Compared to January, February results were down in every category. It’s mostly because February has three fewer days.
Here is our latest summary:
Reported period |
Month Feb 2018 |
First visit |
01 Feb 2018 – 00:00 |
Last visit |
28 Feb 2018 – 23:59 |
Unique visitors |
Number of visits |
Pages |
Hits |
Bandwidth |
Viewed traffic * |
25,582 (3.86 visits/visitor) |
101,301 (3.95 Pages/Visit) |
242,605 (9.48 Hits/Visit) |
9.64 GB (395.05 KB/Visit) |
Not viewed traffic * |
538,237 |
668,054 |
16.84 GB |
Reported period |
Month Feb 2017 |
First visit |
07 Feb 2017 – 05:03 |
Last visit |
28 Feb 2017 – 23:59 |
Unique visitors |
Number of visits |
Pages |
Hits |
Bandwidth |
Viewed traffic * |
23,334 (2.95 visits/visitor) |
68,217 (2.92 Pages/Visit) |
195,380 (8.37 Hits/Visit) |
6.45 GB (290.01 KB/Visit) |
Not viewed traffic * |
316,748 |
361,941 |
7.09 GB |
Compared with last February we are up in every category, except Uniques.
Here is our ClustrMap for 2018 YTD. If it seems sparse, remember that this is only two month’s traffic.
ClustrMap misses a lot of visits, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.
Here are our top five articles:
As Seen From Afar 2/1/2018 2/1/2018 642
Everyday Erinyes #110 2/10/2018 518
Blood Money Bought 17 Lives 2/15/2018 503
Poor or Middle Class? Get Vaseline! 2/13/2018 419
Bill Maher from 2/16 2/17/2018 348
The count represents only the people who followed an external link to that specific article. All were from February. I wrote three. Kudos to Lona and JD for writing the top two!
Here are our top non-blog/news referrers (100 referral minimum):
Google 2,084
Care2 1,720
Stumbleupon 347
All three are down, but it’s the short month.
Here are our top blog/news referrers:
We had 9 sites with 2 or more referrals, up 6 from February. Putting blogs’ links here increases the ratings of their sites, so this “linkey love” is our thank you for their referral support. We need to improve this. I still think I need to start visiting our blog roll, which is terribly out of date.
As of midnight March 1, we had 8,029 articles and 96,380 comments.
JD earned a Big Mouth Award in February for the 96,000th comment.
I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar. Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar. Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.
Your Administrators are Lynn Squance, aka Sasquatch or Squatch, SoINeedAName, aka Nameless, and I, aka TomCat, the Founder. Your Editors are Joanne Dixon, aka JD the Erynator and Lona Goudswaard, aka Lona the Napster. I promoted them from Author last August to give them the ability to add graphics to comments and the ability to correct my innumerable typos.
This is our policy on links. We do not embed links to extreme Republican websites, like Faux Noise, Breitfart or World Nut Daily. However I leave notes in square brackets when I delete such links, (example: [faux noise delinked]) so readers, who wish to follow them can click through to the source article. I also remove topical links. Finally, I blank the target on all links, so they open in a new tab or window.
Thank you for all you do, everywhere you do it.
I’ve been wondering if the flood of information from so many sources that the unprecedented extremes under which we live have engendered is crowding us out. Please spread PP however you can.
16 Responses to “Monthly Report for February 2018”
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Love your terms for reich-wing “news” sites!
TC is really good with nicknames. Much better than a couple of “Presidents” I can think of. I also notice names, but am not as good at playing with them. I have to admit to feeling a chill up my spine today reading an article in Mother Jones about a Nazi named “Woodward” who killed a Jewish teenager named “Bernstein.”
Yes, KUDOS to our two hardworking ladies, JD & Lona!! and Lynn too! and KUDOS to you, for your daily posts, insight(s) and integrity!
ya’ll are AWESOME!! Thank you!!

I mentioned that I noticed the spinning globe. I looked at the details, and noticed that, since Clustrmap compares 30 days to 30 days rather then month to month (and also 7 days to 7 days), it shows visits for the last 30 days actually up over the 30 days previous to that. That certainly confirms your statement that February is only down because it has fewer days.
Thanks for the info, TC! I’m still around, if only in the edges. Been busy today applying for medical benefits and such.
Take care and stay warm!
I certainly hope you get the medical benefits you so clearly deserve. Feel better! I don’t always say I miss you, but I always see your posts and am glad to, even when things are rocky.
You’ve worked terribly hard to get the visits to PP up last months, TomCat, and posting three articles now and again paid off, I’m sure. More unique visitors is another matter and I think you’re right that the competition from the flood of information from so many different sources may be crowding Politic Plus out. I’ve suggested something similar a few months back when visits had dropped a little. This and the possibility that “the unprecedented extremes under which we live” are wearing people out. Sometimes we just need a break from it all.
It may also have to do with your appeal to a certain age group, let’s say to the hippies of old. I’ve noticed the disappearance of quite a few friends on the Care2 for all kinds of reasons such as illness, and sadly demise too. They are replaced by others in our age group, but not as many, and the young are attracted to other sites, which is normal and understandable, so our numbers are dwindling despite your valid efforts. I wouldn’t worry about it, if I were you, and certainly not try to “re-brand” yourself ?
You have a great point about the age group Lona.
Re-brand myself? Should I become a dawg? ?
Absolutely not!!! They are pleasers and followers. Puddy Tats are independent and thinkers!
Drumpf is a definite topic of conversation up here. With the people I meet or know, they do not like Drumpf and I am always referring them to PP. Perhaps I need to print up some “business cards” with the url on them and hand them out so they don’t forget it when I mention it.
The 2-3 less days in February certainly makes a difference to a lot of things. And it is only once every four years that it gets 29 days. February never gets a chance to catch up!
If some of the Care2 people who respond to the post there would also post on PP, that might make a difference, but at least they come to the site to read the articles if not post.
Great job Puddy Tat, JD, Lona and Nameless. Keep on keeping on!
Thanks and tired hugs!
Getting a kick out of the new rotating Global ClustrMap!
(And they’re actually improving WRT location proximity. Not “horseshoe” or “grenade” proximity – but closer.)