I’m sure you know by now, the Reich on the right, the Republican Reich, is virtually always wrong, while the Reich on the left, Robert Reich, is virtually always right. Robert just released two installments of his lecture series on the economy on Inequality Media. Here they are, with brief comments from me.
Understanding Your Split Brain
I’m rather unusual here, because, although I prefer to buy American, whenever I can, have to shop online or by telephone due to physical disability. Even though I have voted against my own self interest (on ballot measures) to achieve the common good, it’s hard to blame others for not doing do. The only way to overcome number three in the video is to elect the people who will pass the laws and institute the policies we need.
What Should Be the Purpose of Corporations
It clear that we need to elect the people who will pass laws and regulations to ditch shareholder capitalism and implement stakeholder capitalism.
To do so, we must…
8 Responses to “Two from the Reich on the Left”
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I would love to have had Mr. Reich as a teacher. He makes classwork so interesting!!Both are excellent views, I really appreciate you, Tom, for posting this.Need to finish the 2nd, halfway through. Thanks!!
Split Brain: Tell me about it! I want to buy American as much as possible, but that is not easy. Too much is made in overseas sweatshops. Fortunately, I can on occasion find items such as socks that are made in the USA. I do shop on-line for some things, but going to a website is not nearly as enjoyable as going into a brick-and-mortar store and browsing. Besides, when you buy in person, what you see is what you get. Making a purchase on-line has risks, such as a lot shipment or not getting what you expected. Laws and policies will help, as will raising wages so people can afford locally-sourced goods, as well as having societal inducements to purchase locally-sourced goods. Now, how can we do that? Reviving neighborhood spirit may be one way.
Purpose of Corporations: Our current capitalist system is greed, greed, greed. Fatten the shareholders and the CEOs, and screw the working class. Henry Ford said that a company should pay its workers as HIGH a wage as possible so they can buy your products. When nobody except a few rich folks can buy anything, how does a corporation make anything? We need to return to Zellerbach’s philosophy of stakeholder capitalism.
I. Back in the day, when I was in college and even to some degree in high school, there were exercises to help people examine their personal values. You have a bomb shelter which holds 6 people (oxygen, food water, etc.), and you, your family, and neighbors totalling twelve people have thirty minutes before you must seal the hatch. That kind of thing. I wonder how many people today understand there own values.
I also am disabled and have to shop on line. But I (and I’ll bet you too) pay attention as much as I can to the morals of the vendor. I would shop at amazon a lot more than I do if they didn’t treat their employees so badly. I won’t knowlingly buy from a Koch Brothers corporation. I won’t knowingly buy from anyone who sponsors Sean Hannity. And I never, ever shop at Walmart (or Sam’s). I can only do what I can do, but I do do that.
A little off topic – RR speaks of family owned businesses. He could speak of locally owned or even community businesses – and maybe he should. One family business I once worked for was an epitome (in the dictionary definition of a small thing that is an accurate image of a big thing) of crony capitalism. I don’t want to go into detail, but I’ll bet I am not alone in this.
II. I’m not going to try to rebut any of this … this “I am not my brother’s keeper” stuff. You and Bob are right of course, the whole motivation of commerce needs to change. It sounds like cleaning the Augean Stables, doesn’t it.
“I can only do what I can do, but I do do that.”
Ditto that!
Off the subject, sorry, but i feel strong need to point to this phenomenal interview: Rob Reiner speaks with James Clapper andJohn Brennan about the Russia Investigation:
I had watched it and have noted your article there.
I’m sure both videos are well worth watching, but I’ll have to get back to this tonight, TomCat. I just haven’t the time to watch 40 minutes of video right now.
Thanks all. Hugs!