The heat have has begun. It’s only 71° outside right now, but the sun has been super-heating the brickwork of my wall all morning. When the inside temperature passed 80°, I buttoned up the room and turned on the A/C. It should reach the mid 80°s today. Tomorrow and Friday will be worse. April is too early for this. ARGH!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:08 (average 4:28). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (BuffFeed Channel): Weird Laws From All 50 US States
OOPS! Once I violated the Oregon law! RESIST!!
From NY Times: He was once reported to the police in Illinois for stashing an AR-15 in the trunk of his car and then diving into a public pool wearing a women’s pink housecoat. There was the time he complained to an officer that the singer Taylor Swift had demanded a rendezvous. And then last July he was grabbed by the Secret Service when he tried to force his way on to the White House grounds.
Travis Reinking, 29, was on the radar of law enforcement well before he was taken into custody on Monday and accused of barging into a Nashville Waffle House over the weekend and opening fire, killing four and injuring four more.
Yet even after the Illinois police revoked his firearms license and ordered that his guns be transferred to his father, Mr. Reinking got them back, including the AR-15 used in the Tennessee shooting, the police said. His case raises questions over how such a troubled individual could have legally carried weapons for so long and could have continued to carry them even after he was ordered to give them up.
“We have a man who has exhibited significant instability,” acknowledged Don Aaron, a spokesman for the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department.
The police say that Mr. Reinking’s father, Jeffrey, the owner of a crane business near the town of Morton, Ill., returned the guns to his son, enabling Travis Reinking to carry out the killings over the weekend.
Jeffrey Reinking’s act of returning the guns to his son is “potentially a violation of federal law,” Marcus Watson, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, said at a news conference.
I think Jeffrey belongs in a cell, but I’d also like to know what political organizations he supports, as I bet he’s the source of his son’s ideas. RESIST!!
From Alternet: Donald Trump is a white supremacist, which is why it’s no coincidence that that language he uses to demonize people of color—Mexican immigrants, in particular—is the same language of self-avowed white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Columnist Dana Milbank:
“There is a Revolution going on in California. Soooo many Sanctuary areas want OUT of this ridiculous, crime infested & breeding concept,” the president tweeted [Tweeting twit delinked] on Tuesday.
What could he mean? Immigrants are breeding thoroughbred horses? Prize-winning cattle?
Or perhaps Trump was using “breeding” in the sense now popular among white supremacists?
Is there any question about what the Fuhrer means? Of course it’s racist. He’s a Republican! RESIST!!
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/24/2018”
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BF: Every law is made for a reason. It doesn’t have to be a good reason. A few of them make sense in a way – but why are they necessary?
Alternate: I long ago ceased to try figuring out the Orange Ogre’s logic (or what passes for it). Doing that could cause even ME to go insane!
Cartoon: A cruel and vicious insult to clowns.

4:28 I have to say it would be pretier if it weren’t so … orange.
Laws – I was sure they were going to cite the old Pueblo statute forbidding growing dandelions, which I have violated (but I’m not in Pueblo fortunately). The Texas one sounds like a presursor to WiFi. I don’t even want to hear any further details about your violation.
NYT – They are looking at charging him, and then there’s the possibility of civil suits from the families of the deceased (and the hero … who incidentally has set up a GoFundMe for the families of the deceased, and Waffle House is supporting him, and paying for the funerals too. Does anyone know if Waffle House is a franchise? That would explain the discrepancy in management styles between this one and the one where the poor woman was practically strip searched on the spot.)
AlterNet – If you click through to this, and then to the comments, you will see a bunch of trolls along with some reasonable people.
Cartoon – Nice pic. A little bit flattering to the occupants, though.
It wasn’t a big deal. Deserted highway, late at night, raining, empty bottle handy.
WL: ‘Back in the day, any person caught milking someone else’s cow could be caught with theft.’ Milking the cow, milking the cow. lol
NYT: Why didn’t the father seek mental health help for his son? Why did he give the arsenal back to him? He knew what he was capable of, and the son carried out his intentions. Both need to be jailed.
AN: Yes, I’ve known that all along, in watching his presidential campaign rallies. He incurs no respect, nor is he honorable. To say the least……!!!
Cartoon: The guy in the back looks like dt. lol.
Sorry that you get the afternoon sun like that. I have lots of trees to shade the house, thankfully. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Y/T: Bizarre!
NYT: His father certainly needs to be indicted!
Alternet: Just a sick puppy. A lying, and/or delusional sick puppy.
Puzzle — 4:38 (average now 4:38) All that orange, I thought it must be Drumpfland and low and behold, it is! It’s Florida.
Buzzfeed — I like Georgia’s — A funeral establishment may have its license revoked if it uses profanity in the presence of a dead body. — So who is going to complain???
And South Carolina — It’s illegal to crawl around a public sewer system without a proper permit. — That must make life difficult for Republicans!
NY Times — Jeffery Reinking should have known, or ought to have known, that his son Travis was mentally unstable and therefore should not have been in possession of any weapons. By returning the guns to his son, he is complicit in the murders and attempted murders, and should be tried in a court of law. Ideally, they should be sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole. I agree that Travis likely got his sovereign citizen ideas from his father. The apple seldom falls far from the tree.
AlterNet — Just the fact that Drumpf feels the need to say loudly that he is the least racist of anybody is proof to me that he is a supreme racist! Everything he does and says has racial overtones or is just plain racist. Remember when he said “where’s my African American” as he stood at the podium looking out over the crowd at a campaign rally? I was shocked at the time and sickened that he would say such things. I am not shocked anymore, just thoroughly disgusted!
Cartoon — That can’t be a Republican Kiddie Klown Kar . . . there aren’t enough klowns in it!
I hear you about the heat! It was up to 25C today and apparently it will get up to about 27C on the weekend. As they said on the radio, we are having mid July temperatures in mid April. Crank up the AC! I hope it isn’t too hot on 06 May as I am again going to participate in the Alzheimer’s Walk for Memories for the 5th year. On 05 May, I will be speaking at a fund raising dinner and casino night put on by the New Vista Society which is where my mother lived prior to her death. Apparently they liked my speech at a press conference 2 weeks before mum died. Between taxes, physio, teaching, council meetings, walks and speeches, I will be very busy for the next while.
If it’s that hot on May 5, fake a case of Alzheimer’s.
Don’t lose us.
BF: In Wyoming you cant take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit. But you can take a shot at it, right?
NYT: My wrist is still smarting from yesterday.
Alternet: Sigh, this echoes the observations I, together with many others, made two years ago when Drumpf started campaigning as a white supremacist, or rather, a Nazi.
Our heatwave didn’t last very long, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed it’ll cool off to nice seasonable temperatures again in Portland too, TomCat.
Thanks all! Hot Hugs!