It’s much to hot here for this time of year, before I’ve had a chance to get used to it. I’m doing as little as possible.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:18 (average 5:49). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): EVERYBODY KNOWS – Parody of Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen
Thoroughly depressing and spot-on. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Said "The Mob Takes The Fifth"- And So Did His Lawyer
Unfortunately, most folks are blowing the importance Cohen taking the Fifth. It is a common practice for defendants in both civil and criminal cases to take the fifth in the civil case until the criminal case is resolved. RESIST!!
From NY Post: A Manhattan judge ruled Wednesday that there’s nothing “outrageous” about throwing the president’s supporters out of bars — because the law doesn’t protect against political discrimination.
Philadelphia accountant Greg Piatek, 31, was bounced from a West Village watering hole in January 2017, just after Trump took the oath of office, for wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap, according to his lawsuit over the incident.
16 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/26/2018”
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6:02 I always think of silverfish as not being fish.
Has anyone seen any pigs in the sky recently, or any reports of sub-zero weather in Hades? Because Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law just worked for a black man.
PP – And more genius. I’m not sure his supporters know all of that, but then, I don’t suppose they are anybody, anyway.
Lawrence – Cohen may not look like an attorney, but he sure does look like a mob guy. And of course you are right, and it makes sense, that one wouldn’t go on record in a civil case until the related criminal case is resolved. But Avenatti certainly scored points. And that’s just fine with me. BTW – Have you seen that on Fox News this morning Donny Two Scoops threw Cohen under the bus (and likely himself with him) by claiming that his dealings with Cohen were mostly “business,” not “legal”? Gee, Donald, then say good-bye to attorney-client privilege.
NYPost – Oh, this is priceless! Will he appeal? Better stock up on popcorn.
Cartoon – 3 legged chickens that glow in the dark, you mean.
Some days soon, I’m going to just type the resistance message, but show a different graphic. So many creative people out there that come up with these knee-slappers, and I need to start sharing. Not every day, but sometimes.
Part of me is sorry that Leda did not get at least a little flesh wound, or at least crap his pants. But, maybe he did do the latter, and it just did not make the story.
Will this jackass learn anything about living among people from this…naaaaah.
Silverfish are not fish. Silver fish are. Good idea with your RESIST.
Everybody knows – ain’t that the truth! Except for the Teabaggers whose pin heads are all the way up their fat asses.
. . . and except for the Drumpf troglodytes who follow Drumpf no matter what! Some may know but none will acknowledge it!
PP: Excellent, sung with words that we think every day.
MSNBC: Cohen needs to get some shovels, the hole(s) are getting deeper now……just sayin’………
NYP: Good!! Kudos to the judge. *See on the same link as your article, Tom, that “Cosby has been found guilty to all three felony counts of aggravated indecent assault. The convicted pervert now faces up to 10 years behind bars on each of the three counts.” Maybe one day, he’ll see dt there..??
Cartoon: So sad.
Shame about your discomfort. Maybe a spray bottle filled with cold water, or a refrigerated wet towel would help you? Hope that you have a chance to rest/relax, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
PPC: “Everybody knows,” that is, everybody with a brain, and the willingness to use it.
MSNBC: To the last 2 questions- “Yes!” and “Yes!” Does Michael wind up having a “bad accident?”
NYP: What, an actual reporting of a real event, by the Post? Maybe they are right, after all, and the end days are upon us!
‘toon: Oh, cool, Dr. Ben can feed them to the poor, once they are evicted. I know, that was a long time ago, but the radiation might just act as a preservative, maybe?
PP: Wow, what a great combination of a parody that hits everything about Drumpf on the nose and is a wonderful tribute to the great songwriter, Leonard Cohen, as well.
Lawrence: A pity Drumpf only watches Faux News and never Lawrence, because the latter’s concluding question: What crime forced Cohen to take the Fifth in order not to incriminate himself? would have cost dear Drumpf at least two nights of sleep and another outburst on Faux News. I’m sure Kelly is having some men with strait‐jackets on standby, because Drumpf is ready to blow his stack completely.
NYP: Even though I think it’s fundamentally wrong to allow anyone to discriminate on whatever basis, this judge had me laughing. According to the defense lawyer, only religious, and not political, beliefs are protected under state and city discrimination laws, saying, “supporting Trump is not a religion”, so Piatek’s lawyer made a case for a creed of one, but the judge didn’t buy it.
Drumpf will be so furious when he realizes he’s no god in the eyes of the law.
Cartoon: Too bad for the poor those chickens get across the road so much faster too.
Puzzle — Unfortunately, the site won’t load.
Parody Project — An excellent parody of Cohen’s, a Canadian, style. And the words? . . . spot on without doubt! Everybody knows, but some chose to ignore or call it fake news!
MSNBC — I hear that tsunami getting closer and closer, and fiercer and fiercer! There is such a tangled web of lies and deceit surrounding Drumpf and Cohen that they will likely be lynched by those lies and deceptions before the final tsunami wave arrives!
NY Post —

. . . proof that there is a God, and that God has a sense of humour!!!
Cartoon — In the US, the poor don’t need any help from Chernobyl. They’ve got Republicans to help them all the way to an early grave!
We hit 28C (83 F) yesterday out by me! Damn, it was hot! I was at 7/11 yesterday and volunteered to work for free as long as it was in the cooler stocking cold drinks! Apparently all such positions have been filled!
I also cannot connect to Care2 either so I’ll have to put my comment there later.
It might be your ISP. Both are working.
Now I can’t get into my Telus email either. Telus is my ISP. Arrggghhhh!!!!!
I got to Care2, but cannot get into my Yahoo email, so don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. I guess I’ll have to wait until the bots go home.
Update: I finally got in to Yahoo Mail. They changed the URL address and yanked the security certificate from the old one. Aaaaaargh!
Oh, JEEZ! Ya just can’t make this stuff up!!! And that song was totally SPOT ON!! I loved it! Who was that singing that? He was great and I might just have to save that one!
Lawrence was too funny! He had it served up on a golden platter, tho. Drumpfenfarten was so stupid as to give his WHOLE defense away on ANY case that is pending now and in the future by calling in to Fux News. Michael Avenatti has got tRump over a barrel and all he has to do is pull a string and Drumpfenfarten starts tweeting and calling in to “news” shows spilling his guts ALL over TV and the internet!!! ??? I love it!! Just a little urging by Avenatti and he is on a ROLL!!!! ??? I will never understand how someone can be that dumb!
Loved the judge telling the truth about the idiot in the MAGA hat that people have a right to refuse service to anyone!!! That’s the law, stupid!!
Been out of pocket with Dr’s appts and other stuff. Hope you are feeling OK, dude. It’s been a weird “spring” in OK. Hope it cools off for ya today. Take care, buddy!
Hi Viv, always nice to see you. The Parody Project is one guy, Dan something, I forget what, but you can go through the link to his YouTube. It was Lona who first noticed here that when there appear to be multiple guys singing, they are all Dan, with different clothes, facial hair, glasses, etc. He’s very creative, and there are a LOT of vids to go through. You’ll enjoy it.
Thanks all. Worn out hugs!