May 022018

Compared to March, April results were down in Uniques and Visits and strongly up in every other category.  It appears that less people are doing more.  I certainly prefer that to pit stops.

Here is our latest summary:


Reported period

Month Apr 2018





First visit

01 Apr 2018 – 00:00





Last visit

30 Apr 2018 – 13:22






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(4.34 visits/visitor)


(7.46 Pages/Visit)


(16.44 Hits/Visit)

24.15 GB

(954.49 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






26.69 GB


Reported period

Month Apr 2017





First visit

01 Apr 2017 – 00:01





Last visit

30 Apr 2017 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(3.05 visits/visitor)


(2.96 Pages/Visit)


(7.49 Hits/Visit)

6.67 GB

(250.88 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






8.90 GB


Compared with last April, we are down in Uniques and Visits and up in every other category.

Here is our ClustrMap for 2018 YTD.  This is four months’ traffic.


ClustrMap misses a lot of visits, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.

Here are our top five articles:

DO NOT CONGRATULATE! 3/21/2018 2,512
Everyday Erinyes #119 4/14/2018 1,231
Everyday Erinyes #117 3/31/2018 895
A Very Strange Kind of Republican 4/25/2018 780
Trolling Trump! 4/9/2018 716

The count represents only the people who opened the page for that specific article.  Three were from April.   Two were from last month.  Kudos to JD, who wrote the second and third.  I wrote the other three.  These results were excellent!

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers (100 referral minimum):

Google 3,743
Care2 3,205
Stumbleupon 598
Baidu 143
Facebook 124

Google and Care2 are up.  Stumbleupon and Facebook are down.  Baidu made the list again.   I opted not to link back to Facebook, because their management has been acting completely like Republicans.

Here are our top  blog/news referrers:

We had 11 sites with 2 or more referrals, up 1 from April.  Putting blogs’ links here increases the ratings of their sites, so this “linkey love” is our thank you for their referral support.  We still need to improve this.  I still think I need to start visiting our blog roll, which is terribly out of date.

As of midnight May 1, we had 8,164 articles and 97,850 comments.

Nobody earned a Big Mouth Award in April.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.

Your Administrators are Lynn Squance, aka Sasquatch or Squatch, SoINeedAName, aka Nameless, and I, aka TomCat, the Founder.  Your Editors are Joanne Dixon, aka JD the Erynator and Lona Goudswaard, aka Lona the Napster.  I  promoted them from Author in August 2017 to give them the ability to add graphics to comments and the ability to correct my innumerable typos.

This is our policy on links.  We do not embed links to extreme Republican websites, like Faux Noise, Breitfart or World Nut Daily.  However I leave notes in square brackets when I delete such links, (example: [faux noise delinked]) so readers, who wish to follow them can click through to the source article.  I also remove topical links.  Finally, I blank the target on all links, so they open in a new tab or window.

We now have six months, before we will have a major opportunity to reclaim part of our nation from the monster that possesses all three branches of government.  If you haven’t started working toward that end, the time to do so is yesterday.

Thank you for your support here and for all you do, everywhere you do it.




  22 Responses to “Monthly Report for April 2018”

  1. Well, this sounds positive, even if not overwhelming.  I’m sort of surprised to be in the top five, not once but twice, considering all the great stuff you (and the others) did – but grateful  Everyone who read them, thank you.  And everyone, keep it up – but not to the exclusion of working elections!


  2. Yes, 6 months to go! Please, God, let me see the light at the end of the tunnel!! PLEEZE!!!

    Thank you, Tom, Administrators, and Editors for your posts. 

    Thank you, Tom for your report. 

  3. Fewer visits, but a lot more hits in April? Interesting.

    • We get a lot more attention from bots, but look at “Not viewed” pages.  A bunch are reading with feed readers.  I’d rather they stop by, but am so concerned about informing, that I am not blocking the RSS feed. 02

  4. Interesting stats!
    i can see me, the lone little red dot in Adelaide, South Australia!!! 

    • And we are very glad that your “lone little red dot” is there.  I hope you’ll keep commenting here at the site.  When and if your Care2 gets squared away, you can do your comments here and then copy them to Care2.  That’s what I do.

    • And, even though you’re back on Care2, I hope you will become a regular here too.  Would you like to join our fantasy football league?  Sorry, not Aussie rules. ?

  5. Steady as you go; consolidating in difficult times is no small feat.

  6. I visit and read articles often, not daily, but several times per week.
    I do not see my visits being tracked at all.  I wonder if it is a browser setting.
    Does anyone have any tips?

    • There may be others in your vicinity who, along with you, make up a red dot.  Unless you are in the middle of an ocean or on the moon, this may very well be the answer.  Because I am in Metro Vancouver, I don’t get my own dot either.  As Tom says too, “ClustrMap misses a lot of visits, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.”

      I sure hope you’ll comment more often, especially with the midterms just 6 months away!  Even short comments are good!

    • Where do you live Richard? 09

      • Nedrow, NY

        • OK, I opened the map at the Clustrmap site and zoomed in on NY.  Then I went to Google Images to find where on the map Nedrow is.  I found your dot.  Clustrmap calls it Rome NY, which is probably your ISP’s email server is located. 07

          • Thank you, I’ll try that. I will try to find where the email server is located, too.

  7. Look at that, Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs is no longer at the top of the leader board!  I know it has been a few months, but that article was at the top for a long time.

    Thanks TC for all the work you do each and every day, but also in preparing the stats.  Preparing the stats is a big job — I know having done them several times while you were sick, even though my version was not as polished as I don’t have the same programmes and technical skills that you do.

    Forward and upward!

  8. Thanks all.  Hugs! 17

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