Yesterday’s meeting was most enjoyable, but everyone thought George looked quite funny with his foot angled out to the side. I have scheduled an appointment for George repair on Friday morning. Today is special day in the relations between the great nation, Canada, and Politics Plus. I intend to celebrate the occasion by having a huge plate of my special chili for supper, and I shall send a colorful green cloud north shortly afterward.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:48 (average 5:23). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From The New Yorker: Melania Trump said on Monday that she did not understand the controversy swirling around James Comey’s new memoir, because the book she is writing is “so much meaner.”
Speaking to reporters at the White House, she said that she had obtained an advance copy of Comey’s book because she “couldn’t wait to read it,” but said that she found its tone and contents disappointingly mild.
“It felt like he was pulling his punches,” she said. “No one will say that when they read my book.”
Dang, Andy! Will she tear him a new sphincter, or what? RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Trump Attorney Michael Cohen’s Secret ‘Client #3’ Is Sean Hannity
I wish I had a pair of X-Ray eyes so I could see all the redacted stuff. Do you think Hannity hired Cohen to pay hush money to James Gluckert, aka Jeff Gannon? RESIST!!
From YouTube (Vox Channel): How a warmer Arctic could intensify extreme weather
Has anyone seen "The Day After Tomorrow"? RESIST!!
We LOVE our Squatch!
18 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/17/2018”
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Hannity is trying to claim that the times he did discuss legal matters with Cohen it never involved “a third party”.
I’m trying to imagine when you would ever talk to a lawyer that it DIDN’T involve a third party in some way.
All I can come up with is “Hi, how are you?” “Fine, thanks. And you?” With no mention of either’s family, of course.
Happy Birthday, Lynn. Do enjoy your SPECIAL DAY with Family & Friends. And, Yes “Behave”. lol.Hugzzz..
5:29 (5:23) The not-so-good old days.
This makes me very happy. I wonder how much of the mainstream media will even cover it. if they do … cue racist heads exploding in 3… 2… 1…
TNY – LOL! I wouldn’t buy that either, but I might read any free excerpts I could find.
Rachel – Rachel makes things so clear a child could understand them. (Possibly even if the child were brainwashed by RWNJ parents, if he or she was young enough.) I love it that each redacted section is longer than the previous one! I also love her car analogy. Rachel’s question about whether anyone was being billed for this time reminds me of the joke about the attorney who dropped dead at the age of 39. At the Pearly Gates, he complained that he was too young to die, and there must be some mistake. “No,” St. Peter said, “no mistake. We added up your billable hours and you are 84.”
Vox – It’s good to know the science on this is being examined and published. I do feel it is, or should be, intuitive also. I could see the effect of more-than-usual Arctic ice melting in some blizzards and very wet years we had here. Now that we are having drought, I can see the results in – South Carolins?!?? Florida ?!?? Without knowing how the jet stream determines WHERE the water goes, I can still see intuitively that there is more evaporated water in the air than there used to be.
Cartoon – Many happy returns, Squatch!
Bad link, luv.
Fixed now. Somehow an extra %20 got in. Also checked the follow up article in today’s but it’s OK.
Happy Birthday, Lynn!
Looks like there’s enough to share … when do you want us over?
NYer: Do tell, do tell, Melania! lol
MSNBC: Love this gal. Clearly explained, good vid. Getting closer and closer to the truth as each day goes by. Reads like a Tom Claney novel, imho. LOL, Tom, on your comment too!! 😉
Vox: Definitely scary and concerning. pe had our 1st fire of the year, last week at the state park. Here we go….passing this vid on too.
Cartoon: Happy Birthday Lynn! Hope that you are enjoying your special Day with laughter and Good Cheer!

Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom. Enjoy your chili too. lol. 😉
oops, forgot to post this. Amy McGrath’s new video: Amy McGrath for Congress — “Same Team”
Semper fi
I trust you won’t mind my changing the link to an embed. WHAT a great ad! Oooo-RAH!
Thank you both!
Global warming is only a general trend – it can get colder and nastier in some localities.
New Yorker: Well, at least one of them knows how to read!
MSNBC: So, how many conflicts of interest are involved here? He shares a lawyer with tdump, has been to the Orange tinged White House for at least one meal with tDump, has been his phenomenally vocal champion on a supposed News Show, on Fux News. And what else that we don’t know…yet? Ethics, propriety, these are dirty words in the world of the president, and his sycophants.
Vox: Once again, I ask, can we put Scott Pruitt on a chunk of arctic ice, with a couple of sandwiches, maybe?
Puzzle — 5:08 I ran out of gas!
I have read everything but have been distracted by knee pain all day. When I finally took some Advil, it knocked me out. I managed to remember to get out and buy some chicken for the kids as the boys had their 10th birthday on the 16th.
Thank you for your birthday wishes. It was quite quiet snuggled with the furbabes.
As to that green cloud, Washington is sending us rain in spades so I think it will be significantly diluted!
I hope your knee feels better, and I have a several day supply.
TNY: Melania has already plagiarized Michelle Obama for her speeches, so if she says she’s going to be meaner than Comey, she probably is going to copy a lot from Wolff, Andy. So if she’s ever going to write a book, keep your money in your pockets and let Drumpf pay for his third divorce. ?
Rachel Maddow: I like watching (British) detectives with a lot of sleuthing and suspense, but nowadays Rachel is becoming more and more of a competitress to these detectives. And she wields another, terribly annoying, characteristic too. To Be Continued. Now I have to wait for another of Rachel’s shows to find out what dirt there is on Hannity and how that connects to Drumpf. Arrrrggggghhhh.
Vox: Not only the jet-streams are changing in unpredictable way, so are the ocean currents around the world, rendering the models meteorologists use to predict the weather by times quite useless. Especially extreme weather such as hurricanes or typhoons have become even more difficult to predict in terms of strength, the path they will take, when they will ‘land’ or how much rain they will bring. Extreme weather has become even more dangerous because of that and it isn’t going to improve any time soon.
Glad your appointment was as great a success you hoped it would be, TomCat.
Thanks all. Hugs!