Jun 282018

I’m feeling very tired.  WWWendy was picking up her son at the airport in Seattle.  His flight from Spain was late, so she pulled in here over 90 minutes late.  We had extra work in preparation for her vacation, and I had bought beef ribs as a going away present, so I got to bed way late.  Then I had to miss my morning rest to get the grocery order from Store to Door.  My fingers are fighting me to find the right keys.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:56 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Late Show Channel): Mitch McConnell’s Supreme About Face


It’s our last chance to laugh about it. Crying Time starts in 5 minutes. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From USA Today: North Korea is upgrading a major nuclear research facility despite President Donald Trump’s claim that leader Kim Jong Un has vowed to disarm, according to new satellite images and a research paper published by a North Korea monitoring group.

Experts at 38 North, a website affiliated with the Stimson Center in Washington D.C. devoted to analysis of North Korea, concluded the images show that "improvements to the infrastructure at North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Center are continuing at a rapid pace."

The satellite images are from June 21.

That’s OK with the Fuhrer, as long as KIM keeps stroking his ego. Republicans are treating friends like enemies, and enemies like friends. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!

From NY Times: President Trump plans to meet President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia next month in a one-on-one summit meeting, a politically sensitive encounter that could exacerbate strains with NATO allies even if it eases tensions between the United States and Russia.

It would be the first formal summit meeting specifically for Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin, who have met twice at annual gatherings of world leaders. And it comes at a particularly delicate moment, with midterm elections looming in the United States and the special counsel’s investigation of Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia grinding on.

Putin needs to give Trump his orders, possibly including whom to nominate for SCROTUS (Republican Constitutional VD). RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!



  8 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/28/2018”

  1. 5:34 Ba-na-nas.

    The NAACP, pointing out that the only current remedy to voting injustice is through the courts, is filing a suit in Connecticut regarding counting which they hope will be a model for suits in other states.

    Stephen – Well, of course Mitch is backing off from “let the people speak.” This year isn’t a PRESIDENTIAL election. The best hope we have is to stall. Yes, I know, we are 49-51. But McCain might die. And if not, he might be unable to be present for the vote. Beyond that, we will never get a Republican vote – but we might be able to get an abstention. Or two. Maybe. WE HAVE TO TRY. A four-four court without Kennedy would at the very least be better than another Trump nominee on the court. Incidentally, Democrats had better be drafting legislation NOW to make any appointment by any Federal official who is under indictment invalid, and any appointment by any Federal official under investigation conditional on the official’s exoneration. Or at least having their staff do it.

    USA Today – So Trump was scammed. Ho-hum. Nothing new there.

    NYT – Nothing new here either except that Bolton got in on the act … and he’s not new, just new to this regime.

    Cartoon: Iced black tea with peach syrup please. I used to be able to get it bottled … but I can’t find it any more now.

    This verbiage is from a Daily Kos member who threw it out for people to spread widely. I put together the graphic and am throwing it out there for people to spread widely.


  2. The only way we are going to save this country from creeping fascism is if we get off our asses and VOTE! Remember – losers don’t make policy.

  3. LSC: How unfortunate! We’re screwed. ugh!!

    USA: re: dt. He’s living in a fantasy world, if he doesn’t believe what Kim is doing. Scary news!!

    NYT: He treats Putin with a pat on the back, while clapping, and talking sheet to our allies. What a cluster!

    *Joanne, WORD!!

    Cartoon: I’ll take a cup of Normal, with two scoops of chocolate ice cream, please.

    Hope that WWWendy has a nice visit. Get your rest, enjoy your evening, and take good care. Thanks, Tom.

  4. LSC: It will not be easy to laugh when we are covered by yards of Repubcrap, after McTurtle gets his way!
    USA Today: Oh, my, wha a surprise!
    NYT: Putin will be giving dumpy his next assignments!

  5. Yikes, supremely screwed???
    Sure hope not!!

  6. Stephen Colbert: Though for some it already may have been hard to laugh about it, even if it was for the last time, it is certainly the last chance for the Democrats in Congress to stand firm against any vote on a Drumpf candidate before the midterms. If they falter or appear too “nice”, chances are that America can forget about that Blue Wave when disillusioned Democrats give up hope and stay home.

    USAT: Does this surprise anyone? But not a tweet out of Drumpf on the subject. Of course Drumpf never made any deal…

    NYT: After Putin has left, Drumpf will try to make the Republican leaders in Congress ease on Russian sanctions with the promise that Putin will make sure that they’ll stay in power after his Russian experts have hacked into the voting systems of all districts where Republicans are about to be flipped.
    Conspiracy theory? Oh yes, of my own making. But in these times of alternate reality and fake news anything might happen. And I’ll take a bet on the sanctions bit.

    Cartoon: I prefer coffee

  7. Puzzle — 4:46 I did not go bananas on this one!

    Late Show — “Ohhh, we are supremely screwed!” — AMEN!!!  

    USA Today — “Republicans are treating friends like enemies, and enemies like friends.” — Oh yeah! The orange miscreant ogre is yet again slandering Trudeau at a SC rally.  Good thing that Trudeau has class and does not lower himself to the ogre’s level!

    NY Times — ““Getting along with Russia, and with China, and with everybody, is a very good thing,” Mr. Trump told reporters…” — Everyone except that is allies who he has openly dissed (I am trying to be polite) and continues to do.  And Britain? . . . I thought they had barred him from entry?  They should give him a taste of his own medicine.

    ““I fear his eagerness to get along with Putin might produce concessions that do not serve American national interests,” Mr. McFaul said. “If Trump heaps the kind of praise on Putin that he devoted to Kim Jong-un, that will be a giant victory for Putin. That’s all Putin needs for a successful meeting.””

    The orange ogre is likely to be effusive with Putin.  I go back to Stephen Colbert:”Ohhh, we are supremely screwed!”

    Cartoon — Earl Grey straight up please!

  8. Thanks and Hot Hugs! 23

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