Feb 182018

Here is the one hundred ninth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Pastor (so-called) Carl Gallups. He is so honored for the Republican Manner in which he equates Ammosexuality and Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity (the exact opposite of authentic Christianity).

0218JesusGunCarl Gallups, a right-wing pastor and conspiracy theorist who spoke at Trump campaign rallies in 2016, appeared on TheDove TV’s “Focus Today” program yesterday [pseudo-Christians delinked] to discuss the mass shooting at a Florida high school earlier this week, which he said was part of a demonic attack aimed at weakening America through gun control in preparation for the rise of the Antichrist.

“This has it’s origins in the spiritual realms,” he said. “There is a concerted demonic attempt to undermine the United States of America, to bring it down, to destroy the most precious among us. Why is that such a demonic attempt? Because we know the scriptures say that there will arise a generation that will see this Antichrist system, this one-world order … The bottom line is we are headed that way.”…

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video:

Barf Bag Alert!!

Any so-called pastor who considers arming domestic terrorists to enable them to murder school children an article of faith is NOT Christian, is CLEARLY Republican and DESERVES this parade!



  9 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 2/18/2018”

  1. Good grief!!! No expression of horror, for our children of this Nation, but yet, spreads his hate through ‘religion’. Begone, evil one !! 

  2. Whoever picked that screenshot for the cover was either channeling God, or has Gallups’s number, or both.  Just look at that demonic expression.  Yup.  Projection.  Again.

  3. Carl Gallups would be funny AF if he didn’t fart that malarkey in the light of such a hideous tragedy.

  4. Why do so many of these people spotting their various psychiatric medicines? Or, once one is ensconced in a culture, or sub-culture, that takes its picture of reality from fairy tales, that discusses which interpretation of the fairy tales are the more valid ones, one has lost his/her grip on verifiable reality.  It is like living in a side show’s hall of mirrors and convincing oneself that “that” image is the real one…oh, no, it’s that one, isn’t it?  
    Just how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?

  5. These days I make a point of not listening to these ravings on video any more, just reading is enough; so much better for my blood pressure, digestion and mental health. Just the still of the video was enough to convince me again I was doing the right thing: Gallups is positively demonic himself, anything coming out of his mouth can only be ??

    But possessed or not not, “pastor” Carl Gallups really deserves your Republican on Parade, TomCat. And I think the picture of Jesus bearing that heavy “cross” is brilliant. 

  6. Thanks all!  Hot and cold hugs! 


  7. I would say “Satan get behind me!”, but I am afraid that I’d be shot in the back by this Republican ammosexual  Satan!

    I happened to encounter this bozo yesterday while reading and he is a real right wing nut job with the intelligence level of a grain of sand.

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