May 092018

It’s a very busy day, here at the CatBox, and I slept poorly.  I had about 90 minutes of paperwork to do this morning.  Store to Door should be delivering groceries for me to unpack and stow in a couple hours.  WWWendy comes this evening to destink the TomCat.  It’s cooled today, and I have three cool days, before the next heat wave comes this weekend.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:30 (average 4:59).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – Nuclear Dealbreaker


Spot-on!  If those are Trump’s true prayers, may they be granted. If Trump sticks his dick in a gun, it had better be a BB gun. RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Outrage & Trepidation After President Trump Abandons Iran Nuclear Deal


Trumps’ favorite policy is to pull out. He shouldn’t bother. He should know that she’ll never notice the difference. RESIST!!

From YouTube (Inequality Media Channel): In Conversation: Elizabeth Warren and Robert Reich (27 min.)


In many ways, the Democratic Party is a swamp that needs to be drained. However, before we drain that swamp, we need to exterminate the entire infestation of vicious Republican Alligators. Liz in 2020! RESIST!!




  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/9/2018”

  1. Trae: He’s the best, isn’t he? Says it just like it is, too!

    MSNBC: Very concerning! Agree w/Mr. Brennan & President Obama on this completely. Shame dt can’t ‘withdraw’ from his flawed presidency!!

    IMC: Sounds great, I’ll have to listen ltr.

    Cartoon: Amen to that!!

    Hope that you have a good rest of your day/evening. HI Wendy!! Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

  2. 5:53 He seems like a perfectly nice turtle – but if he really is on the right wing he could give you indiegestion.

    Newest Randy Rainbow – just beautiful!

    Trae – of course I expect Drumpf to refer to what he’s doing as “withdrawing” – some some people are pointing out what it actually is – “violating” the agreement. Can you name twelve treaties we haven’t violated? Six? One? (“Withdraw” is what he should have done the night Don Jr. was conceived.)

    Brian – Yes. When even BORIS JOHNSON can see that you have done something totally dumb, that is pretty close to rock bottom.

    Bob and Liz – This is an excellent description of a process far beyond the matter of just hearing aids. With all his faults, Alan Grayson was pretty good at this. Of course, it’s also true it works best with issues that are under the radar. I’ll need to finish seeing it later, though.

    Cartoon – Yup!

  3. RESIST is the word! And it doesn’t stop even if we get the Blue Wave we need in November – we have to keep up the pressure, regardless of what party is in charge.

  4. It’s cold, raining ☔ ☁ & quite disgusting here, i wish i could swap with ya TC!Beam Me Up Scotty!!!? 21

  5. Trae Crowder: Spot on, as usual, including the quoted reason why Drumpf stepped out of the deal. Tried to destroy it really, by threatening all countries/corporations who didn’t abide the sanctions he re-instated single handedly. I hope the UK, Germany, France, the EU, China and Russia tell Drumpf and his America First to go (excuse language) f**k themselves and continue along the lines of the agreement with Iran.

    MSNBC: Perhaps “she’ll never notice the difference,” but Iran certainly does and so do his allies whom he left holding the baby for a third time (TPP, Paris, Iran). It’s time allies see that they’re better off standing on their own feet and aligning without America on some of these issues that concern the future of our planet. And they have to do it now, there’s no time left to wait on the election of a new and real American president.

    IM: WTG, hearing aids are not covered by MediCare or MediCare? ?
    Kudos for the small (bipartisan) victory there against a relatively small monopoly. But small tokens are all there’s to be gained for the people with Big Money calling the shots in all levels of government. Yes, Democrats need to walk the walk, not only talk the talk, and that means standing up for the little people. Which means standing up for far over 60% of Americans, by the way. Which means the elite cut off from leadership because they have do not have the big ideas nor will they ever adopt them. Democrats need people who fight for the big ideas and not people who fight for power and money for the elite which they are part of. People like Liz and Bob.

  6. Thanks all.  Hugs! 16

  7. Puzzle — 3:43 I hope you will retreat into your house where Puddy Tat is not as likely to get you!!!  I got the following message at the puzzle site: “The selected puzzle is no longer available. Please check that you have copied the link correctly.”  I investigated further and found this turtle puzzle — — that seemed to fit the bill. 

    Trae Crowder — Spot on is an understatement!  What’s more, I am even beginning to find it easier understand his accent!

    MSNBC — The only thing that the withdrawal does for the US is essentially increase the profits for the US military-industrial complex.  For Drumpf, he gains another distraction from the work of the Avenattis and Muellers of the country.  I agree with what Lona so eloquently said: “It’s time allies see that they’re better off standing on their own feet and aligning without America on some of these issues that concern the future of our planet.”  The US has thought of itself as the leader of the free world.  I have not believed that, unless of course I have said it with a whole lot of snark!  Drumpf has set the world against the US and endangers future negotiations with, for example, North Korea.

    Inequality Media — There need to be a lot more “Liz and Bob”s in the Democratic party.  I’ve given up hope for such to happen with the Republicans!  That would be an oxymoron of the greatest magnitude!  Big money in politics has to go the way of the dodo bird.  We The People must reclaim the government.

    Cartoon — Get those latex gloves ready for the inspection of the century . . . into the darkest and deepest recesses of the InsaniTEA swamp!

    You’re probably finished now, but I tried to finish before that.  Unfortunately I fell asleep mid way.  I am thankful that the busy week from hell is over and I have a few days before the next one starts, although not quite so busy.

    BTW, WRT the picture I posted, Nameless is correct.  I am the 5th one from the left looking like I have a big scowl on my face (it was the sun!) next to the shorter woman in the pink hat.  I am holding my walking poles in my hand.

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