I still haven’t recovered from my parade, and it’s been very busy here in the CatBox. Yesterday, I was so exhausted that I fouled-up uploading my articles to Care2. Today I’ve been scheduling medical mayhem. I wanted to prepare for the monthly report, but I had to write a letter to the parole board for one of my guys.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:32 (average 4:24). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump’s Mind-Control Superpowers
The pundits overcomplicate the matter. Trump is a perfect reflection of the beliefs and policies of the Republican Party in the mind of an addled pervert. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From CNN: Former President Bill Clinton said that impeachment hearings would have begun if a Democratic president, instead of Donald Trump, were in power and the Russia investigation was as far along as it is now.
"I think if the roles were reversed — now, this is me just talking, but it’s based on my experience — if it were a Democratic president, and these facts were present, most people I know in Washington believe impeachment hearings would have begun already," Clinton told "CBS Sunday Morning."
Bill should know why! IOKIYAR! RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
From Think Progress: For all the horrible things that President Donald Trump says and does from the Oval Office, his own words and deeds may not actually pose the greatest challenge to our democracy. Rather, the real threat to our way of life might be the countless, unnamed, mostly-white Americans who approve of — and feel emboldened by — the illiberal, white-supremacist tinge to the rhetoric that emanates from the White House on a near-daily basis.
Hyperbole? Alarmist, left-wing extremism? Over-the-top balderdash, you say? Not at all. But don’t take my word for it. Instead, allow me to point in the direction of a groaning shelf of scholarly research that suggests the current White House occupant may only be the spear’s tip of America’s unraveling democracy.
The most recent such study comes from political scientists Steven V. Miller at Clemson University and Nicholas T. Davis at Texas A&M University. Their working paper – “White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy” – fires a warning shot to signal a budding threat to the nation. Miller and Davis collected and compared polling data compiled between 1995 and 2011 by the World Values Survey and discovered an escalating impulse among some white Americans to embrace “an unwillingness to associate or fraternize with individuals whose cultural, racial, or religious ideas or ways differ” from their own. They identified such attitudes as “socially intolerant,” which they also found to correlate with a willingness to sacrifice democratic notions, such as political compromise or respect for minority rights, if such principles conflicted with their selfish interests.
Miller and Davis, for example, found the percentage of socially intolerant whites doubled from 12.6 percent in 1995 to 24.9 percent in 2011, when the most recent survey figures were available.
Chick through for the rest. I question the willingness of Trump and the Republican Party to cede power, when legally required to do so. They are preparing storm-troopers to help them keep power by force. RESIST!! VOTE BLUE!!
7 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/4/2017”
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4:35 Fish, I suppose…
In case anyone is feeling like panicking over the Masterpiece Bakery case
MSNBC – It is exactly the Mind Control Super Power that Mike Pence lacks. Yes, Pence is an experienced politician with knowledge of how things work. But if Trump is removed, there’s going to be disarray in the base. That has to have an effect.
CNN – Nothing anyone old enough to remember Watergate, and anyone younger with the sense God gave lettuce, hasn’t been saying for months.
TP – At the risk of sounding like a broken record (For those who remember what that is) –

Cartoon – Because of course they did. Added them to the notes they already had from Kent State.
MSNBC: Kudos to the Parkland students on their tour!! Power in numbers, vote BLUE!! If they come to Austin, Texas, I’m backing them up.
CNN: Pleeeeze, that’d be great!!
TP: Frightening! “The greater fear rests with his most ardent fans as they crawl out from their hiding places to encourage and empower Trump to lead the nation further away from its democratic values.” Good article, passing on too.
Catoon: Oh, but of course they did.
You are such a great person to write a letter to the PB about one of your guys. I know that they appreciate all that you do/say for them. Hope that you get some rest, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
A lot of pseudo-Republicans would vote for Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Idi Amin, or Lord Voldemort if they had (R) after their names. Those lobotomized sheep will support anybody who claims to be a Republican and who s****s the right d***s.
Pfffttt pity he can’t control his own tiny ‘mind’!!! ?
MSNBC: Wonderful move on the Parkland kids’ part! Keep this issue on the front burner, while connecting with their peers
CNN: No doubt about it! Hearings would have begun lounge ago.
TP: This is scary, especially after seeing the clown in the Trump hat, at Lake Tahoe, last week, who was also wearing a “Confederate Live Matter! tee shirt. Then there was the other oaf with a cross tattoo adjacent to an AR-15 style rifle!
‘Toon: The end result of the Tiananmen Square standoff must have brought much joy to GOPIG hearts!
MSNBC: I’m really running short on time, and it’ll only get worse, so I’ve decided to put up my own Cordon Sanitaire for Drumpf and his minions and will only take note of the things he actually does and only respond to his actions and those of the GOP. Drumpf has been threatening to fire Mueller for months no and pardoning himself has come and gone too. For me, all diversions and smoke-screens will be left for what they are: diversions and smoke-screens not worthy of my time. Of course this NOT a critique of the articles you post, TomCat, just an explanation for the decrease in comments.
CNN: Can’t say this is a revelation, not even when it comes from Bill Clinton himself; here at Politics Plus and on Care2 people have been saying this for aver a year now.
TP: Again, this is all straight from Nazi 101, as written, tested and taught by A. Hitler, B. Mussolini, F. Franco et al. And every few years or so, a new release, in many more languages, comes to the shelves. History does repeat itself, but never have the circumstances and the different role players been so similar to those of the 1930’s.
Cartoon: From that same handbook.
Thanks and stinky hugs to all!