Yesterday really wore me out. I went to sleep before 9:00 PM and slept eight hours. That happens once in a blue moon. It’s warmer today, and I’ll have to button up with the AC soon. I’m still pretty tired. I called the IRS to see if I can deduct myself, and unfortunately for Trump, there is no such thing as deductible pussy.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:08 (average 5:00). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Did Rudy Giuliani Just Contradict President Trump Over Why Comey Was Fired?
He also contradicted his Fuhrer by saying that Trump, aka Spanky, reimbursed Cohen for the Stormy bribe, when Trump had claimed to know nothing about the bribe. RESIST!!
From Business Insider: Investigators have warned that they will continue to pursue Cambridge Analytica despite the controversial data firm shutting down on Wednesday.
Britain’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) said it will keep investigating accusations that Cambridge Analytica scraped data from 87 million Facebook accounts and weaponised it during political campaigns, including the 2016 US election.
The ICO said it would press on even if it means going after the executives individually.
Good riddance to Cambridge Analytica, and I hope all the people responsible serve time and are stripped of all the money they made off the election theft. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker:
Donald J. Trump deleted nine tweets early Wednesday morning in a failed attempt to spell the word “subpoena,” a White House source confirmed.
According to the source, Trump spent more than an hour angrily trying to spell the legal term before giving up in disgust.
“I’ve never seen him so enraged,” the source said. “He hates the word ‘subpoena’ more than the E.P.A. hates the words ‘climate’ and ‘change.’ ”
That’s OK, Andy, as long as subpoena writers can spell "Trump!" RESIST!!
Godwin’s Law – a common meme used by Republicans, other fascists, pseudo-intellectuals, and people with their heads in the sand or in smellier places, whenever anyone points out the verifiable commonalities between today’s Republican Party and Germany’s National Socialist Party.
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 5/3/2018”
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5:39 Did we decide whether this butterfly was healthful or not to eat?
Headline of the Day (from AlterNet): “The Wall Street Journal Is Upset About Having to Interact With Poor People At the Airport“
MSN – The Comey admission is the more damaging – intent to obstruct justice. The Daniels admisson MAY be an attempt to trivialize corruption into a campaign finance violation. Michael Avenatti thinks that admisson will help his case … and that the aadmission that the funds were “funnelled through” a bank in California will bring Xavier Becerra, a formidable opponent, into the melee.
BI – Definitely. The corporation couldn’t have been locked up anyway. But there are actual persons who can be, and should be.
TNY – Yes, well, if English is one’s second language (and one doesn’t have a first language), Latin can indeed be a challenge. LOL!
Cartoon – If we had known how fast they were going to turn into real Nazis, and bring other real Nazis out of the woodwork, maybe we would have held our fire and Godwin’s law would not have been invented. Or, of course, maybe not.
MSNBC: They (Giuliani & dt) are falling over each other with their lies. They are having a hard time staying coherent. What it says to me, (every day), that this pretend potus is a traitor, liar, and sneak. Unbelievable!!!
BI: I’m sure all those involved have sweaty palms over this, in running the election campaign. Good that the investigators are pressing on with this.
NYer: LOL, Andy. He can’t spell, talk, or think rationally, imho. I read several tweets he wrote that had his typed word, “Roll”, instead of the word “Role”. Call me OCD, but I want to automatically correct them.
Cartoon: Word.
I laughed at your musings.
Hope that you get your rest, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
I hope that the investigation into Cambridge Analytics leads to their downfall.
Love the cartoon.
TY ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TC
Puzzle — 4:02 Sorry Mr Flutterby, I could not save you from the rapacious jaws of Puddy Tat! Fly really high. Puddy Tat does not have wings!
MSNBC — Drip, drip, drip is looking more and more like a tsunami! When you can’t keep your stories straight, you are doomed to failure. The Drumpf administration is the biggest failure ever!!!
Business Insider — I don’t think that there will be anyone too upset about the demise of Cambridge Analytica except the owners and/or investors. I wonder if the owners will try to re-invent themselves as another company doing the same work? Hopefully they won’t have a chance because they will be in prison for a very long time having participated in election engineering on behalf of, or in cooperation with Russia.
The New Yorker — “…as long as subpoena writers can spell “Trump!”” — AMEN!!!
Cartoon — Republicans, if the comparison to the Nazis fits, which it most often does, then you own it!
“deductible pussy”? LMAO!!! It was dry and pleasant here but the weather is suppose to turn to rain tonight. There may be showers on Sunday, just in time for the Alzheimer’s walk. Arrggghhhh!!!!! I took your advice and tried to relax in prep for the coming week. Now you relax and get some rest!
Puddy Tats can’t fly, but I can launch a green cloud to bring down the butterfly.
MSNBC: Reading Comey’s book at the moment and was surprised to learn that Comey learned the attorney ropes from Giuliani when putting New York’s Mafia mob on trial. He doesn’t say much about him, just that he learned a lot then, but in between the lines you can read that even then Giuliani was a man who hugged the limelight, couldn’t live without it. The book was of course written before Giuliani stepped in to become Drumpf’s legal advisor, but Comey may have had more to say about his mentor and the way he handles the truth had he known Giuliani would step up again. But even without that background information, it is clear that Giuliani has an ego almost as big as Drumpf and is just as much a showman who forgets the script and any earlier lies when he’s on camera. It looks like it isn’t “traitor” Comey but BFF Giuliani who’ll be the downfall of Drumpf and his empire. ?
BI: That was the first thing that came to mind when Cambridge Analytica closed shop and its parent SCL filed for bankruptcy: they’re trying to stop the investigations. Good to know they’re not getting away with it and ICO is willing to go after individual executives. Let’s hope that also includes members of the board, like Bannon.
TNY: Drumpf will have “subpoena” stricken from the dictionary and banned from use by presidential decree. See how Mueller takes that! Remember, Andy: “he can do anything he likes.”
I have the suspicion that Republicans do get to deduct their dogs.
There’s a saying that the most dangerous place in New York is between Giuliani and a microphone. That’s probably true in DC right now too.
Thanks all. Hugs!