Here at the CatBox the heat wave continues. Yesterday was bad. Today will be 8°-10° worse. Before I go to the rest room, I take off my shirt, so I don’t have to change it, when I get back. ARGH!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:28 (average 4:26). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Daily Kos Channel): Russian TV thrills over Trump’s NATO performance
Putin is probably beaming over quid pro quo. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From YouTube (Late Show Channel): How German News Covered Trump’s NATO Visit
I understand it’s really Austrian News. Trump has made the US both a laughing stock and a pariah! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From The New Yorker: The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, took a break from the nato summit in Brussels on Wednesday to ask the independent counsel, Robert Mueller, if there is anything she can do to help.
According to those familiar with the phone conversation, Merkel told Mueller that she would take a leave of absence as leader of the German government and move to Washington to work full-time for Mueller “if that would be of assistance.”
Touting her credentials, Merkel told Mueller that she was fluent in Russian and could be helpful in translating the thousands of Russian-language documents that the special counsel has in his collection of evidence.
“I will work for free and pay my for my own food,” Merkel said. “I just want to make this stop.”
Dang Andy! Merkel is more American than Republicans are. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/12/2018”
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5:19 I recall seeing this before, and you reassuring me and Squatch that you would not eat “Cousin Meer.”
Just in case you missed it elsewhere, I though everyone might be pleased to see a genuine Paul Manafort mug shot. I know it warmed the cockles of my heart.

DKos – It’s not really unusual for racists to also be isolatonists. In fact, the two things kind of go together. His base probably loves it.
Late show – “Sprechen sie douche?” OMG, that’s classic!
TNY – I’ll bet she would, too. But if she made Mueller that offer, I guarantee he’d tell her she can help the best exactly where she is.
Cartoon – This guy again. Aaaargggh!
Isn’t he just so special!!! Looks just like a common criminal . . . oh, wait . . . he IS a common criminal!!!
DK: Bet they’re, (Russia) salivating over this.
LS: Yep, that’s pretty much how we’re viewed. I’d try to laugh, but cry instead.
NYer: Amen!! LOL, Andy.
Cartoon: ugh!!
Slow day here, and humid. Hope your day goes well. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
No surprise the Russians like their puppet’s “NATO performance.” No US in NATO means no NATO, effectively, which is good news for Russia. Too bad Russians have to be “the enemy” once again.
Rethuglican “Jesus” differs more from the real deal than does the Devil.
Wish I had more time, TomCat, but you’ve covered all the bases so well there’s little need for me to add something.
Yes, Drumpf has managed made the US the laughing stock of the EU, NATO, Russia, Canada…I could go on, but won’t. Y’all get the picture: the whole world. Many Americans are starting to get the picture. Some Drumpfians too, but it doesn’t embarrass them in the least; they only get very pissed off by the rest of the world laughing. That doesn’t bode well for the tension within the US. I hope you can keep it peaceful well into November.
Keep your cool in this dreadful heat, TomCat. Drink lots of fluids and start drinking before you’re thirsty, but don’t drink them too cold. That’s a sure recipe for lots of trips to the rest room with an upset tummy, and not enough time to take your shirt off.
Enjoy your packing!
Awesome vids!!!
Don’t take his shite personally guys, everyone O.S., (including Oz) knows the majority of the US is against the orange POS!!! He’s making a dick of himself, not you!!!
He seems to be doing everything Putin wishes for, hope we are not required to wave the Russian flag anytime soon.
Puzzle — 3:27 Not to worry JD, I have him covered . . . no meercat fricassée for Puddy Tat today!
Daily Kos — Drumpf is like manna in the desert to the Russians! If I were Putie, I’d be ecstatic that Drumpf was doing all my work! Un-frikken-believable!!! And Drumpf is so damn stupid that he thinks he is winning on the global stage!!! The US is in for an even rougher ride than it has been for the past 18 months!!!
The Late Show — LMAO!!! A classic case of the pot calling the kettle black! Drumpf is such a fool!
The New Yorker — What a great idea! No doubt Drumpf would say that Mueller is being influenced by the Russians since Merkel is controlled by the Russians.
Cartoon — Truly Republican!
I was expecting very high temps yesterday but it only went to 29C with some breeze. Today will be much worse, Saturday and Sunday too! Keep hydrating with lots of water Puddy Tat and stay close to the AC!
I would not eat cousin Meer. ?
AC planted!
Thanks all. Heat wave hugs!