Jan 082018

Compared to November, December results were slightly up in every category except Uniques. 

Here is our latest summary:


Reported period

Month Dec 2017





First visit

01 Dec 2017 – 00:00





Last visit

31 Dec 2017 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(3.76 visits/visitor)


(3.61 Pages/Visit)


(8.1 Hits/Visit)

9.39 GB

(304.97 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






14.82 GB

Reported period

Month Dec 2016





First visit

01 Dec 2016 – 00:00





Last visit

31 Dec 2016 – 23:59






Unique visitors

Number of visits




Viewed traffic *




(2.84 visits/visitor)


(2.96 Pages/Visit)


(9 Hits/Visit)

6.74 GB

(248.66 KB/Visit)

Not viewed traffic *






8.67 GB

The comparison with last December reveals, like last month, that we have fewer visitors, but the ones we have are visiting reading more articles.  That’s a good thing, I think.

Here is our ClustrMap for 2017.


ClustrMap misses a lot of visits, because many visits can’t be easily traced to a location.  January’s YTD map will look quite sparse.

Here are our top five articles:

National Popular Vote for the Reich 9/29/2017 2,817
Jane Smiley: Capitalist Pigs 1/17/2010 694
Pervert Endorses Pervert 12/4/2017 585
Open Thread – 12/26/2017 12/26/2017 436
Everyday Erinyes #104 12/8/2017  (by JD)

The count represents only the people who followed an external link to that specific article.  Two were from December.  Four were from last year. I wrote four.  JD wrote one.  Kudos to JD!

Here are our top non-blog/news referrers (100 referral minimum):

Google 2,118
Care2  2,083
Stumbleupon 299

Google is down from November.   Care2 is up.  Stumbleupon is up.

Here are our top  blog/news referrers:


We had 6 sites  with 2 or more referrals, down 1 from November.  Putting blogs’ links here increases the ratings of their sites, so this “linkey love” is our thank you for their referral support.  We need to improve this.

As of midnight January 1, we had 7,897 articles and 95,009 comments.

Congrats to Jerry Critter for posting the 95,000th comment.

I recommend using your own avatar. Go to Gravatar.  Sign up using the email address you use to post comments here and upload the image you want to use as your avatar.  Whenever you comment under that email address here or on any WordPress blog (several others too), that image will become your avatar.

Your Administrators are Lynn Squance, aka Sasquatch or Squatch, SoINeedAName, aka Nameless, and I, aka TomCat, the Founder.  Your Editors are Joanne Dixon, aka JD the Erynator and Lona Goudswaard, aka Lona the Napster.  I  promoted them from Author last August to give them the ability to add graphics to comments and the ability to correct my innumerable typos.

This is our policy on links.  We do not embed links to extreme Republican websites, like Faux Noise, Breitfart or World Nut Daily.  However I leave notes in square brackets when I delete such links, (example: [faux noise delinked]) so readers, who wish to follow them can click through to the source article.  I also remove topical links.  Finally, I blank the target on all links, so they open in a new tab or window.

Thank you for all you do, everywhere you do it.

2018 has arrived.  On to November!



  8 Responses to “Monthly Report for December 2017”

  1. Slightly up in spite of the Holidays – all of them tend to take us away from more somber activities, which of course they should, but it’s nice to see people still resisting.  Of all of mine for the last few months or so, I must say the one that made it to the top five is the one I would most want widely read.  Thanks to all who did.

  2. I see that the number of visitors jumped after the Orange Ogre became our alleged POTUS – and that they have stayed high. RESIST and PERSIST! This is a marathon, not a sprint.

  3. Thank YOU, Tom, as Administrator, and others, for your hard work in getting everything together.
    Thank you, Editors for your posts too. Appreciate y’all.  laughing04

  4. Thank you to all of the folks that work to put this site together.

  5. A steady group of readers, really interested in what you post because they read more pages each: sounds good to me.

    Thank you for gathering all the data and for putting this article together even though you weren’t feeling well, TomCat. Kudos to you.

  6. Thanks all.  Sick Hugs! 01

  7. If you look at the entire 2017, things have improved, not just over November.  January was particularly low, but could  that be partially due Drumpf election depression and partially due to the change in analytics?

    I know I have not been around as much, at least not commenting or writing, but I always read the articles and comments.

    Great stuff, Puddy Tat and everyone else including commenters.  After all, without commenters, the blog would be nowhere important, if you get my draft. 

    • My recollection is that a change to the analytics made both January and February undependable, but my recollection is only as good as my brain decides to want it to be, so I may be wrong.

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