Mar 022018
But I just have too much on my plate, what with doing Mom’s taxes, my taxes, taking care of her Estate matters, clearing out her apartment, helping with my brother after his carotid endarterectomy (wish I could say he’s doing better – but at least some improvement), critter care (didn’t take Nike with on the last trip – was only two nights and way too hectic with cleaning out the apartment), etc., etc.
I know everyone complains about “time-crunch” – but normally my life is NOT this busy. Hope to have things, if not on even keel, at least a much better keel in a week.
But I do know someone who, very soon, is going to have time on his hands – LOTS of time …
8 Responses to “Friday Fun – Up to It …”
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If they give him one of those orange jumpsuits, he’ll probably complain that it’s flesh-tone.
Cross posted to Care2 HERE.
Of course, “soon” is relative. It comes back to the old “Do you want it right, ot do you want it Tuesday?” I will definitely hold out for right – make that “correct.”
Sounds like a lot of family business being taken care of, hope it goes well this week too!

Love the GIF !!!
Thanks, Nameless, and Joanne for posting.
Nameless, my good friend, you just take all the time you need.
Good to hear from you, Nameless. Great GIF.
There’s no need to apologize for taking the time to get your mother’s affairs settled. You’ve got double trouble with your brother in such poor health; having to do it all on your own, 400 miles (is it?) from home and the worries about your brother on top of that. And these things take so much time, I know from experience. So don’t worry, just a short update, like this, on how you’re doing is great.
Take your time, and give Nike a nice pat for me.