Jul 292018

Here is the one hundred twenty-seventh article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honorees are Republican former NOLA police officers, John Galman and Spencer Sutton.   They are so honored for the racist Republican way they beat the crap out of a Latino using the excuse that they didn’t like his camouflage clothing.


It’s frustratingly rare that law enforcement officers are held accountable for wrongdoing, especially when people of color are the victims of violence at the hands of white cops. Perhaps that’s what makes this story so surprising: less than 24 hours after George Gomez was beaten to a pulp near his New Orleans home, the cops responsible found themselves in handcuffs—and out of a job.

Gomez, 36, tells The Advocate’s Ramon Antonio Vargas that he encountered John Galman, 26, and Spencer Sutton, 24, at the Mid-City Yacht Club early Tuesday morning. Turns out the off-duty cops didn’t care for Gomez’s sartorial choices.

Gomez said […] one said he didn’t like the military camouflage shirt and pants being worn by Gomez, who is Hispanic.

"He asked me if I was American. I told him yes, and he got mad because he said I was fake," said Gomez, who described himself as a U.S. native who was raised in Honduras before returning to live in New Orleans.

Gomez, who speaks Spanish as well as English with an accent, also described being asked if he served in the military.

Gomez said he did serve, including with the Louisiana National Guard, but the man who took issue with his clothing wasn’t satisfied with any of his answers.


Gomez claims he then walked to his home nearby, and got in his truck, only to encounter Galman and Sutton, who blocked his vehicle and confronted him. Gomez says that neither man identified themselves as police officers… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

I don’t have much to add.  However, when I read the article on Kos, I was wearing a camouflage T identical to the one Gomez was wearing, and that felt very weird.

Those two should be prosecuted for a hate crime and and permanently banned from police work everywhere.




  10 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 7/29/2018”

  1. You were wearing a camouflage T-shirt like Gomez.  I am a veteran like Gomez.  I know exactly how you felt.

  2. There was no excuse for the attitude towards Gomez, let alone the beating – but at least it looks as though justice will be served.

    George Carlin said that when we are born we get tickets to the Freak Show, but if you’re born in the USA you get front-row seats.

  3. The treatment and profiling of people who do not speak English, (or as a 2nd language), their honored ethnicity, their beliefs, and targeting different classes of folks has negatively escalated tenfold since this potus (NOT) has come into office. Or…in this case, wearing cammies.
    Besides these men who were fired for assaulting this man, not only should he receive an apology, the attackers should pay any medical bills that this man incurred from this horrific attack !!

  4. From Daily Kos: “Galman and Sutton, who just graduated from the police academy in December, can be fired without much red tape, due to the fact that they were still on probation.” Seems to me they were hired without much red tape too. The attitude these guys have, must have been clear from the first day they entered the police academy and long before that in the gentlest of screening.

    Firing these two racists who abused the power their uniform gives them – even when not in uniform – is a first step, but the New Orleans police department needs to look into their assessment procedures and stop hiring just any young, fit and able man or woman willing to join the force.

  5. Bust their choppies, and HARD!

  6. So now, discrimination based on the clothes you wear???  Of course, that is all window dressing for these apparent white nationalists!  Lying thugs plain and simple!

    Kudos to Police Superintendent Michael Harrison for taking immediate action against the thugs.

    I wonder how long it will take Faux Noise and Drumpf to put their spin on this? They could probably get a job with Drumpf!

  7. Thanks and hot OGIM hugs! 26

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