I am SO looking forward to the upcoming George Stephanopoulos interview of James Comey regarding his new book, “A Higher Loyalty”.
On the GMA show this morning Stephanopoulos showed Comey discussing Trump actually talking about a compromising video of himself while in Moscow for a beauty pageant back in 2013.
No doubt you are all wondering, “What could that pee?”
Frist of all, Comey’s new book is NOT yellow journalism written by someone who just wants to make a big splash. It’s a golden opportunity to read a book saturated in facts proving even further what an arsehole we have as a president – who is clearly a Goldwater republican.
And Robert Mueller is going to find all this out. And there’s a vas deferens between what Trump thinks he knows about Mueller, and what Mueller actually knows about Trump.
Eventually these leaks will change from a steady drip, drip, drip to a gush – and Trump will know what true fear and panic is. We’ve all just been waiting for the information to trickle out.
Rest assured that Mueller is a whiz at figuring this stuff out – and does it without any leaks. Trust me, he’ll flush the truth out.
If I were so fortunate as to meet Mr. Mueller, I’d tell him, “Urine a league all your own. You will be showered with praise by grateful Americans – hell, by people all over the world!”
The only question now is if Fox News (sic) will carry Trump’s impeachment proceedings as a live stream. It’d be the only time I’d even think of tuning in to Fox.
15 Responses to “Friday Fun – Comey’s New Book Is “Golden””
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Please add all the “Pee-Pee Tape Puns” I missed.
I don’t think I can come up with any golden puns. I do hope though that you will do a follow-up piece that includes the Stephanopoulos interview. From what I am seeing and hearing of late, Comey is proving to be taking the high road to Drumpf’s gutter. To quote Jackie Gleason, “How sweet it is!”
Dang Nameless! ?
Trump’s train is on a wizzle stop!!
Cute! But I think Twitler’s “Wizzle Stop Tour” is going to be short-lived …
Great post, Thanks, Nameless!
Cross posted to Care2 HERE
Perhaps Roy Zimmerman, or Dan, or Randy, can create a soulful anthem in Mueller’s honor based on something by Urethra Franklin.
And no doubt tRump is really p*ssed about all this coming out, especially since his lame excuse for a regime is in the toilet. I had better stop there lest I gush a steady stream of potty puns.
multiple new media reporting tRump the war-mongerer already ordered air strikes and they have started……..my apologies to the world
Great article, Nameless.
I really don’t know how you can come up with so many Pee-Pee tape puns; I can’t even think of one. 
This is really an awesome pissable but timely article. lol.
So, instead of being an orange stream, the president is really a Bladderwort? Utricularia vulgaris is a carnivorous plant whose bladder traps are big enough to allow it to feed on sand fleas. President bladderwort is just that kind of being, he feeds on anything, and anyone, whom he can intimidate into feeling so much smaller than he.
The urological establishment has been seeing a large splash of action, of late, made of people who stand in line at their offices claiming that they don’t know why, but they have just been feeling soooo pissed off lately.
Oh, my – you outdid me!
But I would change your “stand in line at their offices“ to “stand in line at their ORIFICES“
But that’s just me …
Wow, Mitch – And I thought “Urethra Franklin” was a stretch. Color me gerrn with envy.