Last week Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten met with legislators, listened to suggestion from both sides, and frequently encouraged and agreed with Democrats. He promised full support for fast action to keep guns out of the wrong hands. Of course none of it was real. He know that his faithful allies, like Bought Bitch Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would take that common sense gun control, and substitute a pile of Crapo.
Wouldn’t you think that after the “Valentine day massacre” at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, government officials would be chomping at the bit to discuss gun control? This would be true if we were talking about Australia, England, Germany or any other civilized country, and not the United States. Here, the Republican Party is being held hostage by the NRA and other lobbying groups.
As reported by CNN, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Thursday that the Senate will turn to a banking bill next week, dashing the hopes of many Senators in both parties that the Senate would be able to pass gun legislation quickly in the wake of the mass shooting. Asked if there will be a way forward on guns next week, McConnell replied, “No, we’re going to the Crapo bill next week.” He was referring to the proposal inked by the Idaho Senator Mike Crapo which would repeal the Dodd-Frank Act implemented by President Obama.
The Dodd-Frank Act is the federal law that places regulations on the financial industry in the hands of the government. This process would limit risk by enforcing transparency and accountability. This would decrease the risk of another recession like we experienced during the Bush presidency. Republican critics say the 2010 Dodd-Frank law went too far and curbs banks’ ability to lend, while many Democrats say it provides critical protections for consumers and taxpayers. Crapo’s bill would ease restrictions on small banks and credit unions, but also includes a number of provisions beneficial to all but the largest U.S. banks… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <The Palmer Report>
Dodd Frank makes sure Banksters carry enough reserves. It outlaws Bankster Gambling by banning speculation with our money for their own profit. It empowers the SEC to regulate risky derivatives. It requires Hedge funds to reveal all trades to the SEC. It oversees credit rating agencies. It regulates credit cards, loans, and mortgages. It increases supervision of insurance companies. And it reforms the Federal Reserve.
In other words, Dodd-Frank addresses the abuses by corporate criminals that caused the Republican Collapse and Recession of 2008. Allowed to resume those abuses, Banksters could steal more profit, but the end result would probably be another economic collapse and recession.
Allowing Banksters and other corporate criminals to do this is the pile of Crapo that Republicans consider so necessary that they are willing to pay for it with the blood of more murdered students.
8 Responses to “A Pile of Crapo”
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I’m disheartened that the repugs aren’t sounding the alarm over the proposed gun legislation first. How many more shootings will happen while they sit and watch another one?? They are all out for themselves in repealing the Dodd-Frank Act which would protect us…the consumers and taxpayers down the road. Sonsabithess!!
How many? ∞
The Orange Ogre and his goons are sending this country straight to hell in a handbasket – on a Shinkansen.
As the old saying goes, “Crapo by name, crapo by nature.” He joins a host of others, such as Dush and Flake. I guess you have to give them credit for thick skin. People in my family get mortified over just initials (aunt MES, hubby VD, and others).
Business as usual and that couldn’t possibly include sensible gun control. The NRA already set the record straight after talking with Drumpf behind closed doors on his possible change of heart on gun-control: ‘Move along, folk, nothing to see here. The Prez had a good talking to and he won’t deviate from our gun policy if he knows what is good for him and wants to be in the race in 2020.’
And of course dear Mitch set any deviant Republican straight on what their priorities should be: suck the nation dry before the GOP loses the midterm elections or Mueller nails Drumpf to the door, whichever comes first. And Crapo is the guy to do it…such an endearing name and so easy to remember.
Business as usual, indeed! Lives are not as important as making more money for the already hugely rich, while the NRA engages in its “Business as usual!”
McConnell is the Machiavelli of his time!
Drumpf and Republicans are full of
!!!!! It seems that whether it is destroying the country through financial malfeasance, or destroying the lives of children and others with guns, or killing people with sub standard healthcare (ie not universal care), Republicans have a plan and it is their intention to work it, no matter what happens. Drumpf, McTurtle, Lyin’ Ryan and all Republicans have blood on their hands. To all these supply-side pseudo Christians (not the same as authentic Christians), this is NOT what is meant by being “washed in the blood of the Lamb”!
Thanks all. Sad hugs. ?