Desperation Time

 Posted by at 1:24 pm  Politics
Jul 312018

Events in the last week have made it clear that undeniable proof is about to surface that Putin’s Puppet did criminally conspire with a hostile power, Russia, to subvert the 2016 Presidential election to install himself in the White House.  Trying to get out ahead of that and brainwash his sheeple in advance, he, his, staff, Rudy 9/11, and the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, have all started parroting the same lame lie  There was no collusion, but if there was, collusion is not illegal.


President Donald Trump’s defense in the Russia investigation has been a study in goal-post moving — constantly watering down previous denials and raising the standard for what would constitute actual wrongdoing. But rarely has it been so concentrated in one morning.

Trump’s lawyer/spokesman Rudolph Giuliani appeared on Fox News’s and CNN’s morning shows on Monday to downplay the idea that colluding with the Russians would have even been illegal and to argue against strawmen.

The most notable portion of the interviews was when Giuliani rekindled the idea that collusion isn’t even a crime.

Trump’s defenders have occasionally noted that the word doesn’t appear in the criminal code – which is a misnomer – but Giuliani took it a step further: He basically suggested Trump would have had to pay for Russia to interfere on his behalf.

"I don’t even know if that’s a crime – colluding with Russians," Giuliani said on CNN. "Hacking is the crime. The president didn’t hack. He didn’t pay for the hacking."…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Houston Chronicle>

If Putin were to hand Trump a  money bill for hacking, I imagine Trump would treat Putin the same way he treats everyone else, who works for Trump on credit.  He would send Putin away with empty hands and empty promises.  Handing Putin NATO is OK though.

Lawrence O’Donnell covered this story very well.

I agree.  Trump has no evidence based legal defense.  It’s desperation time.



98 DAYS!!


  12 Responses to “Desperation Time”

  1. From what I have read, the missing piece of evidence which they now have to prove obstruction of justice is proof, in the form of testimony and possibly documents, that, at the moment Orange Judas asked Comey to close the investigation involving Flynn, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Flynn was an active target. Apparently his take has been that he thought Flynn had been exonerated, which we all know is BS, but it was necessary to present proof that that was BS in order to prove intention.

    “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”. – Carl Sandburg

  2. dt thinks he’s above the law, and desperate! Humpty Dumpty thinks that he won’t fall either, as the wall crumbles. Rudy is so far out of reality, they both are a perfect match. lol

  3. The tRump regime is really starting to come unraveled. Hell, it started coming undone the moment the Cheetoh waddled his fat orange arse into the Oval Office. The next few months are going to be V-E-R-Y interesting–

  4. The plot thickens!
    TY ? TC

  5. “…no good public defense of the president,” because he is guilty, up to his crazy eyeballs!
    It is sad to see what has become of “The Country’s Mayor,” since 9/11.  Dumpy, on the other hand, has not changed at all.  He is still the lying, leering, grifter he always has been.  He is as one commentator wrote, “…a lifelong criminal,” nothing more.

  6. The Rudy/Twitler argument of “He didn’t commit collusion – and even if he did commit collusion, it’s not a crime” is a much-truncated variation on the cascading version of a classic defense:

    “I wasn’t there.”
    “If I was there, I didn’t have a gun.”
    “If I had a gun, I didn’t shoot it.”
    “If I shot it, I didn’t hit anyone.”
    “If I hit anyone, I didn’t mean to.”
    “If I meant to, then they deserved it.”

  7. It’s just getting all too sad: a demented criminal defended by a geriatric patient who once was a lawyer of some repute. The crème de la crème of America…

  8. “No collusion, no collusion, no collusion!”

    As one panelist said, it’s all semantics.  The word collusion may not be in  the constitution, but the word ‘treason’ is there.  Here is part of a post from Magnana Mouse which I came across (It echoes Wikipedia):

    “Sedition is the stirring up of rebellion against the government in power. Treason is the violation of allegiance to one’s sovereign or state, giving aid to enemies, or levying war against one’s state. Sedition is encouraging one’s fellow citizens to rebel against their state, whereas treason is actually betraying one’s country by aiding and abetting another state. Sedition laws somewhat equate to terrorism and public order laws.  [emphasis added]
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Collusion on the other hand is defined by Wikipedia as:

    “Collusion is a secret agreement between two or more parties to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair market advantage. It is an agreement among firms or individuals to divide a market, set prices, limit production or limit opportunities.”[emphasis added]

    While these are not entirely alike, the essence is the same, IMO.

    So Diaper Don, you have an idiot for an attorney, and your attorney has a lying idiot for a client!  You are guilty and belong in prison for a very long time.

    • Benedict Arnold, Marcus Junius Brutus (who too is depicted in Dante’s Inferno, suffering the same fate as Judas along with Cassius Longinus), and Vidkun Quisling are all apt company for Trump. 14

  9. It is almost comical watching Rudolph 9/11 Giuliani flip and flop around, tying himself in knots, trying to muddy up the waters ahead of the coming storm of Robert Mueller’s indictments.
    I have noticed that Don-the-Con is slurring his words again, and more often; I wonder if he is getting any sleep.

  10. Thanks all!  Hugs! 28

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