I overslept this morning, because I’m overtired from the winter heat wave. Starting tomorrow, temperatures will be seasonal for a few days. I can’t wait for the feeling of snuggling under my covers to stay warm. I spoke with my PCP yesterday afternoon. Megan and I agreed to put my fasting labs and routine appointment off for a month, because the end of flu season is running late, it is more virulent than normal, the vaccine missed the target this year, and it’s airborne. It’s not a good idea for me to expose myself with two routine trips to a place where people with flu routinely hang out. I will, however, be going for my annual cancer screening at Casey Eye Institute on Monday. Coverage of the Winter Olympics has started, and I remain a big-time amateur sports fan.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:39 (average 4:31). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter Resigns After Abuse Allegations Surface
The White House has known about Porter’s predations for over a year, and didn’t care, even when he could not get his security clearance because of them. Republicans tried to keep Porter indefinitely, even after his resignation, but due to publicity and public outcry, today is his last day. It is a dark day for little Donnie Grabatwat, who depends on Porter to help him develop techniques to abuse women, RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: The Pentagon has turned down Donald J. Trump’s request for a grand military parade in Washington, D.C., citing a sudden outbreak of bone spurs that would prevent men and women in uniform from participating.
Harland Dorrinson, a Pentagon spokesman, said that, within an hour of Trump’s request, more than a hundred thousand military personnel complained that they were suffering from acute cases of bone spurs that would make marching in such a parade a painful ordeal.
“In the history of the U.S. military, we have never experienced a bone-spur epidemic of this magnitude,” the spokesman said. “Regrettably, however, we have no choice but to issue thousands of deferments.”
Dang, Andy! That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I bet the tanks caught bone spurs too! RESIST!!
From Think Progress: Before Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) became chairman in 2015, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence had a reputation for bipartisanship. With the revelation, reported by CBS News on Thursday, that the committee’s Republican majority staff will soon be separated from the Democratic minority staffers on the committee by a wall — literally, a physical barrier separating public officials from each other — members of both parties are saying Nunes has destroyed any spirit of collaboration the committee once enjoyed.
Is there nothing Nunes won’t do to protect America from the truth about his Fuhrer? RESIST!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 2/8/2018”
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4:33 Is it toxic? Hard to say.
New (copyrighted) cartoon
MSNBC – This article is addressed to Hope Hicks … it presumes she is actually involved with Porter (and was with Lewandowski). There is some speculation that Porter is (and Lewandowski was) merely a beard for trump, and that’s certainly possible. But the article is still important.
TNY – LOL! I never knew a soldier (or sailor or Marine or Guardsperson) who “loved a parade.” Not to mention that tanks DO NOT BELONG on the streets of ANY city (or any streaats paid for with taxpayer money).
TP – There was a time when bipartisanship itself existed. That time is not now. While I’m sharing things I think are profound, let me share THIS
Cartoon – Yeah, like THAT’s likely this time.
Good cartoon but I fear the evidence of abuse on Lady Liberty’s face is far under done. She has been used as a Republican punching bag for so long that she should have more permanent bruising and broken pieces, like a distorted broken nose. Actually, I’m surprised she is still standing on her pedestal, and not sitting, slumped over!
Good points.
MSNBC: Wow, the hits keep on comin’, don’t they?? with this administration. UGH!! Porter is dangerous to women, as his two ex-wives have said.
NYer: LOL, Andy. Maybe instead of a (stupid) parade, dt and his cronies could take that money and help PR, or help with the water crisis in MI. jmo
TP: Dam, that’s sad & scary!
Cartoon: I do, but they won’t.
Good point to say away from your appointments for awhile, as the flu rages. Haven’t turned to the Olympics yet. Hope your appointment goes well on Monday. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
So the Pentagon won’t give the Orange Ogre his widdle parade? More evidence that his bleeped-up regime is coming apart at the seams.
The White House seems to have a thing for abusers of women. Porter is not the only one. But then the culture of an organization starts at the top, and in the White House we have the Abuser-in-Chief! Listen to the women here:
Money may not trickle down, but crap (?) flows down in big chunks.
MSNBC: Boy, the Evangelical really picked a winner in Donny! Today, the WH has changed the story this clown’s leaving. How many times does this happen, and fools still find a reason to believe in him?
New Yorker: Oh, for a bone spur in tRump’s corpus callosum!
TP: Is this for real, or did Andy slip one by us? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Funny how walls have such a resurgence of popularity under tRump!
‘Toon: If only it were so!
MSNBC: Reporters weren’t clear whether Porter got his security clearance last year, but you say he didn’t, TomCat, and that the White House therefore knew about his restraining orders for a year. That doesn’t surprise me one bit, Drumpf couldn’t care less about that. The only thing that counts is that Drumpf with his superlative people judgment that couldn’t possibly be wrong, thinks Porter is a “good guy”. And any guy that abuses his wife(s) a little is a normal guy, right? One of the boys and a good guy overall, eh? So not only has Drumpf, again, allowed someone with little moral standards, i.e. equal to his own moral standards to work very closely with him, but the WH allowed Porter to work in that position without a security clearance, again. How is that even possible?

An epidemic of bone spurs…brilliant satire, Andy. And you may have given some people in the military an idea in the unlikely event it should ever come to this parade.
TP: Is it close to April 1st, or something? This must be a joke, a bipartisan committee with a physical barrier between its staffers? How about putting the Republicans in a cage then.
Cartoon: At least the North and South Korean athletes are trying.
Puzzle — 3:22 I think about to be abused by the Puddy Tat!
MSNBC — They say that opposites attract, but it seems that likes also attract. Case in point, Drumpf to Porter! How can a moron (my apologies to respectable morons of which Porter is not!) like Porter stay on in a role which requires a security clearance of which he does not have??? And the vetting? I guess it is only Muslims and immigrants who require extreme vetting as “dangers” to national security, while Drumpf acolytes get the wink and nod vetting even though they have access, at Porter’s level anyway, to national security secrets. Drumpfian and Republican hypocrisy!
The New Yorker — Drumpf says he loves and respects the US military, yet back in the day, he manufactured bone spurs to prevent him from being drafted into the army. I like Andy’s idea — the entire military has bone spurs “in solidary” with Drumpf.
Think Progress — Is THAT Drumpf’s wall? Cheap at twice the price (price of a barrier) but not conducive to the effective workings of government. Nunes needs to be out on his ear in 2018!!! . . . if not before.
Cartoon — AMEN!!!
Wise move at this point to be out among the masses this flu season. Oh, and by the way, the effects of your chili made it north to Greater Vancouver. Good luck on Monday. When I fairly recently had my annual eye exam, we chatted about eye cancer. They take photos of my eyeball so the doctor was able to show me my eyeball in living colour . Fortunately no cancer nor bleeding caused by diabetes.
I get an ultrasound done of my eyes. It’s like fingernails on a blackboard inside my head.
Thanks all. Pooped hugs!