It’s a seasonable day here at the CatBox. Store to door delivered groceries, and I put them away. Wendy is coming this evening to destink the TomCat. I hope your day is Republican-free.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:52 (average 4:10). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): What Alex Jones said about the Sandy Hook shooting
Barf Bag Alert!!
I understand that the parents of the dead children are suing that vile Republican son of a bitch. More power to them! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: One week after lambasting the F.B.I.’s raid on Michael D. Cohen’s office as a “fishing expedition,” Sean Hannity said that he “totally forgot,” when he made those comments, that Michael D. Cohen was his lawyer.
“When I called the raid on Michael D. Cohen’s office a ‘fishing expedition’ last week, it completely slipped my mind that my lawyer is, in fact, Michael D. Cohen,” the Fox News host told his viewers. “My bad.”
“If I had remembered at the time that Michael D. Cohen was my lawyer, and that some of the documents that were seized most likely involve me, I would of course have mentioned those things on the air,” he said. “But honestly, the name ‘Michael D. Cohen,’ and the address of his office, just did not ring a bell.”
Hannity said that his wife would “have a field day” with his forgetting Michael D. Cohen’s name, because she always teases him for “having a brain like a sieve.”
Andy, I could believe that he actually said that! RESIST!!
From TPM: Former FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday defended his editorial choice to include details in his new memoir painting President Donald Trump in an unflattering light by pointing out vestiges of his tanning habit and focusing on the size of his hands.
“I’m not making fun of the President,” Comey told NPR’s Carrie Johnson and Steve Inskeep. “I’m trying to be an author, which I’ve never been before in my life.”
Comey added that he was just trying to show readers how the world looked to him, including details to illustrate his narrative, not to belittle the President.
“By the way, not that this matters, but I found his hands to be about average in size, and so I’m not making fun of the man, I’m trying to tell the reader what’s in my head,” he said.
By saying that Trump has average size hands , Comey lost all credibility.
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/18/2018”
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5:28 Maybe Squatch can save him.
My predictions don’t always come true at all, but when they do, it’s not generally this fast.
This good news probably won’t trigger racists, but there’s sure to be someone who won’t like it. Zero-sum people maybe.
MM – I have read what Alex Jones said about the Sandy Hook shooting, and there are not enough barf bags in the world to get me to WATCH him say it. Tisiphone can watch it for me. Yes, they are suing. I grieve for them having to relive it all in court, but I doubt they will want to settle. I wish them all the strength in the world.
TNY – (BTW, when first read that I read “fisting expedition.” Almost too bad it wasn’t.) Hasn’t Sean’s wife left him yet? She should.
TPM – Schmuck a l’Orange does have tanning circles, though. You’ve got to give Comey that.
Cartoon – And later that same year, in November, Bill Nye was born. I’m sure there’s no connection. I just mean science goes on.
FERN seems like a marvelous idea, especially to this loan term birder!
And earlier this year we lost Stephen Hawking.
BBA: What is find so horrific that he can say this. If any of his children had been harmed or died at this school, or in any other environment, would he still call it a ‘total hoax’???! Power and prayers to the parents, and all involved in suing this Basturd. I can’t imagine their pain, they are so brave.
NYer: Hannity ick, and IS a total loser!! Andy wrote it better though. lol.
TPM: dt=Ugly, vengeful/hateful man, who deserves what he gets. imho. Watched the interview with Colbert & Comey, here’s the link if you wanna watch:
Stephen Colbert and James Comey talk Trump and Russia over Pinot Noir
Cartoon: “I am very happy in my new home in this friendly country and the liberal atmosphere of Princeton.” Albert Einstein, 1935Would he say that about the US today? Sadly, probably not.
Sounds like a busy day for you. Hi, WWWendy!! Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
MMC: Alex is a barf bag himself, and I will not watch. I hope those folks beat him to a pulp in court.
New Yorker: Hannity- It is amazing how the right -wing sludge just seems to fall into the same deep anal crevasse!
TC, glad you had a decent day.
MM: Not watching this either; a written summary was bad enough. Yes, the parents of two young children who died in the Sandy Hook shooting are suing this worthless piece of garbage for defamation. If I remember correctly, they’re only suing him for $ 1million, which to American standards is a little sum, but it probably shows the court how worthless Alex Jones is in their eyes and that they do it not to make money out of suing him, but to stop him from going on the air altogether. I hope they win.
TNY: Ah…I see you’ve had Hannity already meeting with Jeff Sessions to prepare for any upcoming hearings. Sessions must be very busy these days with training all those now or soon under investigation to say his famous memory-loss phrases with real conviction: “Uh…I have no recollection of that, senator/your honour/Mr. Mueller.”
TPM: It’s a pity Comey felt the need to put in details like that; it takes away from the really interesting bits now the media is focussing in this and little else.
I hope your day was also Republican-free, TomCat.
Puzzle — 3:55 I might remind Puddy Tat that humming birds are very fast, hover above all else including puddy tats, and can fly backwards out of the reach of said puddy! So when did you get that kind of manoeuvrability Puddy Tat, not to mention wings to fly?
Media Matters — I watched about 3 minutes and ran out of barf bags, even the supersized ones! Jones is a vile individual who should not be allowed a microphone nor internet access. I feel for the parents having to relive their loss and trauma in court, but I support their law suit — enough is ENOUGH!!! I fear that the only way to stop Jones is to see him 6 feet under and all copies of his diatribes destroyed!!! He will likely try to hide behind his 1st amendment rights. Curtailing his 1st amendment rights will only open the door wider to Drumpf trying to stifle a free press in his quest to be the emperor of a fascist United States.
The New Yorker — You mean Hannity has a brain, Andy!? Who would have thought that given his constant propensity for inane and insane chatter!
TPM — Note that Comey said “average sized hands”, not “average sized hands for a man his size” so that does keep the door open for small hands! Also, given Comey’s height, his hands would be larger and therefore Drumpf’s seem average. I’d bet that the women that put up with his predations would say that he has large hands on octopus-like arms. It is likely all in the eye of the beholder, but I still agree that Drumpf has little hands and he tries to cover that fact by wearing shirts that cover those teeny, tiny hands.
Cartoon — A great scientific mind and man. This from Wikipedia:
Oh, what a day yesterday! I started at physio, then had a haircut and renewed my purple locks, had a bowl of soup and then went to my teaching gig. I did not get home until 2300 hours and was totally wasted! I was treated to a low sugar orange cake (no icing as Neda does not ice her cakes), a carrot juice float (apparently common in Iran) which was excellent, and then a homemade pizza with lots of fresh veggies (green, yellow and red peppers, zucchini, onion, mushrooms to mention a couple), chicken and ground beef, 2 types of cheese all on a whole wheat crust. It is also a birthday tradition. Son Ali, who turned 18 on 13/04/18 had pizza for dinner with his friends at home. Is it any wonder that I think of these people as family! I have even met Neda’s parents and younger sister in Iran by skype. So here I am responding to the posts on Thursday morning. Why let Republicans spoil a perfect ending to yesterday!
The bird is in the chili pot, where it’s flying skills van enhance the northbound progress of the green cloud. ?
I’m glad you had such a great day!
Thanks all. Hugs!