Apr 222018

I’m still quite tired.  Wendy is on her way to destink the foul TomCat and help with chores, including the dreaded task.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:43 (average 4:58).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (CNN Channel): New forecast predicts trillion-dollar deficits

The first step to economic health has to be removing every Republican from office from Dawg Catcher to White House Resident. RESIST!!

From Huffington Post: A heavily militarized police force of some 400 officers aggressively patrolled a small neo-Nazi rally in this city 40 miles southwest of Atlanta on Saturday and arrested about 10 counterprotesters, many for the crime of wearing a mask.

Police officers arrived before the rally began and approached a group of about 50 anti-fascist protesters. They demanded the protesters remove their masks or face arrest. The officers — who wore bulletproof vests and helmets, and carried semi-automatic rifles — cornered the anti-fascist protesters, then grabbed those who were still masked, tossing them to the ground and handcuffing them.

At one point, an officer pointed what seemed to be a modified AR-15 at the faces of counterprotesters, none of whom appeared to be armed.

This was all the Republicans demonstrating,…


…expect for the police that sided with them against the people demonstrating for freedom. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: The independent counsel, Robert Mueller, told reporters that, prior to news reports on Thursday, he had “almost forgotten” to investigate the former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

“Like most Americans, I had totally forgotten about Rudy Giuliani’s existence,” he said. “But then when he popped up on the news I was, like, ‘Hold on—shouldn’t we be investigating him?’ ”

Mueller was at a loss to explain why he had failed to investigate Giuliani earlier. “I have no idea how it could have slipped my mind,” he said. “His role in Trump’s campaign was as fishy as all get-out.”

Andy, I suppose we can forgive Mueller’s oversight, considering how much more important the other Republican criminals are than Rudy 911. RESIST!!



  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/22/2018”

  1. 5:22 Maybe Squatch can save him.

    The snow yesterday completely melted at my place, but not all over town. Today it should get into the 60’s, so that should take care of it.

    Now this – this is some kind of honest.

    I get so disgusted at the – things – that pink people come up with for no purpose at all except to humiliate their betters. Seriously. If you have friends of color, let them know this is happening.

    CNN – Well, you can’t win if you din’t run. But, here’s one piece of good news from Colorado.

    HuffPo – One reporter said he (I think it was a he) had never seen such aggressive action by police in his entire life. I don’t know how old he is, but anyone reporting today is too young to have been a reporter at Selma.

    TNY – I think the satire here is that everyone BUT Mueller had forgotten he needed investigating. (At least I hope so.)

    Cartoon – Oddly, that was kind of a good day – the McCarthy hearings were a cancer, but until they were televised, they were a well-hidden cancer. Television brought them out into the sun (the best disinfectant.)

  2. CNN: Ugh! I agree, Tom!

    HP: Gawd, what a disgrace. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of these one-sided ID’s, in more future protests too.

    NYT: Methinks Mr. Mueller had a note in his back pocket with his list to check off names…….btw…I think it was NYT (but don’t quote me), where I read that the ‘Kremlin named Trump ‘Employee of the Month’!!! word. 21

    Cartoon: I remember my father talking about him over dinner. A man filled with malice.

    Hi, Wendy!!! Are you counting down the days to the end of semester? We’ve got 7 more weeks here. Hope that you get all your chores done, and have a relaxing rest of your day. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. CNN: Of course.  See my posting, at C2, about the failure of the “Red State” economy, in Nebraska.  The state legislature has totally erased Sam Brownback’s idiocy, as the state coffers were going dry. It’s all about the BS of “Trickle Down” economics:  http://www.care2.com/news/member/565542931/4101003
    Huff. Post: Sick SOB’s, running on the momentum of Trumpism!  And, sadly, it’s Georgia, so of course some cops are out to intimidate people clamoring for human decency.
    New Yorker: Well, Rudi “small fish” Giuliani has put himself in the company of bunch of criminals, and if he has any skeletons in the closet, they might just find the limelight, now.  
    ‘Toon: Joe “I’ll drink to that!” Mccarthy WAS the scuzziest dude to precede Nixon.  Now having “…no decency,” is a byword, no, a requirement, for being chosen to be a part of the GOP!

  4. CNN: This is why we need to get our tushes to the polls and VOTE BLUE! Not just that, but make sure that we support genuine Progressives. From what I have read, deficit spending is a sign of a society or nation that is headed for destruction.

    HP: IMHO, the best way to deal with such knuckle-draggers is to ignore them. They do this in order to get attention.

    TNY: It’s getting harder and harder to tell real news from satire these days.

    Cartoon: That was a dark time for this country, but we recovered. Or did we?

  5. Just out of curiosity, what part of doing the laundry do you despise?  Or is it the whole thing?

    Personally, I don’t mind the washing or the drying.  But I HATE putting the clean clothes away.  

    The only saving grace is that Nike LOVES when I do it.  That’s because I leave a few items in the dryer and PROP open the door, so he scampers in and settles down into the comfy, very warm clothes for a nice nap!

    • Would you like 3 more kitties to join Nike in the dryer?  Your shorts will be toasty warm to wear . . . there will be so much cat fur in them!

    • Multiple trips from the third to the first floor, the ability of clothing to unfold itself, the migration of socks, discovering that I left a wad of TP in my pocket, one less free machine than what I need, etc. 36

    • Stairs can make any task a dreaded task, but laundry may be the most – when you take out trash, you take it down and go up without it.  When you shop, you ar least get to go down without the cargo, though you do have to bring it back up.  Laundry is down AND up, and multiple trips, and it it HEAVY.  I don’t have stairs and I still put it off.

  6. Andy was REALLY being facetious, wasn’t he? Surely Mueller has a whole file on Rudy911, doesn’t he? Lets hope so! Giuliani is a vapid white for tRumpet and has been for so long!

  7. CNN: Tax cuts for the rich and one of the largest military budgets ever. The future is looking bright for weapon producers and dealers, isn’t it? For anyone else, not so much. Soon Republicans will sing Paul Ryan’s song again: Social Security & Healthcare Cuts are just a few of my Favourite Things…

    HP: The police had expected hundreds more neo-Nazis than the dozen that appeared now, so what to do? Take the frustration out on those lefties, of course.The ratio peaceful lefties to neo-Nazis was about 5:1 and that just isn’t fair. Those lefties were sure in need of a lesson not to bully extreme right in future, right? ?‍♀️

    TNY: Good point, Andy. Giuliani has missed being in the spotlights so much that he completely forgot about his own shady past in Drumpf’s campaign when he volunteered (?) to assist Drumpf as a ‘legal expert ‘. Next you’ll have Giuliani’s house and offices raided by the FBI too, Andy, all in the name of satire.

  8. Puzzle — 3:33  No camel fricassée tonight Puddy Tat.  Saved by the Squatch.  Besides, this fellow has an important job to do!

    CNN — “The first step to economic health has to be removing every Republican from office from Dawg Catcher to White House Resident.” — AMEN!!!  Republicans are such hypocrites and enemies of We The People, without doubt!  As I used to say at work when someone annoyed me by doing something really stupid, “May a camel walk up your nose backwards and FART!”

    HuffPost — “But Georgia has an open carry gun law, so people could bring their weapons; HuffPost saw one neo-Nazi and one anti-fascist protester carrying semi-automatic rifles.” In an explosive situation like this, there should be no open carry, in fact there should be no carry.  The neo-nazis should have been challenged for hate speech and at least inciting a potential riot.  And the use of military assault rifles and related gear is way over the top.  There goes the first amendment for all!

    The New Yorker — Pat B, “Kremlin employee of the month” — Too funny!  LMAO!  As to Mueller, the man is as sharp as a tack and I have no doubt that he has a list and is checking at least twice!

    Cartoon — McCarthyism, most definitely a cancer!

    I hear you on the dreaded task!  That is what I am doing today!  I am on my 3rd load!  Up and down 2 flights of stairs for every load with crappy knees!  Arrggghhhh!!!!!  BTW, the puzzle and Huff Post links for sure did not open to a new page.  Having lost everything twice, I did not check Andy.

  9. Thanks all.  Hugs! 17

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