Yesterday WWWendy rad out to Freddy’s and picked me up a $110 Emerson microwave. It will get me by, until I know where I’m going to be living, and then I can decide if I need something better. Today, I’m back in the saddle and it’s comfortably seasonal here in the CatBox. Bye April!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:24 (average 5:34). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): Confounds the Science – (Parody of) Sound of Silence
This was released on 8/16 and is the first in the channel. It was a great start. RESIST!!
From Share Blue: Panicked about a looming midterm lashing, the GOP’s do-nothing Congress suddenly wants to get something done — literally anything to show voters there’s a reason they should be sent back to Washington, D.C., in November.
“We need some more wins,” Republican Study Committee Chairman Mark Walker told Axios. “We can’t just talk about Neil Gorsuch and tax cuts from here to November.”
The scramble comes after reports have already noted Republicans look like they’ve given up defending the House, and have desperately shifted time and resources toward hanging on to the Senate.
Of course, backslapping Republicans last December thought they had mapped out their re-election strategy by passing a tax giveaway bill to billionaires and corporations. But it turns out there are a lot of non-billionaires who vote, and they don’t think much of the Republican legislation.
We need to keep rubbing Republicans’ noses in two things: everything they have done and everything they haven’t done. RESIST!!
From TPM: In a heated appearance on CNN Monday morning, American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp voiced harsh criticism for comedian Michelle Wolf after her monologue at the White House Correspondents Dinner Saturday, concluding that it is not her nor any journalist’s place to call out the President for lying.
“Just present the facts and let the American people if they think someone’s lying,” Schlapp said to CNN’s Alisyn Camerota. “Journalists shouldn’t be the one to say the President or his spokesperson is lying. What that does to 50 percent of the country is make them feel they are not credible to listen to.”
This Republican asshole walked out on Michelle Wolfe. Journalists have a responsibility to the truth. That is their ONLY job! RESIST!!
16 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/30/2018”
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5:32 I wonder what the whole thing looks like,
My goodness! Don’t you wish you could have seen this in real life?

PP – Genius from the get-go. Thanks!
SB – I’m not sure I’m glad they’re running scared. I suspect I would be more optimistic if they were more complacent. Nothing loses like complacency.
TPM – What kind of person thinks that journalists should neither fact check nor call out lying? Why, a liar, of course. Pssst – Matt – if you are lying, you are IN FACT not credible to listen too. Feelings have nothing to do with it.
Cartoon – They are the ones who crucified him in the first place – not them in person (well, maybe, if reincarnation is true), but their tribe.
Love the rainbow! I’ve never heard of this type before but I definitely think they are magnificent! That they are the culmination of near perfect conditions makes them even more beautiful!!!
Stunning! ?
PPC: Word!
SB: gop=Basically everything they say, everything they do, turns to sheet. imho.
TPM: Imho, the republicons cry over this, but don’t do anything (starting up on the top, with dt) with his whining, and are complacent with his daily lies. Journalists are there to report, that’s their job. Comedians speak the truth. Case in point, George Carlin. RiP.
Cartoon: Sad.
Good news about you getting a microwave, Wendy is your/our Blessing! Glad to read your weather is working for you, we’ve got rain scheduled all week here. Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*Joanne, gorgeous picture you linked here. Also your ‘Resist’ pic is nice too.

Thanks … I’m learning how to make the lettering round … and hope to improve.
YT: That song would be funnier if it wasn’t so true. RESIST, PERSIST, INSIST!
SB: I sure hope that the Rethuglicanazis are nervous as long-tailed cats in rooms full of rocking chairs. Serves them right! Ride the blue wave – but be sure that the Dems you support are genuine Dems, not just elephants in donkey’s clothing.
TPM: I guess that’s all Schlapp(stick) could get out of his mouth around his foot.
Cartoon: “If Christ was alive today, there is one thing he would not be, and that is a Christian.” – Mark Twain
PPC: Love it!
Share Blue: May the panic themselves into a total tizzy! Bunch of jackasses!
TPM: Horse Poo! If a president is lying, it is the PATRIOTIC thing to do to call him out on it!!! Otherwise we re that much closer to “Newspeak.” “Just present the facts and let the American people if they think someone’s lying,” is not even a cogent sentence.
‘Toon: Yeah, your Jesus is not on a cross, he’s got someone in the crosshairs!
Thanx TC… miss y’all
Have you been banned from Care2, like so many before you, or can’t you get to it any longer like Lynn did, Animae? Whatever the reason, you’re very welcome here.
I 2nd that!!! AMEN!!
I’ll third it. At one point Animae said that tech support told her that her credentials should work; I suppose they might possibly have said that if she were banned, but usually it’s been the reason for banning they won’t reveal, not the fact itself. I wondered if Animae might be having a router problem similar to Lynn’s? (I can see Animae’s profile, so I don’t think she’s banned.)
This does not sound like a ban, and it could not be a DNS problem. It’s sound’s like pure Care2 Glitch Monster.
Your ISP is blocking my email replies to you.
PP: The start was brilliant and PP has never missed a beat since. Keep going, Don!
SB: I think Republicans are feeling the hot breath of their masters in their necks. Masters like the Koch brothers, who aren’t satisfied with what’s happening on the federal level – and who’ll never be satisfied – now putting their money towards those states worth investing in instead. And as it is still the amount of money candidates get to spend on their campaigns which decides who wins, the day of reckoning may soon be here for the GOP. Excellent.
TPM: Only a conservative would insist that it isn’t Wolf’s nor any journalist’s place to call out the President for lying, because the right-wing of course will never admit to the lies Drumpf AND the GOP keep telling their base. Never admit, only repeat and add. You’re really making yourself out as part of Drumpf’s propaganda machine there, Schlapp!
Cartoon: In the Republican mind Jesus was a Socialist.
Puzzle — 4:54 Well, I know you won’t be eating that!
Parody Project — Absolutely brilliant! One of my all time favourite songs with new and very true lyrics. With all that Garfunkel hair, Don looks so much younger.
Share Blue — “But it turns out there are a lot of non-billionaires who vote, and they don’t think much of the Republican legislation.” — I wonder if Republicans will continue to try to change this by gerrymandering, voter suppression and all such like manner fascist ideas, or have the courts soured them a bit.
TPM — “Journalists have a responsibility to the truth. That is their ONLY job!” — AMEN!!! That is why in fascist states, journalists are often the targets of violence. Recent example — Mohamed Fahmy journalist who was detained in jail in Egypt along with his photojournalist colleague, Peter Greste, on the grounds of participating in an insurrection when all they did was observe. Look at 1930’s Germany as an example, or the Soviet Union and its TASS news agency, or present day Russia and RT.
Cartoon — The real Jesus was a revolutionary, a socialist in the truest sense of the word. The real Jesus would have even loved Republicans, just not all their bull shit ideas and actions like pandering to the rich at the expense of the poor.
Glad you have a new microwave in which to do the cooking. WWWendy saves the day!!! It is so great having my puter working again, or should I say my internet since the puter was OK! Well, I finished my taxes last night and because my income is so low, I did not owe any money, provincial or federal. I am sitting here with my little girl snuggled up beside me purring away. What a wonderful feeling and sound!
Thanks and pooped hugs!