It was cool in the CatBox early this morning, but the sun hit the wall at 7:00 AM, and I had to button up and go to A/C at 7:30. We have 90°s weather forecast for the rest of the month and beyond. UGH! On Monday morning I have my annual preventive Cat-Scan for cancer. Those things are a rip-off, because I never get to play with the other cat. In any case, please expect no more than a Personal Update Monday. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:25 (average 5:10). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Why Donald Trump’s Legal Team Would Leak Cohen Playmate Hush Money Tape
I agree with Rachel that the Trump team leaked the tape. Hell! If he had a copy, Trump would leak the Moscow pee-pee tape to distract attention from the Helsinki blowjob. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From The New Yorker: The leaders of isis and Al Qaeda said on Friday that they were totally perplexed as to why Donald J. Trump had not yet invited them to the White House.
The terror chiefs said that, as sworn enemies of the United States, they had certainly attacked the country enough to warrant an invitation for an official visit, and possibly a state dinner.
“Maybe we haven’t done anything to directly undermine their democracy—I get that,” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of isis, said. “But we’ve been nemeses of America for years, and that ought to be worth something.”
Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of Al Qaeda, said that he also feels snubbed. “No invitation. Not even a save-the-date,” he said. “At this point, I’d settle for the White House Easter Egg Roll, but I’m not counting on anything.”
Dang Andy! Do you think the Tangerine Traitor is losing his memory? RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From Think Progress: The Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services changed or removed information on its website about sex discrimination, according to a new report from the Sunlight Foundation.
The Office for Civil Rights altered this information on several webpages on Section 1557, part of the Affordable Care Act that relates to sex discrimination, between March and August 2017, according to the nonprofit focused on government transparency. Now, mentions of sex discrimination on the basis of gender identity, that relate to requirements for health services for transgender people, “sex stereotyping,” and termination of pregnancy are gone.
Discrimination is now formally approved in the Republican Reich! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/21/2018”
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6:02 I always confuse Portofino and Portobello.
A feel-good story courtesy of George Takei
Rachel – It appears to me his tweet “I can’t believe Michael would do this to me.” Of course he can’t believe it, because he knows damned well that Michael didn’t.
TNY – Dear Abu and Ayman, it’s not your fault. It’s because Obama spent eight years in the White House in opposition to you – and Trump wants us to forget everything that Obama did. Don’t take it so hard.
TP – Sigh.
Cartoon – You could change the caption in the second panel to “Just one? Lazy bastard!” and that would work too!
I bet I know where you got your Cartoon editing suggestion …

TNY: That’s too funny! I’m sure the leaders of various neo-Nazi and such groups are waiting for their WH invite, too.
Cartoon: tRump’s given only one BJ? Surely he has given more.
SoINeedAName – good one!
RM: dt shouldn’t even be potus. I hope that the investigation continues, and that Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination is delayed, denied, and deleted. Pleeze!!! I can hope!!!
NYer: Consider yourselves lucky! Sane people don’t EVEN want to go there. LOL, Andy
PR: This is very worrisome to me, of what they’re doing. No rights at all, ugh! I’ll let my teacher friends know about this too, as this is very important with students too.
Cartoon: Maybe that’s why dt talks funny during his speeches..??
We’re in the 100”s today, and all next week. One can bake cookies on a car’s dashboard with no problem here. Hope that you have a relaxing evening. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*Ditto, Nameless. lol
The cartoon today inspired all of us, didn’t it! I think you got it right.
Another one…I don’t know the author…sorry…but well said. imho
“What’s wrong with NFL players taking a knee?? Trump took both knees with Putin”
He talks funny because Putin is still in his mouth? Oh yeah. And, all along I thought it was because he could hardly bring himself to read the stuff his staff put out there for him!
MSNBC: Dumpy’s tactic has been to put out a new bright, shiny object to distract everybody from the most recent imbecility he spoke, and this tape certainly has caught up a lot of attention!
TNY: What Joanne said!
TP: This is how, quietly, under the radar, with all the attention elsewhere, this clown’s influence distorts, twists, what it once meant to be a great country.
‘Toon: Putin owns every orifice of this clown!
Awesome meme, love it!!!!
Rachel Maddow: When NYT headlined “Trump Signals Consequences for Michael Cohen Over Secret Recording” I expected the usual character defamation, mudslinging and name calling in Drumpf’s tweet, but he had little more to tweet than “Even more inconceivable that a lawyer would tape a client — totally unheard of & perhaps illegal”. “Perhaps illegal”? And that from a president who has no problems making up crimes people have committed whenever it suits him. I knew there was something fishy about this reaction, and Rachel has explained it perfectly. Leaking the tapes themselves was a flight forward, putting a cap on any surprises about this in court and signalling to Cohen that he’s still safe if he doesn’t start singing himself. That would warrant this meek tweet, wouldn’t it?
TNY: Spot on, Andy. But I’m afraid sworn enemies are having to take a back seat until all the dictators Drumpf so admires have visited. Not to worry, though, it won’t take much longer. I think only Duterte hasn’t been in the oval office yet.
TP: Yup, it’s all those “small”, nasty actions the Republicans get away with when everyone else is distracted by the shows Drumpf puts on. That’s why they’ll keep backing him until their last goals have been reached. Keep your eyes peeled and VOTE BLUE.
Cartoon: Drumpf is getting the hang of it too, before we could tell when his dentures had become unstuck in the effort.
Thanks and hugs!
Puzzle — 4:15 Picturesque!
MSNBC — I think Sir Walter Scott said it best when he wrote: “Oh! What a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive.”
The New Yorker — They shouldn’t feel so badly . . . the Orange Ogre didn’t get a state dinner in the UK either! Besides, the Orange Ogre would likely serve McRib sandwiches and Diet Coke! Actually, I think they should be pleased. I hear those McRib sandwiches are absolutely disgusting . . . now that I think about it, quite in keeping with the Orange Ogre!
Think Progress — The discrimination I want to see codified into law is the right to discriminate against Republicans! What a hapless bunch of imbeciles!
Cartoon — Drumpf does it multiple times daily! . . . every time he opens his mouth to say something! Nothing but hot air!