It’s cooler today, but the building is still hot, and I am still worn out. Tomorrow should be better.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:53 (average 4:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Trump only does TV interviews with his friends
Barf Bag Alert!!
These aren’t just sycophants. They are suckophants! RESIST!!
From Rolling Stone: Though the Trump administration is celebrating Monday’s official opening of the new U.S. embassy in Jerusalem, the move does not appear to have brought about any semblance of peace. An estimated 35,000 Palestinians lined the fence separating the Gaza Strip and Israel in protest, and at least 58 have been killed by Israeli Defense Forces. At least 2,700 have been injured, according to Palestinian officials and the Gaza Ministry of Health.
Protests along the border have raged since March 30th, and follow a call to action by Palestinian journalist Ahmed Abu Artema, who in January posted to Facebook an invitation for a peaceful demonstration, along with the hashtag #GreatMarchOfReturn, a reference to the desire for Israel to allow the return of Palestinian families who were removed from Israel when the state as founded in 1948. Organizers have said that it was Trump’s announcement in December that he would move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that inspired the protests. According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, over 100 people have died and around 11,500 have been injured since the protests began.
This blood stains the hands of the entire Republican Reich! RESIST!!
From NY Times:
Representative Jeb Hensarling of Texas needed a favor: Before retiring, he wanted to anoint a local activist as his successor. Mr. Hensarling, a veteran conservative, reached out to President Trump for help, but the White House hesitated to intervene, according to a person familiar with the overture.
Instead, Mr. Hensarling found a willing ally at Mr. Trump’s right hand: Vice President Mike Pence. Mr. Pence backed the congressman’s favorite, Bunni Pounds, last month in a tweet [sphincter delinked] that blindsided key White House aides…
…Republican officials now see Mr. Pence as seeking to exercise expansive control over a political party ostensibly helmed by Mr. Trump, tending to his own allies and interests even when the president’s instincts lean in another direction. Even as he laces his public remarks with praise for the president, Mr. Pence and his influential chief of staff, Nick Ayers, are unsettling a group of Mr. Trump’s fierce loyalists who fear they are forging a separate power base.
In addition to addressing dozens of party events in recent months, Mr. Pence has effectively made himself the frontman for America First Policies, an outside group set up to back Mr. Trump’s agenda. He has keynoted more than a dozen of its events this year, traveling under its banner to states including Iowa and New Hampshire. And Mr. Pence has worked insistently to shape Mr. Trump’s endorsements, prodding him in the contests for governor of Florida and speaker of the House, among others.
Word of the internal tensions is getting out beyond the walls of the White House: one prominent lawmaker said the complaints of high-ranking Trump officials were starting to circulate on Capitol Hill.
That pseudo-Christian fascist may seem inoffensive and soft-spoken, but he’s bright enough to see that the Fuhrer is on the way out, so he’s trying to seize the reins of the Reich. His policies are probably worse that Trump’s, but he’s sneaky and keeps the most extreme secret. RESIST!!
16 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/15/2018”
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5:34 That actually looks pretty good – which unfortunately means I’m still feeling pretty bad. Some improvement, but not enough.
I’m sorry, but this development is truly funny. Or maybe I’m actually not sorry. Not at all.
MM – Yes indeed. Mother Jones promoted this story too, and the term in their headline was “sycophant.” I love your “suckophant.”
RS – Only someone thoroughly delusional could possibly have expected peace from this thumbing-of-the-nose gesture. Sane people expect only death, death, and more death. Heck, some of the delusional expect death too, but welcome it as “fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.”
NYT – Well, well, well. Who knew the Hoosier Mortician could be so sneaky, and use that sneakiness right under Trump’s nose (which of course is probably stopped up with Putin, but still.) Just kidding, of course. Only everyone who has been paying attention.
Cartoon I – Patty Monster! Long time no see, hear, or read! I most certainly hope all is well with you, and that you are able to enjoy an ecstatically happy day!
Cartoon II – It WAS a lynching. A rope is not required to make a lynching a lynching.
Funny, I found her Republican racist.
Oooooh, yeah, So did I . So did most people. I’m not known for advocating public ridicule, but in THIS case, it seem the absolute right thing.
I agree!
Happy B-Day, Patty!
Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem was a yuuuuge mistake. I fear that we will pay for it dearly.
Party on, Patty!
MM: Question here, Where in the hell are their knee-pads??
RS: What a tragedy!!! This is heartbreaking, imho.
NYT: Yep, living up to the term, ‘Sneaky Snake’, where are HIS leakers to leak the things that they’re not supposed to leak?
Cartoon: Happy Birthday, hope that you have a wonderful and Happy Birthday!
Cartoon: Very sad.
Hope that you have a good quiet evening, and take good care. Thanks, Tom.
AWESOME! It’s the “Patty Monster’s” Birthday.
Enjoy your special Day and behave. lol.
i don’t think i know Patty.
Happy Birthday!
Patricia Lasek at Care2. As I recall, she had trouble with her Care2 profile etc and could not seem to get it straightened out with Care2. Patty has commented here for years and is also part of the Fantasy Football league. A terrific lady!
MMC: Robertson? One POS to another!
Rolling Stone: I did not look at the Robertson piece, but I’m sure that Patty Boy “Knows” that his god meant for Dumpy to move the embassy, probably thinks the world was created just so he could do that, and bring the end of the world that much closer.
NYT: Oh, gee, did the king of business acumen choose a sneaky, underhanded, stab-you-in-the-back-first -chance-I-get, running mate? Pence’s big secret is his Dominionist agenda? Jesus whispering in his ears? Bat-s**t crazy?
Happy Birthday, Patty!
Puzzle — 3:59 Makes me want to go get some pineapple from the fridge. I’ll be back!
Media Matters — “One of the most loved and respected.”??? Lou Dobbs lives in an alternate reality where alternate facts aka bullshit reigns supreme and the koolaid is plentiful! And of course the narcissist-in-Chief is going to agree with him. Laura Ingraham giving Drumpf credit for the economy??? Another one living in an alternate universe! I have no use for these sycophants and suckophant morons! I know, I know . . . the International Brotherhood of Morons is going to sue me!!! Thank God for your barf bag alert!
Rolling Stone — IMO, Drumpf is purposely stoking the flames of hate and violence. He is endangering the lives of Americans and many others. It seems that Israel is the proxy of the US while Iran is the proxy of Russia. The flames, encouraged by this proxy war, are licking at our boots. Add North Korea into the mix and we have the potential of an Armageddon. I am not sure if NK is the proxy of China.
NY Times — And the poll asks if Pence would be better or worse than Drumpf, should Drumpf get shot down in flames by Mueller. I think this article answers that question somewhat . . . he’s sneakier and quieter. Drumpf does not know how to shut up and is the author of all his misfortunes. Pence on the other hand, is right there in the open but is quietly going about with his own agenda, and to boot, he is dragging his pseudo Christian religion along with him.
Cartoon — Happy B’Day Patty! When are you coming back to comment etc. Hope you and the hubby are well! Miss you!
Cartoon — The more things change, the more they remain the same. 48 years later it is still SSDD!!!
MM: Made it through to 1:55 of the video, but had to stop or risk the bottom of my barf bag falling out. Suckophants indeed.
RS: Israel blamed Hamas for the 60 people they killed yesterday and the more than a hundred they killed on that border since protests began, and America followed suit.
The death-toll was a reason for the UN security council to come together. The meeting began with a minute’s silence for the victims the day before yesterday. However, the American ambassador Nikki Haley and her Israeli colleague Danny Danon only entered the room after the minute’s silence. Haley then gave a short speech in which she said that none of the fifteen members of the Security Council responded as moderately as Israel, if their borders were threatened. ‘Let it be clear: Hamas is satisfied with the results of yesterday,’ said Haley, referring to the victims of Monday. According to her, Hamas has sent Palestinian demonstrators to the fences on the border by calling loudspeakers that the Israeli soldiers have fled. (none of this was reported by foreign correspondents in the field). She left as soon as Palestinian diplomat Riyad Mansour addressed the council.
In Belgium the Israeli Ambassador was asked to appear before the PM after she had maintained in an news interview that all those who were killed (including women and children) were terrorists.
It appears that most of the world is pretty disgusted with both the excessive force the Israeli use on Palestinians and by Drumpf’s decision to move the American embassy to Jeruzalem, igniting the Palestinian powder keg. The White House likes to keep Americans in the dark too about how Jaret Kushner, Drumpf’s delegate to broker a peace treaty between Palestinians and Israel, handles his job. To show his intentions, Ivanka opened the new embassy, and her husband gave a speech the transcript of which the White House felt needed editing as Edits Transcript of Jared Kushner. His spoken line: “As we have seen from the protests of the last month and even today, those provoking violence are part of the problem and not part of the solution,” was deleted from the transcript.
Yes, pray for peace is about the only thing left to do now.
Thank you everyone, for the birthday wishes.
I’m hoping to be back after summer is over. I am well, just very busy. I miss all of you and miss reading all the comments. Maybe if the Trumpster is indicted I’ll be back sooner.
We miss you, Patty. Hurry Home.

Thanks all! Hugs!