I’m about to leave for my meeting in a few minutes, so I’ll have to finish this when I return. WWWendy will be here this evening.
I’m back. My pillow calls!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:59 (average 4:54). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Parody Project Channel): Hallelujah Parody – Letter to Wayne LaPierre, NRA
Are they spot on, or what? Support them here. RESIST!!
From USA Today: U.S. stocks opened sharply lower on Wednesday on the back of news that Gary Cohn, the chief economic adviser to President Donald Trump, resigned from his post.
The Dow Jones industrial average opened more than 300 points lower. It was trading down about 160 points at 9:40 a.m. The S&P 500 declined 0.7%, with energy as the worst-performing sector. The Nasdaq composite pulled back 0.6%.
Cohn, the free trade advocate and former president at Goldman Sachs, chose to step down from his position after Trump announced that he would impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Cohn’s departure date is expected to come in the following weeks.
The rat is deserting the sinking ship. RESIST!!
From Texas Tribune: For much of the past year, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz did not acknowledge Beto O’Rourke’s name — or even, for a while, the fact that he had a Democratic opponent for re-election.
That abruptly changed Tuesday evening, when Cruz convened several state reporters for a conference call in the final hours before polls closed in the state’s primaries.
“Tonight’s election marks the beginning of the general election,” Cruz said. “In November, the voters of Texas will have a clear and stark choice for the United States Senate. Congressman O’Rourke is a left-wing, liberal Democrat — he is running like Bernie Sanders across the state, and the voters of Texas will have a decision of what policies and values reflect their own values.”
I trust the rest of the staff will agree with me in endorsing Beto over Ted "Uranus Inspector" Cruz. RESIST!!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/7/2018”
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4:58 So, when I don’t care two pins, this is what I don’t care?
Brand new from Randy and so heartwarming!
Just following up on Levi Sanders, in case anyone is looking.
If you are getting email or seeing headlines on “16 Democrats selling us out to big banks,” as I am, I think it’s worth pointing out that so far those claims are dishonest, and dishonest in a way that is frequently used BY DEMOCRATS and I think they should stop doing that. And I admit that, with the dynamics being what they are, this doesn’t look very good. But these 16 Democrats did NOT vote for the bill. They voted to bring the bill to the floor. They are not committed to voting for it, and some will in fact vote against it. Sometimes (and again, I grant, this doesn’t look great) bringing a bill to the floor is a way the get it rapidly voted down so they can stop being distracted by it. But in any case, the vote is not a vote on the bill itself, and to suggest it is, is disingenuous at best.
PP – Brilliant as always!
USA Today – Can’t blame him. If one is hired to advise one has a reasonable expectation of at least being heard. He isn’t.
Texas Tribune – Now THIS deserves a “Hallelujah!”
Cartoon – Yup.
Thanks for another sublime Randy Rainbow, Joanne. “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just nervous to be exposed as the abhorrent money-hungry puppet you really are”.

Thanks for Randy and the update on Levi.
PPC: True Words sung brilliantly!! Well sung too!
USA: Shame that Mr. Dumpty doesn’t listen to any advisors on anything, and also this. Here we go again.
TT: Beto is DA MAN!!! Have you seen this though??? Cruz attacking/mocking Beto. Beto IS the bigger man here though, by far!!
Cartoon: Oh, absolutely!!
Hope that you can relax and rest for your evening. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
*Joanne, our Randy is so classy!!! Love this, and Thanks for sharing! 😉
Beto sure knows how to go high when Republicans go low because they’ve that’s all they know how to do. Thanks for posting, Pat.
Thanks, Lona!
Cruz is disliked, and has GOT to GO!
He’s for the People, and By the People. I met him at our Town Meeting, (few months back) and had my picture taken with him. He’s a kind and focused man, with positive views on serving the people of these United States. And Texas!!
Kudos to Beto. The TRUS pervert couldn’t bait him.
I was proud to vote for a left-wing, liberal Democrat — running like Bernie Sanders. Come November I’m gonna do it again!
PP: Spot on and so professionally done. Don really knows how to pick his tunes to give his sweet-voiced message some extra bite.
USAT: I have no stocks or bonds, and my only interest in that market is very general in what it would mean for my pension funds (and that has been negative since 2008), but exchange rates are far more interesting right now. It struck me today that the Dollar is at an all-time low compared to the Euro since Drumpf came on board, which is remarkable since the Euro had been the weaker coin for quite some time. In January last year, when Drumpf arrived on the presidential scene €1,00 bought me $1,06, today it buys me $1,24. Which means that it has become cheaper for us to buy American goods and more expensive for you to buy ours. So there is no need for Drumpf to add tariffs to goods from abroad, the weaker dollar is doing the job for him. A tariff war will only mean that other countries will not buy more American goods even though they have become cheaper and non-American goods will become unaffordable for you. Drumpf is not only causing the collapse of America as a world power, but now also hastening it, so it’s no wonder DINO’s like Cohn do not want to be linked to that.
TT: You wonder if the rest of the staff would agree on endorsing progressive Beto O’Rourke over creepy-crawly Ted Cruz, TomCat?! Even some Republican voters would endorse Beto over the least-liked Senator in Congress if they had the guts.
Cartoon: Oooh, right, so that’s why this government tries all to stop strikes.
Hope your appointment went well and didn’t burn up all your energy, TomCat.
Cohn may be a rat deserting a sinking ship, but any rat is better than the fat Orange Ogre currently in the Oval Office.
The last couple months have made me hopeful that We The People can turn this country around by peaceful means. Let’s keep up the momentum so we can flip a lot of seats to blue – but not with just any Democrat. We need genuine progressives on our ballots, not GOP-Lite DINOs.
The cartoon is dead on – sadly so.
Parody Project: TC, we did it one more time, again! But, they do not give a damn about deaths, or any consequence of their actions, other than the flow of money into their bank accounts, which come from the munitions industry, for whom they are nothing but a propaganda machine.
USA Today: Oh, my what ever is happening to Mr. “Business Acumen?” Funny, the rats have been defining themselves for us all, simply by joining this toxic crew.
TT: Apparently Ted the Crud tried to get at Beto by playing on his name, saying that he is just pandering to the hispanic vote, using “Beto,” until Beto posted a picture of him as a kid, wearing a shirt with HIS very name! Maybe Texas will recognize crud when it sees it, this time around…not holding my breath.
‘Toon: they agree, and want it to be that way.
Puzzle — 3:46 I got the point!
Parody Project — How does one adequately comment on 4:37 of absolute brilliance other than to say
I found myself singing the chorus with Don, albeit not so sweetly! Two lines that resonated with me:
I will say it again, AMEN!!!
USA Today — “The rat is deserting the sinking ship.” — An ill fated ship with a hole in the hull, a big hole! With a question from a reporter about the significant numbers of people leaving the Drumpf régime, Cohn being the most recent, Huckabee Sanders said that this is normal in all administrations. I am not sure if she pulled that out of her ass, or the Fuhrer’s! The most recent comments I have heard indicates that Drumpf is backing off for Canada and Mexico, and perhaps Australia because they are not national security risks. Does that mean that he considers the UK, a country that has stood shoulder to shoulder with the US in several ill conceived military actions, and much of the EU as national security risks? National security??? If that is Drumpf’s concern in all this BS, why has he not imposed the sanctions against Russia that the Congress approved? Drumpf’s ship is sinking fast, and with it, the US’s reputation and standing.
Texas Tribune — Ted Cruz: ” … Congressman O’Rourke is a left-wing, liberal Democrat — he is running like Bernie Sanders across the state, and the voters of Texas will have a decision of what policies and values reflect their own values.” — Let’s hope that the voters of Texas have more brains than Cruz and vote for Beto. I hope Beto uses Cruz as a mat on which to wipe his feet! Cruz on his own is an apocalypse!
Cartoon — Of course Republicans agree with that. Look at all their ‘right to work’ legislation, a misnomer to be sure, clawing back workers’ rights.
I hope your appointment went well Puddy Tat! My quarterly blood tests are coming up in 2 weeks. I’ve been very busy these past few days and have half finished comments to post. I hope I will finish them today. Yesterday was absolutely gorgeous with sunshine and no clouds. We’re back to rain today but there is a lot of snow still piled up, and even more up the mountain where my friends live.
Mine are semi-annual and tomorrow.
Thanks all. Tired hugs!