Bill Maher from 2/2

 Posted by at 1:24 pm  Politics
Feb 032018

It’s that time of week again, and I’m happy to share two fine video clips from Bill’s show last night.  Enjoy!

Monologue: Banana Republicans


Hilarious! Banana Republic Dictators are joining a class action defamation of character suit against Bill for comparing them to Republicans!

New Rule: Trump’s Wall of Lies


We need a wall 50′ thick and 100′ high… around Trump!

I opted not to cover a segment on Anthony Scaramucci.



  7 Responses to “Bill Maher from 2/2”

  1. stand strong and don’t get fooled, continue to resist!

  2. Bill’s spot on, as always!!

  3. Monologue – Hilarious is the only word I can come up with too. And all true.

    New Rule – My, my, does he have their number. (As well as some great new nicknames.)

    (Mooch – Can’t blame you.)

  4. Once again, Maher is incisive and fiendishly clever.

  5. Fat Nixon, Teleprompter Trump (his alter ego), Mr. Fibbs, Blob the Builder, the Jackass Whisperer…so many to choose from this week! Thank you, Bill, for the laughs and thank you, TomCat, for posting them.

  6. Thanks all.  Hugs! 17

  7. #1 “It’s like saying the exterminator is biased against the termites!” — LMAO

    #2 “We need a wall 50′ thick and 100′ high… around Trump!” — AMEN!!!  Put a roof on it and have it hermetically sealed!

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