, to this Court’s knowledge.

A mistake in ruling against the United States could pave the way for thermonuclear annihilation for us all. In that event, our right to life is extinguished and the right to publish becomes moot.

So, as of this moment,

As of 1 August 2018, Defense Distributed will start publishing detailed steps on how to create a variety of guns that require no registration or background check to manufacture. While the broader issue may well be litigated further, the current stance of the U.S. State Department is that Defense Distributed will not be violating any export control laws when they do so.

Well, Tisiphone, you represent Vengeful Destruction, but I like to think that what you in fact represent is OPPOSITION to the same. Far more easily than in the 1970’s I see a great potential for proliferation of vengeful destruction in the way this situation is unrolling. Mike Pompeo, according to the email, has promised to “look at it.” Maybe you, or all three of you, can twist his arm, or any other body parts which may occur to you, to get him to look at it in a rational manner and see it rightly. But maybe even that would not help – under the current regime.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.


The Bear Is Hunting Claire

 Posted by at 1:05 pm  Politics
Jul 272018

Back in the 19th century, British journalists used the bear as a derogatory symbol for Russia, calling that nation a brutish bully from the back woods.  Early in this century, Russia adopted the symbol and it now represents the United Russia Party, Putin’s Russian GOP.  Putin’s Pervert may be saying that Russia will interfere in the 2018 midterms to help Democrats, but the bear is after Claire.


The Russian intelligence agency behind the 2016 election cyberattacks targeted Sen. Claire McCaskill as she began her 2018 re-election campaign in earnest, a Daily Beast forensic analysis reveals. That makes the Missouri Democrat the first identified target of the Kremlin’s 2018 election interference.

McCaskill, who has been highly critical of Russia over the years, is widely considered to be among the most vulnerable Senate Democrats facing re-election this year as Republicans hope to hold their slim majority in the Senate. In 2016, President Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton by almost 20 points in the senator’s home state of Missouri.

There’s no evidence to suggest that this attempt to lure McCaskill staffers was successful. The precise purpose of the approach was also unclear. Asked about the hack attempt by Russia’s GRU intelligence agency, McCaskill told The Daily Beast on Thursday that she wasn’t yet prepared to discuss it.

“I’m not going to speak of it right now,” she said. “I think we’ll have something on it next week. I’m not going to speak about it right now. I can’t confirm or do anything about it right now.”

The senator later released a statement asserting that the cyberattack was unsuccessful… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Daily Beast>

Rachel Maddow covered this story in depth.

Here’s the deal.  Despite their threats against Russia and their claims that they are shoring-up the security for the 2018 elections, Trump and the Republican Reich will do everything in their power to enable Russian tampering.  They want to protect the election from voters, not for voters.  That makes it even more imperative that we get out the vote, and to vote strategically, not conscience.



Jul 272018

Here at the CatBox, the heat wave goes on and on and on.  Does anyone have a spare blizzard?  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:40 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Sean Hannity in 2008: “If you cheat on your wife, are you going to be honest with your country?”

Barf Bag Alert!!



From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Who’s Trying to Kill the Affordable Care Act?


The Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is right. The Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, gives us RepubliCare. If you’re rich enough to pay, you get health care. If not, you get the RepubliCare Death Benefit. Republicans allow you to die at no extra charge. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Cohen Prepared To Assert To Mueller Trump Knew About 2016 Trump Tower Mtg.


That’s proof of conspiracy with Putin [R-RU]. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: House Republicans on Thursday accused the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, of “secretly and nefariously” implementing a plot to uphold the United States Constitution.

In a joint press conference, Representatives Mark Meadows, of North Carolina, and Jim Jordan, of Ohio, said that they had “ample evidence” that Rosenstein was prepared to protect the Constitution “by any and all means at his disposal.”

“There is only one way to describe Rosenstein’s obsession with putting the Constitution before all other concerns,” Meadows said. “Conflict of interest.”

“It is almost as if Rod Rosenstein had taken some kind of solemn oath to defend a centuries-old document,” Jordan said. “This should make every American very, very scared.”

It sounds like Andy is reporting straight news, and Rosenstein is guilty. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


Jul 272018

By unanimous acclamation we can now declare the “Mother of The Year Award” goes to … a Common Merganser Duck on Lake Bemidji in Minnesota – who takes care of SEVENTY-SIX ducklings!

Brent Cizek, a wildlife photographer, was blown away when he snapped his first photo on June 27 on Lake Bemidji in Minnesota showing a Momma taking care of 56 ducklings.  It shows how a truly successful family daycare center can be run.

Here’s his story:

Then, as he motored toward the boat slip, Cizek saw something remarkable: a female Common Merganser surrounded by more than 50 little ducklings. While Cizek watched, the little mergansers formed a long, orderly line behind their mom and began swimming away. The scene was too good to pass up.

“I probably shot 50 pictures, and I was just praying that one was going to turn out sharp because the waves were so strong it was nearly impossible to even keep them in the frame,” Cizek says. To further complicate things, he had to alternate between maneuvering his little trolling motor and quickly snapping pictures. “Luckily enough, just one picture turned out.”

Cizek says he has been photographing wildlife in his spare time for about two years and only recently became interested in birds. Last year, he saw a Common Goldeneye with 20 ducklings in tow and thought that was extraordinary. He had no idea ducks could care for so many ducklings—much less 50.


Actually, she’s more likely to be “Grandmother of the Year” or even “Great-Grandmother” as this species of ducks, the Common Merganser, frequently have an older, more experienced mom take care of their duckling in what is called a crèche.

But a week or so later he went back and spotted her caring for 76 ducklings!  And Cizek’s Tweet of July 16th showing a photo of the 76 has been retweeted over three-thousand times.

You can see them in the above Tweet, but you have to scroll down to spot the actual photo of the 76 – maybe 77 ducklings:

 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources area supervisor David Rave believes the leading duck is probably the oldest female duck on the lake.  And that most of the ducks on the lake are likely related.

Rave says that crèches of 20 to 30 are not uncommon (and he’s seen 30-40), and the first photo by Cizek of a crèche of 50 was mind-blowing.  But when Cizek went back a week or so later and found Super Mom increasing her crèche to 76 … well, that’s one for the record books!

The common merganser typically lays up to a dozen eggs at a time, but will often spread them out by laying them in other birds’ nests so as to increase the offsprings’ chances of survival – quite literally following the sage advice of “not putting all your eggs in one basket”.

That way if a racoon invaded her nest and ate the entire brood, their genes would still have a good chance of surviving from her eggs in other nests.

While a good number of the ducklings might be her own, they can’t all be hers.  That’s because it’s physically impossible for her to incubate more than 20 eggs as a max, according to Kenn Kaufman, Field Editor for Audubon.

Truly an amazing sight!  And I think it’s true – he really does love those birds!

But since it’s always good to leave your audience chuckling, I thought you might get a kick out of one of the wise-ass Comments to Cizek’s Tweet:


75 other mama ducks are laughing their tail feathers off while drinking cocktails and watching Real Housewives….

Here’s a post from Cizek’s website featuring a number of photos of the ducklings:








Since most of us will not have a chance to see the Longest Lunar Eclipse of this century, here are a couple of useful Links:

Countdown Clock for Total Lunar Eclipse


Site for Live Streaming the Total Lunar Eclipse




Samantha Bee from 7/25

 Posted by at 2:34 pm  Politics
Jul 262018

It’s that time of week again, so here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night.  Enjoy!

The Spy Who Loved the NRA


When you look at the Republicans she was doinking, she has to be one VERY dedicated spy!

Wait, What Was Watergate Again?



Comedians in Cars with Dissidents Getting Coffee


LOL!! I like Masha.

Thanks and kudos to Sam!



Jul 262018

I’ll be getting this up way late, because I slept poorly last night.  Then  I took a nap this morning and overslept.  Next, I just spent an hour on the phone with a nurse form my Medical Advantage Plan for my annual prescription meds review.  The heat wave goes on and on and on.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:59 (average 5:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Soccer Ball From Vladimir Putin Had An Electronic Chip


One has to wonder if Russia has Nano-circuitry tiny enough for Putin to have chipped Trump’s other balls. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Calling it “an exciting new chapter in my amazing life,” Ivanka Trump has been named dean of the business school at the newly reconstituted Trump University.

“I’ve been incredibly blessed with stratospheric success as a businessperson,” Dean Trump said on Wednesday. “This is my chance to give something back, for only fifty thousand dollars in tuition and other fees.”

Trump said that students enrolling at the Trump University School of Business can look forward to gleaning wisdom not only from her but from another star faculty member, Jared Kushner.

“When it comes to business, Jared has been almost as incredible I have,” she said.

I’m calling BS, Andy! There’s no way she can turn out graduates as incompetent and perverted as her father. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Daily Kos: In classic con man fashion, the candidate and president who has sworn to bring manufacturing back to the United States isn’t making any attempt to start with his own campaign. In fact, as evidenced by these photos, the Trump campaign is actively getting their gear made in China.


Hey Shit for Brains! How about a tariff on flags for assholes? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



Republican Propaganda Time!

 Posted by at 1:40 pm  Politics
Jul 252018

Yes, I know.  You don’t have to tell me that Republican propaganda began, in earnest, with Nixon and has been growing ever since.  But the last couple weeks have been very bad for the Tangerine Tovarisch.  Twelve of his allies in Russia were indicted.  The Helsinki blowjob and his subsequent lame excuse humiliated him.  The Mueller probe is closing in.  Cohen taped him bribing a mistress.  Worst of all, people all over the world are laughing at him.  I think the current barrage of disinformation is borne of desperation, and his minions keep goose-stepping behind him.


It was perhaps the most explosive exchange in an incendiary press conference: Russian President Vladimir Putin appearing to frankly admit to a motive for, and maybe even to the act of, meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, despite repeatedly denying Russian interference in American politics during the rest of his appearance with Donald Trump in Finland on Monday.

But the exchange doesn’t appear in full in the White House’s live-stream or transcript of the press conference, and it’s missing entirely from the Kremlin’s transcript of the event. The White House did not immediately provide an explanation for the discrepancy.

Understanding what Putin said depends on what you watch or where you look. If you watch the video of the news conference provided by the Russian government, or by news outlets such as PBS and the Associated Press, you will hear the Reuters reporter Jeff Mason ask a bombshell of a question: “President Putin, did you want President Trump to win the election and did you direct any of your officials to help him do that?”

Putin then responds with a bombshell of an answer, according to the English translation of his remarks that was broadcast during the press conference: “Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Because he talked about bringing the U.S.-Russia relationship back to normal.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Atlantic>

The real video exists in thousands of places and you’re about to see it.  He can’t change the reality, but his base will never see it, and would not believe it, if they did.  In addition, Trump and his allies are now claiming that Russia plans to interfere in the 2018 election on the side of the Democrats. 

Rachel Maddow covers these and several more Republican propaganda incidents.  I advise you to let the video keep running past it’s end, as in subsequent segments, her panel of experts covers these issues in depth.

It’s important for you to understand these things, so you can debunk and explain these Republican lies.



Jul 252018

As the heat wave enters it’s worst day, I’m running a bit late.  Store to Door was late delivering my groceries, and I just finished putting them away and eating lunch.  WWWendy is spending a couple days at the beach, and her niece, Katie, is filling in again.  She’s a sweetheart.  My lone complaint is that she lacks the sadism needed to scrub a back properly.  Happy Hump Day!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:14).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Why Is The Right So Scared Of A Democratic Socialist?


How terrible she is for luring people to spend their tax dollars on what people need, at the expense of the people, who Republicans say need welfare dollars most: billionaires! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From YouTube (Remember this?): P!nk – Dear Mr. President (from Live from Wembley Arena, London, England


When Pink first sang this song about GW Bush in December, 2006, I thought he was the worst White House resident in my memory. At his worst, he could not hold a candle to the evil that Trump is today. But remember, as bad as Trump is, he only reflects his Republican Reich. Trump is just the symptom. The Republican Party is the disease. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump’s crusade to revoke security clearances from perceived critics was on display again on Tuesday as he threatened to yank credentials from a man he had previously praised, Frederick Douglass.

It was unclear why Trump had turned on Douglass, because, unlike other targets of Trump’s security-clearance rampage, Douglass had not made disparaging comments about him on cable news in recent weeks.

Trump offered few clues as to the source of his unhappiness with Douglass, but he broadcast his disapproval of the abolitionist in a tweet that read, “HE IS NO LONGER DOING AN AMAZING JOB.”

Dang Andy! Trump is just pissed because he realized that Douglas was black. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!


