Donald Trump, Resident of the Republican Reich, has nominated an extreme ideologue, Brett Kavanaugh for Antony Kennedy’s seat on SCROTUS (Republican Unconstitutional VD). If confirmed, he will vote to either overturn or thoroughly undermine Roe v. Wade. He will vote to repeal the Affordable Care Act. He will give the NRA whatever they want. He has opined that sitting Presidents are immune from prosecution and may fire special prosecutors at will. Reject Kavanaugh!
Because he was a swing-vote in favor of abortion rights, Kennedy’s departure from the court has sparked alarm among abortion rights activists that Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion nationwide in 1973, could be overturned. In addition, Trump has long vowed to appoint justices who would reverse Roe and allow states to determine whether abortion should be legal.
Kavanaugh has not expressed outright opposition to Roe v. Wade.
One of his opinions likely to draw scrutiny from senators is a his dissent from a ruling of the DC Circuit last October that an undocumented immigrant teen in detention was entitled to seek an abortion.
In his dissent, Kavanaugh wrote the Supreme Court has held that "the government has permissible interests in favoring fetal life, protecting the best interests of a minor, and refraining from facilitating abortion." He wrote that the high court has "held that the government may further those interests so long as it does not impose an undue burden on a woman seeking an abortion." He said the majority opinion was "based on a constitutional principle as novel as it is wrong: a new right for unlawful immigrant minors in US government detention to obtain immediate abortion on demand." He added, however, that "all parties to this case recognize Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey as precedents we must follow."…
Inserted from <CNN>
Republicans claim that it’s OK for moderate and DINOs to vote for him because he acknowledges Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey as "precedents we must follow." Their deception is glossing over the reason why. Because appellate courts may not overturn precedent, he HAD to follow it, but if appointed, he could set new precedent.
That article only discussed abortion. Here is Lawrence O’Donnell interviewing Elisabeth Warren on Kavanaugh’s other positions.
Can there be any doubt?
In the above graphic, my Senator, Jeff Merkley [D-OR], made his position clear. Here’s a bit of what he says:
Tell the U.S. Senate: REJECT Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court!
Donald Trump’s first choice to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, has shown himself to be a right-wing activist, backing recent decisions to uphold Trump’s Muslim Ban, gut workers’ rights, attack women’s health care, and undermine voting rights.
Now, Trump has nominated another extremist, Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh is someone who argued that sitting presidents should be immune from prosecution, and that the president has the sole power to appoint and fire special prosecutors at will. And he was on the hand-picked list put together by right-wing activists who want to overturn Roe v. Wade, marriage equality, coverage for preexisting conditions, and more.
To sign Jeff’s petition, click here.
Whatever it takes, Kavanaugh must be stopped!
11 Responses to “Reject Kavanaugh!”
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Hey, I have already signed twelve petitions – eight before 11:30 last night, and four more today (the most recent one was from Jeff. And they are still coming in). And I have no intention of stopping. I have plenty of spare batteries for my mouse and keyboard if I need them.
Wonderful quote!!
More info in the open thread.
That cartoon is spot on. We are not fighting just to avoid the SCOTUS being tipped strongly – and possibly permanently – to the right, we are fighting for the very survival of the USA’s true spirit. We must fight every tRump appointee tooth and nail till we have the Blue majority we desperately need for one last chance to turn things around – by peaceful means.
I too, am still signing petitions, bring it on. Great video.
Signed! Along with numerous other petitions!
AlterNet has an article that suggests that Kennedy agreed to retire only if Drumpf anointed Kavanaugh as his Supreme Court nomination to replace Kennedy. And in another article I read last week, there is a connection between Kennedy’s son and Jared Kushner. Was partisanship ever mentioned as a disqualifying factor for any SC nominee? So much for impartial and fair judgements. Sneaky little bastards!!!
Daily Kos has a petition “to Senate Democrats: Use all available methods to block Brett Kavanaugh” Please sign.
What can I add to this? A picture can say more than a thousand words can, so I made this one:

The only – ONLY – good thing I can see from Twitler’s pick (ANY pick) is that it will help fire-up the GOTV movement.
And I’ll just say it: Anyone with a “D” behind their name will get my vote. I’m all for “More and Better” – with the critical parameter being “MORE”! SCREW all that “purity” crap, because not voting “D” because they’re not “pure” enough is what got us where we are today.
That and a couple million Russian bots and a whole lot of throwing out legitimate votes in certain states. But all of that makes it, not less, but even MORE imperative to VOTE BLUE.
Thanks Hot Hugs Wilting here.