It’s a WWWendy w/wings day here at the CatBox, and in addition to fumigating the stinky TomCat, we have several chores, including the dreaded task. I miss my beloved Orb!
I just heard from Wendy, who isn’t feeling well and will be late, so I’m rushing to finish, before she gets here.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:16 (average 5:10). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Jig Zone Puzzle:
From YouTube (SNL Channel): Presidential Address Cold Open
No wonder Melania likes Alec better, but Alec gave it away. He held up large hands. RESIST!!
From Newsweek: President Donald Trump has made no secret of his admiration for strongmen leaders such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte.
And, according to a tape of closed door remarks Trump made at his Mar-a-Lago estate obtained by CNN, he supports President Xi Xinping of China’s move to extend his power indefinitely. “He’s now president for life,” Trump told Republican donors, after the Chinese Communist party last week moved to alter the constitution to allow Xi to remain in power beyond the two-term limit.
“President for life. And he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day.” [emphasis added]
Both the Fuhrer and the Republican Party would love that. But they only admit it when they think nobody is listening. RESIST!!
From NY Times: President Trump warned on Saturday that he would apply higher taxes on imported European cars if the European Union carried through on its threat to retaliate against his proposed stiff new tariffs on steel and aluminum.
“If the E.U. wants to further increase their already massive tariffs and barriers on U.S. companies doing business there, we will simply apply a Tax on their Cars which freely pour into the U.S.,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter [Fool delinked] from Florida, where he was spending part of the weekend. “They make it impossible for our cars (and more) to sell there. Big trade imbalance!”
It was the latest indication that Mr. Trump, despite pressure from foreign allies and American business leaders, is standing by his decision to impose a 25 percent tariff on steel imports and a 10 percent tariff on aluminum imports from all countries. The action is likely to be signed this coming week.
The fool claimed this measure would target China, but he appears to be after the EU and Canada. RESIST!!
I made this cartoon six years ago. We’re still trying!
15 Responses to “Open Thread – 3/4/2018”
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SNL: Love SNL !! Has anyone seen the tweet that the orange one sent out? to Alec Baldwin? It’s spot on hilarious!
NW: Seriously??? I doubt it, though maybe ‘king’ for years to come, in a prison somewhere……
NYT: Well, there goes our positive standing with our allies. We’re screwed. BigTime!!
Cartoon: Alex Jones and him need to go. Far away.
Hi WWWendy!! Sure hope you get your chores done, that’s more time to relax, and to enjoy the rest of your day. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
Trump admires other strongmen in the world? If that doesn’t scare you into needing to change your undies, nothing will. Remember how Hitler admired Mussolini and sought to outdo him. Il Duce was rotten, but Der Führer took that rottenness up several notches. The guy portraying the Tangerine Troglodyte isn’t nearly as frightening as the real thing – and a lot more rational.
Tariffs remind me of that old saw of just what road leads to Hell. There are better ways to create jobs here, and keep them here. All tariffs do is raise prices on goods that are already barely affordable.
5:59 I knew I was never going to get that done within the average time.
We have a high temp, low humidity, high winds wildfire warning across at least the eastern part of the state today. In MARCH! SMDH.
This from VoteVets –
SNL – It’s sad that he has gotten to the point that this is actually only marginally funny. Everyone there is so talented!
Newsweek – It’s not news that “president-for-life” is what Trump wants. It is, I guess, news that he came so close to saying so. Since he didn’t say it publicly, who’s to know if this is a new remark or just the latest in a behind-closed-door string.
NYT – Oh, goody. Not just a trade war, but an escalating trade war.
Cartoon – Yup.
JD, that Vote Vets vid is excellent and should be required viewing for every American!
I can hear Drumpf boasting that he has a Purple Heart (or whatever it was) too! The fact that a foolish man gave Drumpf his Purple Heart will mean nothing to Drumpf. In his mind, he deserved it.
His only mistake is being a Republican, and we’re damn fortunate that he is.
Fortunate is exactly what we are. I wonder how he is feeling about the Republican Party now – and how long he will stay in it after all the convicting and sentencing is over (he knows he must stay registered while he is working on it, or risk fake loss of legitimacy, even more than there already is.)
SNL. So good to see them back! Alec Baldwin feels portraying Drumpf is agony, so we all need to be very grateful to him for continuing to going through that week after week. And now there’s a Twitter war between them as a bonus. Thank you both, gentlemen.
Newsweek: My goodness, how predictable can any human being get? Drooling over the Chinese altering the constitution to allow Xi to remain in power beyond the two-term limit like that, of course he did. Drumpf nearly misspoke when he said Xi was now president for life. “Emperor”was clearly on the tip of his tongue ???. Now if he only knew how to get the GOP to alter the constitution in the same way. And throw in a yearly military parade while they’re at it.
NYT. An escalating trade war is certainly the way to get more jobs in the US
I couldn’t help it, but I had to laugh when the image of the Trabant sprung to mind, the locally built and only car East-Germans were allowed (and could afford) to drive before The Wall came down between the two Germanies. They were an environmental disaster and came to a standstill when the headwind was a bit too strong. If Drumpf has its way, Americans will only be allowed to buy whatever the American auto-mobile industry throws at them and at the prices they deem fit; Japanese and Korean cars will of course be next on his list to put a tariff on. Yes, make America great again, Drumpf!
Cartoon: What is taking you so long? Don’t go there, it’s a rhetorical question.
Update on 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum. Australia is learning the hard way what Drumpf’s promises and friendship are worth. Note that PM Turnbull has visited Drumpf only last month.
Donald Trump promised Malcolm Turnbull Australia would be exempt from trade tariffs
Republican promises are temporary.
SNL: One of the best!
Newsweek: tDump’s little dickie must have grown to at least 2 inches upon contemplating that possibility.
NYT: And how many foreign car manufacturers have plants right here? Mr. “Business acumen” has none whatsoever, one way, or another.
‘Toon: Yes, quite literally a “Toon!”
Sorry – but I don’t know what the problem is WRT Trump & “Life Term”.
I would LOVE to give Trump a “Life Term” …
(Boy – am I getting mileage out of that GIF or what?)
This gif needs to go on a very large billboard within visual lines from the WH! Twitter would not be the same ever again.
And a wonderful GIF it is!
Puzzle — 4:22 Salad?
Newsweek — I’d like to think that this is the mindless thought of a doddering old fool, aka Drumpf, but I am afraid that his narcissism is so great and the Republicans are so toady that this could be their ultimate plan. Heaven forbid! The fool should be nowhere near the WH and Republicans should be in the unemployment line . . . permanently!
NY Times — Drumpf’s ill conceived tariffs proposal is apparently against the advice of his advisers and is in no way the way one treats allies. With an ally like Drumpf, who needs enemies! I believe it was in his speech to the UN General Assembly when Drumpf said his responsibility was to the wellbeing of the US, and after a pause said that other leaders had a responsibility to their respective countries. True enough on the surface, but there also must be fair negotiation on points where countries “collide”. There will be retaliation I am sure, and Drumpf will be shouting “unfair”. MAGA = Make America Greedy Again!
Cartoon — Another pile of manure in human form! It has be great not having to deal with him as in previous years. And I agree with Pat when she commented about Alex Jones, although maybe something good is happening there since he has been tossed off of YouTube.
Thanks all. Busy hugs!