Jul 022018

I’m back in the saddle again today.  Yesterday, Katie was very efficient.  I was glad to have her, even if she wasn’t WWWendy.  Tomorrow  I have a grocery delivery coming from Safeway.com  I’d rather not use them, but Store to Door is closed for the 4th, and WWWendy is out of town.  The extra time that will take is likely to limit me to a Personal Update or and Open Thread, with no links messages on Care2.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:04 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here. How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Robert Reich Channel): Robert Reich: How to Prevent Future Trumps

The Reich on the left is 100% right. Those are the things we need to do, which is why I have maintained that Democrats need to focus more on economic issues, while standing strong on social issues. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NY Times: Riding a wave of populist anger fueled by rampant corruption and violence, the leftist Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected president of Mexico on Sunday, in a landslide victory that upended the nation’s political establishment and handed him a sweeping mandate to reshape the country.

Mr. López Obrador’s victory puts a leftist leader at the helm of Latin America’s second-largest economy for the first time in decades, a prospect that has filled millions of Mexicans with hope — and the nation’s elites with trepidation.

The outcome represents a clear rejection of the status quo in the nation, which for the last quarter century has been defined by a centrist vision and an embrace of globalization that many Mexicans feel has not served them.

Mexican voters are smarter than US voters. They elected a progressive, not a Nazi. Kudos to Mexico. Obrador is anti-Trump! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From Alternet: During an interview on CNN’s State of the Union, Tapper noted: “You’re going to get a lot of pressure from groups and individuals who support abortion rights and one of the things that they think about you is that you get played by these judges and that ultimately, if you vote to support whoever President Trump nominates presuming the person comes from the list of 25, that one of your longest lasting legacy is likely going to be you vote to confirm a justice that ultimately tipped the balance of political power on court and voted to overturn [Roe v. Wade].

Collins, however, defended her record.

She is talking about stare decisis. I have no doubt that Trump’s pick will promise to abide by it. Every Republican appointee since Thomas has made that promise, and they were all lying. We can’t depend on Collins. She will probably make sure they give her the answers she needs to goose-step, and claim she was duped later. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  11 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/2/2018”

  1. It’s sheep we’re up against.
    It’s sheep we’re up against.
    It’s sheep we’re up against.

  2. 6:27 Not that I would have done much better anyway … but the top of my desk and the bottom of my mouse still need cleaning.

    Reich – But what else changed? Demographics. We are approaching a time when pink peoplw (the ones who call themselves white) will be in the minority in the US. They – we – will still be the largest group, and African Americans, Latin Americans, and Asian Americans are not about to unite to treat us the way we have treated them – and, mostly, they are better than that anyway. But “white terror” is also real. By all means let’s fix economic inequality. That’s what Democratic Socialism is all about. But let’s stress the social aspects of economic issues – like universal health care, for instance. We need every voter of color, and we need to keep our promises.

    NYT – López Obrador is being called “Mexico’s Bernie Sanders.” I wish him and Mexico well – indeed, the very best. Show us how it’s done.

    AlterNet – She is already playing that card. She has gone into detail about the President telling her he is “not going to ask that question.” And he MAY even be telling the truth – because he doesn’t need to “ask that question.” He has a slate of pre-vetted (by the Heritage Foundation) candidates who have already answered the question, or they wouldn’t be on the list. Stare decisis didn’t, technically, protect Korematsu (if you don’t look too closely at the details. See Sostmaypr’s dissent on the Muslim Ban.) Other decisions have also been overturned (many rightfully.)

    Cartoon – I will indeed. Prayerfully and decisively, and after due diligence (probably not necessary in the General).

  3. RR: Love RR…all true! A Great video!

    NYT: Good News !! for our Southern Neighbors! Best to Mr. López Obrador!!! for his win!

    AN: Yea, I agree. Every republican I’ve seen or heard….lies. She’s no different. How unfortunate!

    Cartoon: Yep. Vote BLUE!!!!! All.the Way!!!

    Glad all went well. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. I commented last week when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won the Democratic primary in NY’s Congressional District 14, I wondered what kind of BS the right would bring up.  We sure did not have to wait long.

    Have a look at this short video — 1:32 minutes.  Sorry, for some reason it will not take except by url. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on her game!  I have one comment only:  AMEN sister! Show your stuff!  You ROCK!!!

  5. NYT: Excellent!  Now watch the Orange Clown come out with a fusillade of tweets and more, and the GOPIGS start a campaign about he new threat next door: COMMUNISM!  “WE HAVE TROUBLE HERE IN RIVER CITY, AND IT STARTS WITH A “C,” AND THEY ARE GOING TO COME FOR YOUR GUNS, AND YOUR WOMEN, AND YOUR GOD.  This is going to play right into the paranoia of the sheep, and Donny’s special style of leadership, which can be understood best by checking out this C2 posting:
    Alternet: She will get played.  By the by, do you know who funds, who founded the Heritage?  Charles Koch!  No more need be said!
    Robert Reich: Totally spot on!  But not enough Democratic politicians, by very far, are for those progressive concepts, rampant, happily, in much of Europe!
    ‘Toon: Too true!

  6. Beware the herd mentality!
    ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ? ? 

  7. I uploaded it, so I’m getting my mileage out of it. 

    (Thanks, Carly Fiorina for making one of the Top Ten WORST Political Ads ever created)

  8. https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/TC-doing-research.webm

    I think this is a cute pic of TC doing research.  Unfortunately I can only get the url and not the video.

  9. Puzzle — 3:49  I hope you didn’t buy a new freezer to hold all that horsie meat that is NOT yours, Puddy Tat!!!

    Inequality Media — Reich, as usual, is spot on.  The problem, the people who need to listen to him are exactly the ones who will not!

    NY Times — A new leftist president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in control in Mexico as elected on Sunday, and Trudeau in office in Canada, not exactly a social democrat, but no conservative, and certainly no Drumpf friend!  I wonder if Drumpf is feeling surrounded?  Congratulations to Mr López Obrador!

    AlterNet — I seem to recall that Collins got played by Republicans previously on a healthcare (I think) vote and the country lost.  She talks about precedent etc when it comes to Roe v Wade, however, she is likely to be played again.  In a NY Times article

    “Leonard Leo, a conservative lawyer who advised Mr. Trump on his appointment of Mr. Gorsuch, said earlier on Sunday that overturning Roe v. Wade was not a significant part of deciding who would fill the vacancy, adding that the case is a “major precedent in America.””

    I wonder, has anyone told Drumpf that?

    Cartoon — “We will!!!”

  10. Robert Reich: Spot on, as is his habit.

    NYT: True, López Obrador is a populist, so some media compared him to Drumpf. But López Obrador is a leftist , so if there is a need to compare him with someone at all, then a comparison with Bernie Sanders should be made. Kudos for the Mexican people who, fed up with corruption and murderous drug cartels, have overwhelmingly voted for him. Now give López Obrador room to do as he has pledged.

    Alternet: I’m not even going to watch Susan Collons spin more tales and convince herself she’s on the right path to protest later in wide-eyed innocence that she was duped, or got a promise she couldn’t refuse. You can perhaps fool yourself all of the time, but you can’t fool anybody so often, Susan.

    Cartoon: Sadly most of these Drumpfian sheep are amosexuals

    They had their hatred unleashed by Drumpf in name of the GOP

    If not, but just naive, these sheep will believe anything they’re told

    And the wolf loves the dangerous and the naive equally

    Those sheep are blind to reality

    Or turn into what they initially feared


  11. Thanks and rushing hugs! 26

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