I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver groceries, and tonight, Wendy comes to destink the TomCat, so guess what? It’s also Republicosis day. Now that is literally a pain in the ass! ARGH!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today.s took me 4:52 (average 5:27). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Exclusive: Handwritten Notes Appear To Back James Comey Claims On Trump
We knew that notes like these existed, but by actually seeing them, we are watching history in the making. May that cloud rain on Trump’s Republican Parade. RESIST!!
From YouTube (CNN Channel): John Bolton pushes out Bossert as homeland security adviser
I understand that Bossert was one of the last competent people in the West Wing. God knows that Boom Boom Bolton does not want anyone competent interfering with his war spiel. RESIST!!
From Bloomberg: The U.S. marijuana industry has a new spokesman: John Boehner.
The Republican former Speaker of the House has joined the advisory board of Acreage Holdings, a company that cultivates, processes and dispenses cannabis in 11 U.S. states. Boehner’s endorsement, after saying nine years ago he was “unalterably opposed” to legalization, could be considered a watershed event: Marijuana has gone mainstream.
“Over the last 10 or 15 years, the American people’s attitudes have changed dramatically,” he said in an interview. “I find myself in that same position.”
Dang!! Agent Orange must have figured out that it’s possible to mix it with booze and drink it!! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Fox News Channel announced on Monday that it would decide what Donald J. Trump’s Syria response will be in the next forty-eight hours.
At a press conference at the network’s headquarters, Sean Hannity, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and the “Fox & Friends” co-host Steve Doocy said that, as the people who have been entrusted with the decision of whether to use military force, they were not taking their responsibility lightly.
“The U.S. military is the mightiest force in all the world,” Hannity said. “However we decide that President Trump will use that force in Syria, we promise that it will be a decision he will be proud of.”
Pirro said that she and her colleagues were taking “full advantage of the entire Fox News brain trust” to craft Trump’s Syria response. “The American people should sleep well at night knowing that we are keeping Tucker Carlson in the loop,” she said…
Hmmm… Andy forgot he’s a satirist again! RESIST!!
This led to the racist Dixiecrat abandonment of the Democratic Party, the adoption of the Southern Strategy by the Republican Party, the ensconcement of the racists as the Republican base, the birth of the Republican Reich, and hopefully, the Republican demise.
10 Responses to “Open Thread – 4/11/2018”
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6:13 Isn’t there a Caribbean flavor called “jerk”?
So sorry about the suffering. May you feel better. Love to WWWendy.
Rachel. Yes. And they are NOT Comey’s OWN notes, which makes it even better. Rachel brings the evidence together clearly, so that anyone with a brain can follow it. Too bad so many Americans don’t. Have a brain.
CNN – Yes, Bossert was one of the last competent (or for that matter sane) people in the West Wing. Now if you want to REALLY be scared, consider this headline I saw: “Trump scared Bolton will start a war, but needs him as distraction.”
Bloomberg – Well, yes, “A Tale of Two John Bs” don’t we have. I suppose with the weight of the world off of him, he might possibly have cut back a little and mellowed. Naah, it’s the money.
TNY – Yeah. No kidding. But when that say “a decision that he will be proud of,” “he” refers to Putin, right?
Cartoon – Another Republican day of mourning. No, wait. A day that gave them racism as a tool to get elected. Talk about “Sad!”
Thanks for posting, Joanne.
Great Randy Rainbow vid and so spot on!

Thanks for the ?.
MSNBC: Just watched this, this morning. Rachel brings clarity in following the (good) trail of notes, which thankfully in that line of work, it’s a norm to CYA.
CNN: Shame Bossert left. Like who’s going to stop warmonger Bolton?? Trump??? Nah, he’s (dt) a ‘pussy’willow blowing in the wind.
Bloomberg: Boehner stoned? While that’s laughable, I agree with Joanne on this, it’s all about the money. A big moneyshaker!!
NYer: Word. LOL, Andy.
Cartoon: Sad
Hi, WWWendy!! Hope all is good w/you! Hope that you get a chance to relax, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
*Joanne: RR gets better and better, doesn’t he. He has so much talent. His mom should be so proud!!
The tRump regime has probably been coming apart at the seams since the Orange Ogre took the oaf (oops, I mean oath) of office. I can hardly wait to learn what the raid on Michael Cohen’s office reveals. Signs are pointing towards major political upheaval, and not just a lot of red seats flipping to blue over the next few months.
Rachel Maddow: Surely these documents have been already in Mueller’s possession for a long time, and he’d want to use them in the obstruction case against Drumpf. It’s great to see Comey vindicated, but I’m also wondering if Rachel isn’t hampering Mueller by making these documents public? Isn’t there a rule that ‘evidence’ like this should remain under lock and key until it is used in court? I sure hope I’m way off the mark here. ? I’ve put ‘evidence’ in quotes because I’m sure Republicans will put a spin on it that these notes only prove that Comey and his friend were making sure they kept their lies straight.
CNN: Two departures since Bolton arrived just a few days ago and all because Bolton wants his own people, i.e. clones, in these positions. Goodness help us all, and Syria, Iran and North Korea in particular.
Bloomberg: Joanne said it all. Boehner may have mellowed a wee bit, but money is still his motor.
TNY: While waiting on the advise of his (Fox&)Friends, Drumpf has already warned his other friends in the Kremlin to get their forces out of the way, just as he did before striking that empty military base and digging up some runway-tarmac for show. Stop reporting on reality, Andy. It just isn’t funny. ?
Cartoon: History at its best (LBJ signing) and worst (Republicans defecting) at the same time.
Puzzle — 4:10 No service to Puddy Tat today . . . not even scraps!!!
MSNBC — To quote Pat B from other occasions “Drip, drip, drip!” I hear the roar of a tsunami coming!
CNN — I read an article a week ago or so reporting that Bolton was preparing to clean house when he became NS adviser. Seems he was good to his word. All the President’s Yes Men . . . sounds like a movie title . . . a horror movie!
Bloomberg — There must be a huge profit in it to get Boehner on side. From what I have seen, there has never been a profit sector that Republicans would not support.
The New Yorker — “entire Fox News brain trust”??? That is an oxymoron!!! Straight news again, Andy??? You do this too much and you’ll be kicked out of the Union of Satirists!
Cartoon — A great day but unfortunately with despicable consequences especially for those that the legislation was designed to help!
Republicosis . . . sad for you to be so afflicted! Too bad flushing Drumpf was not as easy as flushing a commode! On another note, the fur babes have finally gone 2 days now eating as usual, emptying their food dish, even Primo. It was a long and worrisome week for this kitty mum.
Very glad and relieved to hear it. Purrrrrr.
Thanks all. Hurried Hugs!