Jun 022018
It’s that time of week again, so here are three fine video clips from Bill’s show last night. Enjoy!
Bill called Trump a whiney little bitch, just like Sam called Ivanka a feckless cunt, which is no worse than Trump has talked about several women, using the same word.
"We need to bring forth an agenda that working people all over this country are going to respond to." Amen!
"His [Trump’s] only experience with Goldwater was in a Russian hotel room." LOL! The only answer is that more sane people than insane people have to vote in EVERY election! AMEN!!
Good show!
10 Responses to “Bill Maher from 6/1”
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Bill – Monologue – “threatened with learning.” Yeah, that would be terrifying for Trumpettes. The last thing I ever expected to call Bill was “patient” – but if he’s explaining jokes to idiots, he has more patience than I do.
Bernie – Well, now, that’s a great figure of speech – “people who take showers at the end of the day, not at the beginning of the day.” Bill’s right too though – an agenda is not a message. Let’s see, Trump has “Make America Great Again” and “Lock her up” – so we can have more than one – maybe we can even have three – but maybe that is about the limit. Bernie is ABSOLUTELY right that Democrats are NOT being silent, but we DON’T HAVE A VOICE.
New Rule – OMG he’s right – Rush WAS a gateway drug. “The only solution is that more sane people have to vote than insane people.” Oh, my. So true. BUT – OK, Hamlet was pretending to be crazy so he did pull stuff out of somewhere. But when he said “I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw,” he, or Shakespeare through him, was describing something that really exists. There are people who seem perfectly sane because in everything but some area, they are – but NNW, they aren’t. They may think there is no such thing as white privilege, or that it’s something one has to USE, and if you mention it in their presence, you are insulting them. They may think native Americans, or some group, are not fully human. They may think men are superior to women. They may even think Hillary is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor. If these things don’t come up in conversation – and if they don’t wear MAGA hats or carry Confederateflags – you may never find out.
Tweet Sorrow: Word.
Bernie: WTG, Love what he stands for! Truth!
Will listen to the last later…thx!
“Whiney bitch” is flattery when directed at the Orange Ogre.
It isn’t enough to “bring forth an agenda that working people all over this country are going to respond to.” Working people need to get their asses to the polls – and, more importantly, do their homework beforehand so they can pick genuinely progressive candidates.
OMG i Love Bernie!!!! GO Bernie 2020!!!!!
Bill fantastic as usual!
Woo Hoo Bernie! I know stage lights are hot, but do believe Bernie was blushing with all the audience adulation. If that had been Drumpf, he would be saying ‘keep it coming’.
I frightened my cats with my loud laughter in several spots. GOOD VIDS.
Few things are more entertaining than an agitated pussy cat. ?
Thanks for posting, TomCat. I’m terribly buy this weekend so viewing will have to wait until Monday. I’m sure I’ll enjoy it just as much.
Thanks all. VERY tired hugs!
A brilliant show – all 3 extracts have tremendous punch well dosed with humour!

Thanks, TomCat!