Apr 142018

Pardon my brevity.  I hope to finish everything before my meeting.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:37 (average 4:33).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): If Trump Fires Rod Rosenstein


Amen!! RESIST!!

From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Maddow: President Trump’s Personal Turmoil Taints U.S. Military Options


Rachel is spot-on. Trump has no credibility. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Calling it a “regrettable accident,” Amazon apologized on Thursday for shipping ten thousand advance copies of James Comey’s book, “A Higher Loyalty,” to the White House.

Cartons of the book arrived early Thursday morning and kept coming throughout the day, until stacks of the book clogged virtually every hallway and office in the building.

Reportedly, Donald J. Trump was so incensed by the book situation that he screamed at Mike Pence while the Vice-President was in the middle of praising him, one source said.

The White House press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called any speculation that Trump had ordered Comey’s book “absurd,” adding, “The President does not order reading material.”

Uh Oh!  Andy is doing news again. RESIST!!



  18 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/14/2018”

  1. MOC: Good video, tho’ scary if he tries that…wouldn’t put it past this ID to try it either. 

    MSNBC: Very, very concerning! Since he’s Putin’s puta, I’m sure he got permission to do this. He’s a very sick man to do this! 

    NYer: Andy get funnier and funnier every time he writes. This is hilarious! 

    Cartoon: Of course! 

    Best at your meeting. Enjoy the rest of your day, take care, and Thanks, Tom. 

  2. Yep, the Rethuglicans are 100% in favor of slavery: women enslaved to their reproductive systems, inmates forced into slave work while millions would sell their souls for a decent job, wage slaves who slavishly buy crap made in overseas sweatshops. And so on.

  3. 4:43. The belly of the bell.

    MoveOn – Well, of course, to his base, he literally IS above the law. That’s how their hierarchy is laid out. I’m certainly glad to see so many places in Colorado on the list, including hotbeds of libertarianism and dominionism. No longer able to march but will certainly be there in spirit if.

    Rachel – I’m not sure how one get any more tainted than violating international law, regardless of one’s personal chaos. But if there is a way, this traitor is the one to do it. Did you see that Russia has requested the UN Security Council meet today to discuss the Syria air strikes? That ought to be interesting.

    Andy – Well, TC, the President may not order reading material. But he can dish it out. Every Saturday I receive and email from the White House with the subject line “Resolute Reads.” (I don’t. Blood pressure issues.)

    Cartoon – And thank God for those societies. Republicans can go to hell.

  4. Here is the LINK:

    Donald Trump could be preparing to put himself above the law. We won’t allow it.

    Trump will create a constitutional crisis if he fires special counsel Robert Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller, or attempts to compromise the investigation by other means. (See The Plan for details.)

    Our response in the hours following a potential power grab will dictate what happens next—whether Congress will stand up to Trump or allow him to move our democracy toward authoritarianism.

    That’s why we’re preparing to hold emergency “Nobody Is Above the Law” rallies around the country, in the event they are needed—800+ of them and counting, in every state, with 300,000 RSVPs to date!

    Join us.

    Enter your ZIP code in the search field or scroll through the list to find a event near you, or create one if none exists.

    If you choose to attend an event, you agree to engage in nonviolent, peaceful action, to act lawfully, and to strive to de-escalate any potential confrontations with those who may disagree with our values.

    Create an event in your area!

  5. MO: I’m pretty sure Drumpf has already contemplated firing Rod Rosenstein, just as he has contemplated having Mueller fired more than a few times. The moment Mueller hands over his (first) rapport Rosenstein, on the basis which basis Drumpf could be impeached for obstruction, is the time Rosenstein, and Mueller, need to fear most. Republicans in Congress won’t put up any safeguards for either of them. It may be up to the American people to fight for their democracy.

    Rachel Maddow: Not only is Drumpf’s “Mission accomplished” not credible, neither is anything else in this dance of superpowers. First:

    Was Russia warned?
    Dunford said the US “specifically identified” targets to “mitigate the risk of Russian forces being involved.”
    He said normal communication lines were used in the run-up to the strike to ensure clearance of airspace, but targets were not coordinated with the Russians. (CNN)

    Of course the Russians claims otherwise and says Russia was warned ahead of time, just like they were before last year’s strike. Strangely enough the BBC also mentioned this this morning, but that message has disappeared. Fake news?
    Second: two days ago nobody was quite sure it was indeed a chemical attack, but the Pentagon now claims:

    Defense Department officials said on Saturday that American-led strikes against Syria had taken out the “heart” of President Bashar al-Assad’s chemical weapons program (NYT)

    Apparently the US has known all along that Assad still had chemical weapons after the purge forced by the UN in 2013 and was actively producing them. So why did the US allow Assad to continue this production and use it to murder his own people? The US could have destroyed them as soon as their whereabouts were know under the UN treaty Assad agreed to.
    And so this dance macabre continues, only fooling the gullible.

    TNY: Brilliant on so many levels. Thank you, Andy and Tomcat, for my much needed laugh. ???

    Catoon: Ah, a good-old-boys-club in the good-old-days.

  6. MO: I’ve looked for the petition, and have not found it.
    Rachel: The Empty Orange has NEVER had credibility, but now the world knows it!
    New Yorker: The president would not know hat to do with reading material.
    ‘Toon: Abolish the GOP!

    • It isn’t exactly a petition.  It’s a link to find events that are already set up near you, and pledge to show up on short notice.  (Alternatively, if there’s nothing near you, you can get information to start your own.)  I suspect we may already have signed all the petitions in any case. wink

  7. Pardon my perpetual & ongoing absenteeism – but my brother has been admitted yet again to the hospital.  This is his FOURTH admission since our Mom’s funeral on 2/13/18

    And it’s HELL trying to manage medical things long distance.  Thank God we are blessed to have an angel of a sister-in-law who lives in the Tampa Metro.  Unfortunately she lives 55+ miles away – so not exactly a next door neighbor.

    And I pray we do NOT get the last hospitalist we had.  He wanted to discharge my brother after a two-day stay for a single lobe ASPIRATION pneumonia and a hemoglobin that had dropped from 11.4 on admission to 8.9 on discharge.

    I even talked to and TRIED sharing with this “doctor” my concerns that I thought his discharge might be premature – and why did his hemoglobin have such a profound drop?

    Basically, I was told: “I’m a HOSPITALIST, and you’re just a retired pediatrician … go away, you’re bothering me.”

    Unfortunately, he is not the first megalomaniac, egotistical internist who thinks his degree is an “M. Deity”.

    My brother is now admitted with bilateral pneumonia involving THREE lobes and a hemoglobin of 8.0, and a white count (WBC) of 24,000.

    I will most likely be scarce for a bit.  This is getting old to me – no doubt it’s getting even older for my brother.

    Thoughts/prayers/or anything else is welcomed!

    • I am sorry to hear that your brother continues to have health problems.  I will light a candle at church for him tomorrow and say prayers for him . . . and for you.

      As to the hospitalist, what a jack ass!!!

    • So sorry to hear your brother is back in hospital again, Nameless. And by the sound of it he should never have left in the first place. I hope with you that he’ll recover soon from this misdiagnosed-turned-worse pneumonia. Keep that awful internist, who only wants to clear his beds, away from you brother and he’ll have a good chance, I’m sure. And take good care of yourself too in the meantime.

    • I had not realized that “hospitalist” meant “specialist in keeping beds empty.”  I do wish he had come to visit when you first asked, as I gather he now is not in condition for the trip.  Many prayers.

      My former boss while I was working in theater had better luck.  When her mother was in hospital and no one would tell the family anything, she got all the info by introducing herself as “Doctor.”  Eventually someone did ask her specialty, but after she said “ichthyofewmetology,” she was not questioned again.

    • Nameless, I’m so sorry.  Thoughts and prayers.  Did you talk to the person who oversees the so-call Doctor with a PhD in Republican Incompetence? 30

  8. Puzzle — 4:29  Don’t eat the dinner bell Puddy Tat!  It is guaranteed to put “lead” in your ass!

    MoveOn — Amen!!!  Unfortunately, Drumpf is sick enough and crazy enough to try firing both men, shoving the country head first into a constitutional crisis.  IMO, he thinks he is above the law which has been demonstrated from before he officially took office.

    MSNBC — Rachel is spot on.  Any decision that Drumpf makes, whether about the Syria bombing or anything else for that matter, is guaranteed to be seen through the lens of chaos and scandal that envelops the WH.  That has been his modus operandi from the very beginning.  If he does fire these American patriots, I wonder if he’ll invite the Russian ambassador to the WH to brag about it?  There is no polite way to say it . . . Drumpf is such an asshole!!!

    The New Yorker — LMAO!!!  “The President does not order reading material.”  In this case, perhaps he did order the books for an old fashioned nazi book burning on the south lawn of the WH as a way of humiliating Comey!  On a more serious note, Comey’s book sounds interesting.

    Cartoon — It would not surprise me to see Republicans try to abolish abolition . . . they’re trying to abolish a lot of other things like the 1st amendment, voting rights and civil rights!

    I hope your meeting went well. BTW, there is a spelling mistake in the cartoon . . . 1st Abolitioniat s/b 1st Abolitionist.

    • Have you stopped sending out links for the articles?  I ask because the last one I received was for 09 April.

      • I’m afraid there’s a Care2 glitch undermining TomCat’s messages. I’ve been receiving them on a very intermittent basis (more off than on) for some weeks now.10

        • all the messages for the 9th through the 14th are in my Care2 inbox.  None hit my “real” inbox, but it’s very rare that anything from Care2 does any more.  In fact, I thought they took that capability away, so I’m actually very surprised if one does turn up

      • Every day that I have published two or more articles, I’ve sent links messages. It’s Care2. 36

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