Apr 282018
It’s that time of week again, so here are three fine video clips from Bill’s show last night. Enjoy!
Monologue: Handsy Across America
Dang! The Fuhrer could get a hand job from Emmanuel, but not Melania. Perhaps she thought that tiny finger poking her hand was something else.
I think he made a few good points. Trump has replaced diplomacy with loudmouth bullying. The for diplomacy with North Korea belongs to Moon, not Trump. War on Peace is a standard Republican policy.
Bill does raise a valid question. How does a solid lefty become a rectum worshiper?
Thanks Bill!
17 Responses to “Bill Maher from 4/27”
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Bill – Monologue – Well, he seems to have covered about everything we covered … but we missed Melania’s birthday.
Farrow – There are people who are talking (writing) about “empire” and “the United States” in the same sentence. It wouldn’t hurt us to listen to (read) them. Beyond that, I was mostly impressed by what he DIDN’T say. Bill asked him a few things which could have gone sour and he chose to talk right past him.
New Rules – I’ve never followed Roseanne, but she should definitely listen to Bill here. TC, to address your question, those I’ve seen, and those I’ve read other people talking about, got there by being stuck in the Social Liberal origin story, and actively resisting the Structural Oppression origin story. I’m not saying every liberal, to be truly liberal, has to move, but I do suspect that it is necessary to at least listen to the people with the newer origin story and do one’s best to get some empathy. Otherwise the Social Liberality turns into oppression itself.
All good, he says what I’m thinking about dt every day. I found Bill’s message very good to Roseanne, with humor thrown in. Will she listen to him though?
Hey TC & all, i have been locked-out of C2 & cannot get back in no matter what i do!

Passwords don’t work, username doesn’t work & admin insist my log-on details work!
At least i can still enjoy Bill!
Thank you TC
The [credit] for diplomacy with North Korea belongs to Moon, not Trump.
It’s always important to keep this in mind. The US is not the only, and often not even the major, determiner of what happens elsewhere in the world. In the same way, Americans argue whether Obama or Trump deserves the credit for defeating Dâ’ish (ISIL), when in fact the credit belongs to the Kurds and Arabs who did most of the fighting, with some support from the West (and Iran). The US has an idiot in charge, but other nations and peoples continue to pursue their own interests.
A second AMEN!!!
Funny and incisive as always! As for the hand-holding: Reminds me of a ditty I heard in grade school. I can’t properly remember it, but it sure would have been appropriate for tRump and Macron!
Bill #1: This new reality, with tDump finding ever newer ways to screw up is right out of “the Twilight Zone.” Sadly, Pompeo passed muster in congress, however.
Bill #2: Empire-See “The New American Militarism: How Americans Are Seduced by War, by Andrew Bacevich. I seriously believe that the Korean situation was arrived at because Kim Jong-Un noted that tDump is so much more crazier than he is. But, a Nobel prize? Has that fool who suggested that managed to pull his nose out of Dump’s dumper?
Bill #: Many good points, but will she listen, as Pat wonders?
What’s this about someone trying to nominate Drumpf, an ignorant, uncultured, rude, lying SOB, for a Nobel Prize? Please say it ain’t true.
Oh, it’s true. But even if the nomination gets to the Committee (doubtful), the Committee is still composed of sane people.
If Moon can pull this off, he’ll deserve the peace prize — but he’d probably concede the honor to Trump if it motivates the latter to keep himself and his big mouth out of the delicate negotiations. History will remember who really accomplished what.
Both the Presidents of North Korea and South Korea, have noticed that dRumpf is SUSCEPTIBLE TO FLATTERY. The two Presidents both want Peace and NO NUCLEAR CONFRONTATION, which both Korean Presidents know would absolutely devastate both their countries. THEREFORE, it is a BRILLIANT ploy – totally insincere, OF COURSE, but dRumpfy doesnt KNOW that – to SUGGEST he get the Nobel Peace Prize. He won’t, of course! but their thinking is, he may ALLOW THE TWO KOREAN PRESIDENTS TO SETTLE THEIR OWN AFFAIRS, WITHOUT intervening with his Nukes! As I said, I think this is a BRILLIANT piece of psychological jiu-jitsu! I am in awe at the cynical trickery and chicanery! and it just might WORK!
Barb, how nice to see you! Very interesting analysis!
Welcome Barb!
Flattering the Fuhrer is how Putin fooled him enough to blackmail him.
Monologue — Great stuff and funny! In watching the “hand holding etc”, I think that Macron is trying to show Drumpf that 2 can play the dominance game. Macron is a class act and I really don’t think that Drumpf has realised that he was sunk by Macron.
Interview with Ronan Farrow — His book sounds very interesting. I have talked about the American empire and American exceptionalism which are part and parcel in my mind quite often. I have also made references to the fall of the Roman Empire. While somewhat different, there are lessons that the US could learn from the Romans. Don’t expect Republicans to heed those lessons.
New Rule — Good one. I was never a Roseanne fan, but even bowing to Drumpf is a little much.
Emergency rush hugs.
Thanks for posting Bill Maher, TomCat. I’ll watch later.