WWWendy is due in ten minutes, so I’ll have to do most of my writing after she leaves at around Noon. I watched the opening ceremony last night, and neither Nambia nor Normay sent teams to Korea.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:44 (average 5:43). To di it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Donald Trump Closer To Ending Russia Probe As Rachel Brand Quits DOJ
I think Rachel Brand was acting in her own self-interest. If it came down to either hamstringing the Mueller investigation for Trump, or refusing to do so, whatever she might do would be a career ending move for her. So when the Republican Reich got Wal-fart to offer her a plumb job, she ducked out of the line of fire and took the money. I know virtually nothing about Noel Francisco. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: In comments to reporters at the White House on Friday, Donald J. Trump stirred controversy by lavishing an alleged wife beater with praise that he historically has reserved for child molesters and Nazis.
Reporters who heard the President’s comments were taken aback since, in the past, the President had given no indication that he held wife beaters in the same high esteem in which he holds supporters of child abuse and white supremacy.
“We knew that President Trump considered child molesters and Nazis very fine people, but this was the first time he had put wife beaters up there, too,” Tracy Klugian, a member of the White House press corps, said. “We wanted clarification as to whether he considered wife beaters as fine as those other two groups, or finer.”
John Kelly, the White House chief of staff, accused reporters of attempting to drive a wedge between three of the President’s most cherished constituencies.
Dang Andy! Doesn’t the Fuhrer prefer all of the above? RESIST!!
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Paul Begley Says Barack Obama Is Leading An Illuminati Plot To Assassinate Trump
Barf Bag Alert!!
This is what Republican Sheeple get to see as a substitute for real News. RESIST!!
16 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/10/2018”
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5:04 Hope you’re thirsty.
New (copyrighted) cartoons
MSNBC – I have read that Rachel’s friends (Brand, not Maddow) are quite relieved that she will not be in DOJ for “the apocalypse.” I hope that they mean by that the end of TRUMP’s worls, not OUR world. We will have to see.
TC, I know you have seen this (source here) video, but it needs wide distribution so the largest possible number of people will grasp how terribly important the investigation is. Because most Americans, frankly, don’t.
TNY – Definitely all of the above. (OK, this is my well-known soapbox, but this whole thing highlights the extent to which RWNJ’s use the patriarchic hierarchy in lieu of morals. Note that all three groups comprise primarily white men (who are not progressive – white men who are progressive become “honorary” browns and blacks.)
RWW – “Illuminati.” Let’s see, isn’t that the group that “made” that woman in Massachusetts murder her children? Seriously, if you aren’t familiar with the fairy tales abut the “Illuminati,” maybe you should take a few minutes to goole it, even if only to check out Wikipedia.
Cartoon – Not only mandatory, but also retroactive, IMO.
Thank you!!!!!!
I just learned that Rep. Elijah Cummings’s (D-MD but probably needs no introduction here) mother Ruth Elma Cummings passed away on Monday Feb. 5. She was 91. She had herself founded Baltimore’s Victory Prayer Chapel. I won’t quote the whole obituary, but she was quite a lady.
On that video, go for it!
Based on my experience watching hits and notes and green stars, it will get more attention right here than anywhere else I could put it. It’s getting at least some attention through Daily Kos, where we got it; maybe not enough, but it is being pushed.
Whatever you think.
Exercise your power.
MSNBC: Gulp!!! Things are looking pretty shetty up there now. Here’s the info on Noel Francisco. Newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/senate-confirms-noel-francisco-solicitor-general-trump-667792
N:Yer: Not funny, Andy. He (and his cronies) make me ill.
BBA: w.t.H?? Sadly, there are folks out there who listen to this crap. ugh!!
Cartoon: Amen.
I need to get in the LR and watch some Olympics, if for a little while. Hope that you have a relaxing, restful evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
I would hope he would be jealous of DOJ power, but it does not look good. He could well be to DOJ what Whoresuch is to SCROTUS.
Not only did Bork’s action come back to haunt him when he was nominated for the Supreme Court, but “borked” has become a synonym for FUBAR (… beyond all recognition), used even by people (and cats) who were not even born when the Massacre occurred. I wonder whether Francisco will remember that. Perhaps someone should remind him.
Rachel: If the path to firing Mueller is being cleared, and POSTUS gets away with it….
RWW: Someone get this guy back on his anti-psychotic meds, please.
Borowitz: Andy knows who the orange thing loves!
Joanne’s video: Soooo important!
TNY: Sometimes the boundary between truth and farce is very thin.
Joanne says it all on the cartoon!
I have managed to tolerate my glasses for 30 minutes straight this evening but the vision is still a little blurry. Hopefully tomorrow afternoon I will be able to do more. I must say I’m feeling stiff and my left knee has started to bruise. In addition to using my face to break my fall, I also hit my knee, although I am not worried about it.
Have to say that “Meathead’s” interview with Clapper and Brennan is terrific, JD.
BTW, Silvano, my neighbour’s father that I mentioned about 3 weeks ago, passed away this morning. It is a blessing for him as he was in great pain. I ask for thoughts and prayers as his wife and family mourn. Thanks.
Good night all.
So sorry you’re still hurting, Lynn, but I’m glad you could tolerate your glasses on your poor cracked and swollen nose long enough to read and comment. I didn’t put in a comment to wish you a speedy recovery because I expected you not to be able to do either for much longer, so:
Squatch, I’m glad you’re improving, but please don’t overdo it.
Thoughts and prayers for Sylvano’s folks.
Rachel Maddow: By having moved Rachel Brand out of the way, either voluntary or under pressure, and replacing her with Noel Francisco who apparently won’t shy away from firing Mueller, the White House can now fire Rosenstein. All on the basis of fabricated memo’s. It is unbelievable that Drumpf and his advisors will go the same road that brought Nixon down: obstruction. And in this case obstruction on top of the obstruction that Mueller is already investigating. And the Republicans will let it happen so Drumpf will get away with it, won’t he.
TNY: Why are you reporting on something that is already old news in the media, Andy?
RWW: Couldn’t watch it all, but I still got the message: if Begley say he knows it, it must be true.

Thanks all. Hugs!