I’m waiting for Store to Door to call for my grocery order. Tomorrow is grocery delivery day and shower day. Then on Thursday and Friday, I get super busy with the new poll and the Monthly Report. It’s going to be hectic.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:59 (average 5:02). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From The Last Word: Lawrence: Trump’s superhero fantasy world
President Trump said that he would’ve run into Stoneman Douglas High School without a weapon to save children from the shooter. Lawrence O’Donnell argues that this superhero version of Trump is a total contrast to what Trump has said — and done — in real life.
Wheelchair, aside, I doubt that I would have run into that school. I have not been trained or equipped for that. I know that I would run into a burning building to save lives, because, trained and equipped, I have done so a few times. That coward would turn tail and run from a kitty fart! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Shortly after he declared that he would have run into a Florida high school unarmed to thwart a mass shooting, Donald J. Trump announced that he was planning a parade in Washington, D.C., to celebrate his hypothetical act of heroism.
“Anyone can act with bravery in the moment,” Trump told reporters in the White House. “But it takes a very special kind of hero to tell people about the incredibly brave thing he would have done weeks after the thing happened.”
He added that it was one of his greatest regrets that bone spurs prevented him from serving in the Vietnam War, “because the really courageous things I would have done during that war would have been off the charts.”
Well, I see that Andy is doing straight reporting again. RESIST!!
From Alternet: For some reason, this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, seems to have gotten more attention than usual. That’s saying something, since for the last 15 years or so it’s gotten much more attention than it deserves. CPAC is like a 10-car pile-up — frightening and horrible, but you can’t look away.
Salon’s Jeremy Binckes and Matthew Sheffield have each weighed in on this year’s event — with Binckes making the case that it shows that the GOP is now thoroughly Trumpified while Sheffield argues that it’s now Trump who’s been absorbed by the Republican Party. I think CPAC shows that the Trump strain has always been slithering around under the rock of conservative movement politics, and 2016 just turned it over and let it run amok.
There is one good thing we can say about CPUKE. It’s over. RESIST!!
From TPM: Bernie Sanders’ son says he’s running for Congress in New Hampshire.
Levi Sanders is joining seven fellow Democrats and three Republicans in this year’s race for the 1st Congressional District. Democratic Rep. Carol Shea-Porter is stepping down after her term ends.
The 48-year-old Sanders has lived in New Hampshire for 15 years. He’s in Claremont, in the 2nd Congressional District. The U.S. Constitution requires only that U.S. House members reside in the state they serve, not necessarily in the same district.
The son of the Independent Vermont senator proposes a “Medicare for all health care system;” tuition-free public college; a higher minimum wage; and “sensible gun legislation.”
Kudos to Levi! RESIST!!
Free Leonard Peltier!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/27/2018”
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4:59 Salad?
New (copyrighted) cartoons
Boy, did Matt Bors get it right. And with almost no words.
Lawrence – I don’t know how he does it. Lawrence, I mean. Strings together facts and pictures to be so – damning. Don’t you wish he had been there? Remember the photo shoot with the eagle?
TNY – Oh, Andy, you’re giving him ideas.
AlterNet – It’s over – for THIS year. I wish it were over forever.
TPM – Funny how different a good family looks from a dysfunctional one. I also wish him the best.
Cartoon – Amen!
Trump is good at talking the talk – but flunks walking the walk. I’ve seen the clip of the eagle attacking the Orange Ogre. Too bad that bird didn’t snap his nose off.

There are plenty of petitions out there against tRump’s Ego Parade. Sign all you can find, and contact your legislators!
So Bernie “Junior” is running for Congress? Sure looks like a case of like father, like son. Maybe someday he will be our Prez.
Re the cartoon: I fear that Peltier is going to die in prison. Maybe it’s just a silly nightmare, but I once had a vision that if Peltier does not die a free man, terrible karma will befall the USA.
Thanks for the cartoons, Joanne. Danzinger’s is a hoot and a half!
I agree – about Danziger – I LOL’ed – then didn’t know whether to cry about the comments screaming “NOW DEMS ARE OPENLY INCITING SOMEONE TO KILL THE PRESIDENT!”
TLW: As a former school employee, no holds barred, and being trained for crisis intervention, I would have been there, stayed, and tried to help if a shooter showed up on campus, gawd forbid. It’s all about the kids and protecting them, while NOT packing heat. It’s what teachers/staff do. dt is devoid of any emotions, except for himself. ‘Cadet Bonespurs’ would have flinched and ran the other way!!!
NYer: dt’s such an as- !!!! LOL, Andy.
AN: C-Puke. Exactly!!!
TPM: Excellent!!! and High Five to Mr. Sanders!!!
Cartoon: A very sad day in our Nation’s history. Russell Means continued to advocate for Native rights at Pine Ridge and elsewhere and in 1988 was a presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party. Leonard Peltier remains in prison, although efforts to win him pardon continue. *history.com
Hope you get a chance to rest. Enjoy the rest of your day/evening, take care and Thanks, Tom.
MSNBC: Sure, Donny! Sure, baby!Why don’t you just come sit down for a minute, rest, and take your meds?
New Yorker: Yeah, Cadet Bone spurs running into danger! This I have got to see! Can he even run?
Alternet: CPAC =’s CPUKE, oh, yeah!
TPM: Go Levi, Go!
‘Toon: I can not begin to tell you how many petitions I have signed for Peltier’s release!
I hear you. I was signing paper petitions for him before folks had internet access.
Puzzle — 4:02 TC, you obviously went bananas at the thought of some food. Don’t forget that Bananas are carbs.
The Last Word — Anyone with even a modicum of intelligence knows that Drumpf is so full of shit that his eyes are dark brown! My grandfather taught me that people with loud voices declaring themselves heroes are really cowards. A real hero does not advertise with words but with actions, and that is not Drumpf. I watched videos of 3 late night TV hosts commenting on Drumpf’s “I really think I would run in there even without a weapon” BS. Colbert asked the question of Drumpf “What are you going to do, stab them with your bone spurs?” Here’s the video:
If you want to watch the other two as well, here is the url: https://etcanada.com/news/303755/late-night-hosts-mock-donald-trumps-claim-he-would-have-run-in-there-during-school-shooting/
The New Yorker — Andy is back (or is it still?) to doing straight reporting.
AlterNet — C-PUKE is such an apt name for the conference!
TPM — A chip off the old block!!! I hope he does well!
Cartoon — Back in 1973, I had been working for 1.5 years in small town BC. I heard about AIM occupying Wounded Knee but I did not know the dynamics. Since then, I have made a point of learning about First Nations in both Canada and the US. AMEN to freeing Leonard Peltier!
for Lawrence! One of his best, most scourging reviews of Drumpf behaviour to date. The Last Word on all levels.
TNY: Andy also knows exactly how Drumpf’s brain works, when it works, that is.
Alternet: This year’s CPAC confirms what you, TomCat, and many others here, have maintained right from the beginning of the rise of Drumpf: The GOP is both father and mother of this miscreant. Drumpf embodies everything that is foul and nasty within the GOP and they love him for his blatant, even proud and bragging, exhibition of what is at the core of their party.
TPM: I’m not a great believer in dynasties, but if Levi Sanders is the chip of the old block he appears to be, New Hampshire would do well to vote him into Congress.
If he isn’t – which is certainly possible – that should show up soon.
Thanks all. Tired hugs!