I’m mostly recovered from Thursday evening’s ordeal, and am looking forward to a week of seasonal weather. Somehow I have a feeling that one of the hottest summers in history is just around the corner. I am watching my Broncos doings in the NFL draft and I want to remind you that we need two more players in our fantasy football league. Please reply here.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:53 (average 4:16). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Is Arizona Special Election The GOP’s Canary In The Coal Mine?
I too think we have a blue wave coming, unless idiots think it’s OK to vote third party, because Democrats will win anyway, like they did in 2016. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: A Fox News poll [Faux Noise delinked] released this week found that most Americans believe the Russia probe will yield impeachable offenses and a solid two-thirds of the public think completing the probe is important to some extent. The Hill writes:
Fifty-six [percent] of respondents in the poll said they believed Mueller’s probe will find that Trump committed the offenses. And 67 percent say they believe it’s at least somewhat important that Mueller’s investigation continues.
However, 71 percent said they think that Trump will fire Mueller before the probe is over. […]
Sixty-four percent of respondents in the poll overall also said they believe Mueller is treating the White House fairly.
I’m amazed that Faux Noise, the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, didn’t cover this up. RESIST!!
From NY Times: The Trump administration has drafted a new set of regulations on planet-warming emissions from cars and light trucks that would dramatically weaken Obama-era standards. The proposal, if implemented, would also set up a legal clash between the federal government and California by challenging the state’s authority to set its own, stricter, air pollution rules.
Details of the proposal, which is being jointly drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Transportation Department and is expected to be sent to the White House for approval in coming days, were described to The New York Times by a federal official who had seen them but was not authorized to discuss the matter.
The proposal follows an announcement this month by the E.P.A. administrator, Scott Pruitt, that the Trump administration intended to weaken the stringent vehicle fuel economy standards set by the Obama administration that aimed to roughly double the average fuel economy of new cars, S.U.V.s and light trucks by 2025.
With Trump’s appointed criminals, the only thing worse than what they steal from taxpayers is that they institute Republican policies. RESIST!!
In the foolishness of youth I thought we (progressives) had won, but back then, we called ourselves radicals.
17 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/28/2018”
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4:40 (4:16) Sigh
And now “Faithful America” is getting in on the chaplain firing.
Any “Princess Bride” fans here?
MSNBC – I beware of Republicans bearing news of a coming blue wave, just as I beware of Greeks bearing gifts (which didn’t end well for the Trojans.) I have high hopes, yes, but let’s not get complacent. And GOD’s sake let’s try, all us Democrats, to get along.
DKos – And Rudy Giuliani said, “There is no person in the United States who believes there was collusion.” My, my. That’s a huge boatload of people he just called non-persons, isn’t it.
NYT – And they’ll just have to go back to the Obama standards, or even more stringent standards, when sufficient sane people get into government. I don’t think Republicans do believe a blue wave is coming. If automakers truly believed a blue wave is coming, they would be arguing to stick to the Obama standards, or voluntarily sticking to the Obama standard, because either would be cheaper than making and selling a lot of cars which will just have to be recalled and/or retrofitted.
Cartoon. I was there. Not in Vietnam, but on Okinawa, pulling (in the dead of night) the pay records of those from my base who were going, and delivering them to the operation (“Operation Eagle Pull”) commander.
Love the meme.
Marvelous meme!
Your graphic … it’s good! It’s very, VERY good!
Thanks, everyone. (You can’t steal it, because I’m giving it away – so you can pass it on.)
All these articles show that this country is in deep trouble. I feel such despair when I read the papers or watch the news on tv that I have about decided to quit all of them.
MSNBC: Certainly good news re: the uptick of Dems on the frontline!! We can do this!!
DK: They can’t get this man out of the WH quick enough, imho. He should have been gone from day uno!!!
NYT: Depressing to say the least. They’re all for the ruination of this nation and it’s people/environment!
Cartoon: I remember this,feeling frightened, with watching this frantic, chaotic event unfold on tv. Some things one just doesn’t forget even after all these years.
The heat must get pretty intense in your apartment with facing the afternoon/evening sun like that. Shame one can’t ice down the hot walls. (something!!) to get it cooler for you. Enjoy/relax this evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
*Thank you and Kudos, Joanne, for helping with the evacuation paperwork on base! Gettin’ the job done!
My husband was on the USS Enterprise during that time, helping with the evacuation of Saigon, which was part of the ‘Operation Frequent Wind’. My son, who was also (oddly) stationed on the USS Enterprise, in 1994, to which the command enforced no-fly zones in ‘Operation Joint Endeavor’ off of Bosnia and ‘Operation Southern Watch’ over Iraq.
My bad….
my spouse was TAD on the USS Enterprise, during the Vietnam war, but he was stationed on the USS King, (WestPac), and the USS Forrestal (NA)
The Democrats are no prize, but third parties right now are simply not viable. Even protest votes for them are nothing. We need to keep that blue wave going – but by supporting those Dems who are truly progressive and who will return the party to its real roots.
MSNBC: A blue wave is soooooooo needed!
DK: Maybe Faux Fools blinked?
NYT: More, and still more, reasons NOT to vote 3rd party. Even if this jackass resident is removed, or, beaten in 2020, sending Pence to political oblivion, where he ought to have remained, we will still have so much to correct, if we can.
‘Toon: So much for King Richard’s claim that he would not be the first president to loose a war. And, our war record, since then, has been even worse…starting more are that should never have been started.
And Rudy Giuliani said, “There is no person in the United States who believes there was collusion.” Rudi has found him a home…he is that comfortable with a blatant lie!!!!! Or, is he also delusional?
MSNBC — When the blue wave hits the Congress, Drumpf’s pudgy little fingers will be instigating a Twitter firestorm! He won’t be able to deal with the Democrats. Just look how he is dealing with Jon Tester right now demanding his resignation. He’s likely to demand the resignation of every last Democrat. The Music Director at my church and I were talking a while back about a blue wave. He thinks that when it happens, Drumpf will try to become a Democrat because he hates to lose. Of course Dems will have none of that crap.
May all Republicans be voted into the unemployment line . . . the sooner the better!
From Colbert above in JD’s comment: Mandy Patinkin — “You have the most powerful thing in the world . . . you have a vote.” He went on to say that if we, as voters, don’t have people with moral and ethical values that match our own, then find representatives that do. The biggest thing, get out and vote!!!
Daily Kos — I believe that is a banana peel and Faux slid all over the place! Drumpf should never have been given the keys to the WH!
NY Times — Drumpf’s hat tip to the oil and gas industry. “…weaken the stringent vehicle fuel economy standards set by the Obama administration that aimed to roughly double the average fuel economy of new cars, S.U.V.s and light trucks by 2025.” Increased profits for oil and gas plus Drumpf sticks it to an Obama legacy line.
Cartoon — I remember the evacuation from the news of the day.
Emergency rush hugs!
Late back from weekend of family reunion without Wifi, sorry.
Nothing to apologize for to us – of course, if you want to feel sorry for yourself, you can.
Just got the post. I will be joining for fantasy football this fall if you still need one! Thanks, TC!
You’re already in the league.