Happy Mothers Day!

 Posted by at 12:52 pm  Holiday, Politics
May 132018


Thanks and kudos to mothers.

Bless all who are one.

Bless all who have one.

This greeting excludes

Those Republicans for whom

The term ‘mother’ requires

A second, more explicit, word.



  9 Responses to “Happy Mothers Day!”

  1. So sweet! Thanks. If God is willing to bless Republicans by making the scales fall from their eyes, so that they can see the error of their ways, then I’m all for it.

  2. A Lovely day,…. with cards, flowers, lunch and a movie all rolled into one fantastic day!! Gotta love my families, and G’s!! 
    Thanks, Tom

  3. Happy Mothers Day to All!

  4. Damn, that’s cute!

    That just about exceeds my “SQUEE” limit for the day!

    And a “Happy Mother’s Day!” to all that it’s applicable for.

  5. Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there, including mums of four legged kids like me!

    I would also like to say Happy Mother’s Day to all the men out there who are both mother and father to their kids.  I especially want to remember a young man from Richmond, BC whose wife died in childbirth within the past month after giving birth to  twin daughters.  This young man just took his daughters home last week after their 2 week stay at Children’s Hospital.  May he be blessed with incredible joy and support as he finds his way without his life’s partner.  

    • I’m not sure how true this is in Canada, but in the US black mothers are more likely to die in childbirth than pinky-beige mothers, and more likely to lose the baby if they don’t die themselves.

  6. Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers out there and to all those who are celebrating with their mothers.

  7. Thanks all.  Heat wave hugs!


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