Dec 112017

I’m running a but late today as I had a lot of record keeping to catch up.  The air is still stagnant and upsetting my COPD, but not badly.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:31 (average 12:14).  To do it, click here.

Religious Ecstasy:


Would someone please make sure I’m conscious.  This is so unbelievable that I think someone spiked my coffee with wacky tobackey.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Trae Crowder Channel): Liberal Redneck – To Hell with Roy Moore


Amen Trae. We know there’s a good South. Look at Pat, Vivian, Freya and more! RESIST!!

From YouTube (Inequality Media Channel): Why We Must Protect Net Neutrality


The Reich on the left is right.  Protect Net Neutrality!! RESIST!!

From Media Matters: Conservative news outlet The Weekly Standard has been approved by Facebook to partner in fact-checking "false news," a partnership that makes little sense given the outlet’s long history of making misleading claims, pushing extreme right-wing talking points, and publishing lies to bolster conservative arguments.

The Weekly Standard’s history of publishing false claims on topics such as the 2012 attacks on diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, the Affordable Care Act, tax cuts, and the war in Iraq, among many others, raises doubts that Facebook is taking the challenge of fact-checking seriously.

As The Guardian reports, The Weekly Standard is the first “explicitly partisan” outlet to partner with Facebook in their effort to fact-check fake news. The decision by Facebook raises concerns over the decision to give a conservative opinion outlet with a history of misinformation unearned influence over the fact-checking process.

Fascist bias is one of the reasons I don’t do Facebook. Those of you that do should make a big stink over this. RESIST!!





 Posted by at 12:45 pm  Politics
Dec 102017

SLAPP?  Until today I had no idea what that meant. Now that I do know, I’m very concerned about the way the Republican Reich’s corporate masters use SLAPP lawsuits to stifle dissent.  Fortunately, we have the Reich on the left, Robert Reich to explain it to us.


Have you heard of SLAPP lawsuits? You soon will.

SLAPP stands for “Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation.” It is a lawsuit brought by big corporations intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the overwhelming costs of a legal defense until they’re forced to abandon their criticism or opposition. And it may be the biggest threat to the resistance you’ve never heard of. 

Here’s an example: Resolute Forest Products, one of Canada’s largest logging and paper companies, has sued, in a U.S. court, environmental groups that have been campaigning to save Canada’s boreal forest…

Inserted from <Robert Reich>

Here’s the video.

For more information about SLAPP lawsuits, click here.

If you hear about a SLAPP, raise hell!


Dec 102017

Wendy just left and I’m going to rush to connect with my pillow, instead of paying attention to my Broncos getting slaughtered.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:59 (average 5:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Politico: Democrats head into Tuesday’s Senate election in Alabama confident that they’ll come out on top no matter who wins.

And many Republicans agree with them.

If Doug Jones prevails, Democrats expect it will further excite their base, bolster candidate recruitment and fuel fundraising heading into 2018, coming off their near-sweep of last month’s elections. They will revel in picking up a Senate seat in the Deep South, especially in a state so central to President Donald Trump’s political rise and where he earlier backed the loser of the GOP primary. Practically, Republicans would have a 51-49 Senate majority, leaving them with a single vote to spare assuming Democrats stick together.

But the alternative won’t make for bad politics, either, Democrats say.

If Roy Moore wins, they’ll spend the next year yoking every Republican they can to the accused child predator and a president who welcomed him into the GOP fold. They’ll be quick to remind everyone of all the other comments Moore has made against Muslims and gays and in favor of Vladimir Putin’s view of America as evil, as well as his rosy view of slave-era America.

“He’ll be the gift that keeps on giving for Democrats. If you’re running in 2018, Roy Moore’s going to be your new best friend. As a Republican, to think that you can win without the baggage of Roy Moore is pretty naïve,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).

He certainly does have a point. I want to win, but if we lose, Moore will be an ongoing source of ammunition. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: In a unique accord, the billionaire Koch brothers and the National Rifle Association have reached a timeshare agreement over the ownership of House Speaker Paul Ryan, representatives of both parties have confirmed.

Speaking on behalf of the Kochs, Charles Koch said that he contacted the N.R.A.’s executive director, Wayne LaPierre, with the timeshare proposal “so that we could all get the maximum enjoyment out of owning Paul.”

The arrangement is intended to minimize conflicts between the Kochs and the gun group that have arisen in the past when both co-owners have wanted to use Ryan at the same time, Koch said.

“I said to Wayne, ‘This is craziness,’ ” he said. “ ‘Let’s work something out where you get Paul half the year, and we’ll take him the other half.’ ”

Under the timeshare deal, the Kochs will have the exclusive use of Ryan during the months when tax cuts and environmental deregulation are put to a vote, while the N.R.A. will have him for the months when gun legislation is to be defeated.

Dang Andy! Aren’t the KKK feeling snubbed? RESIST!!

From NY Times: Newly released body camera footage shows a police officer shooting an unarmed man in an Arizona hotel after the man sobbed and pleaded with officers not to shoot him.

The graphic video, which was released after a jury on Thursday acquitted the officer of murder and manslaughter charges, stoked outrage on social media and renewed calls for reforms in law enforcement.

WARNING! Fatal Shooting Shown!


The murderer could not have had a more Republican jury than what he had in Mesa.  Perhaps Republicans should not be allowed in police work.  If that isn’t murder, what is? RESIST!!





Not Just a Pervert

 Posted by at 12:45 pm  Politics
Dec 092017

The Republican Party is trying to obtain a triumvirate of perverts to offend cooperatively across divisions in government.  In the White House, they have pussy grabber and piddle pervert, Donald Trump.  On the Supreme Court, they have sexual harassment and pubic hair specialist, Clarence Thomas.  And they hope to add pedophile Roy Moore to the Senate.  But Moore is not just a pervert.  There are several things that disqualify him.


Much of the recent coverage surrounding Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has involved the numerous sexual abuse allegations waged against the twice-removed judge—and for good reason. There are currently nine allegations and nearly all of them involve underage women, one as young as 14.  Moore was banned from a local shopping mall for preying on young women; his behavior was well-known in the region.  All of these allegations are serious and they should immediately disqualify Moore from holding a Senate seat, but the reality is he should’ve never even been near the seat in the first place.

Roy Moore has been an unapologetic bigot for decades.  He’s a man known for his dangerously literal interpretation of the Bible, which he uses as a guide to discriminate and demonize large groups of people.  The following is just a small sampling of statements made by Moore that should’ve buried his political aspirations years ago.  Some of these are so undeniably insane that they are hard to believe, but I assure you, they are all real.  Click the hyperlinks.

He Said Muslims Should Not Be Allowed To Serve in Congress

In December, 2006, a month after Keith Ellison became the first Muslim elected to the United States congress, Roy Moore penned an op-ed entitled “Muslim Ellison Should Not Sit in Congress”.  The piece isn’t about Ellison as a person really at all, Moore’s position is that Muslims should not be allowed to serve in Congress, period.  The vile piece includes such exclamatory gems as: “Can a true believer in the Islamic doctrine found in the Quran swear allegiance to our Constitution? Those who profess a sincere belief in Allah say ‘no!’” Though we have a separation of Church and state, Moore mentions God eight times in the short essay on congressional requirements.

He Compared the Koran to Hilter’s Mein Kampf

In the op-ed we just mentioned, Moore closes things out with quite the declaration.  He compares the Koran, the central religious text of Islam, to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf: “In 1943, we would never have allowed a member of Congress to take their oath on ‘Mein Kampf,’ or someone in the 1950s to swear allegiance to the ‘Communist Manifesto.’”

He Said America Was “Great” During Slavery

As the LA Times reported back in September, during a rally Moore was asked by an African American man in the audience when he thought America was last “great.”  Moore responded by saying, “I think it was great at the time when families were united — even though we had slavery — they cared for one another…. Our families were strong, our country had a direction.”

EVEN. THOUGH. WE. HAD. SLAVERY… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Huffington Post>

The article lists ten items that disqualify Moore.  I have shared the first three.  Click through for the other seven.


Dec 092017

I’m tired.  Portland is still under an Air Stagnation Warning, and it’s not severe, but it is irritating my COPD.  Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  It’s the Jets turn to humiliate my Broncos.  The game is not televised here, of course.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:17 (average 6:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Dave Daubenmire Wonders If Vaccines Are Making People Gay

Barf Bag Alert!!


What’s injected into Republican pseudo-Christian hypocrites to make them gay is semen. RESIST!!

From Washington Post: \This week, Quinnipiac University released a new poll that included a question about Trump’s attitudes toward people of color. Most respondents — 57 percent — said that they did not believe that Trump respects people of color as much as he does white people. Among whites, 50 percent held that view. Among black Americans, the number was 86 percent.

50% of white Americans and 14% of black Americans are wrong! RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Donald J.Trump slurred his speech during his announcement about Jerusalem on Wednesday because of “low-battery issues” with Vladimir Putin’s remote, the White House said on Friday.

Speaking to the White House press corps, the press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, said that Trump’s slurred speech was “a case of what happens when President Putin doesn’t change the batteries in his remote frequently enough.”

“President Trump makes public appearances several times a day,” Sanders said. “In the course of those appearances, President Putin’s remote can drain its battery very quickly.”

Andy, I think you figured it out! RESIST!!




Everyday Erinyes #104

 Posted by at 6:21 pm  Politics
Dec 082017

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage.  These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that.  Even though there are many more which I can’t include.  As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

So, we’ve talked before here about deported veterans (“deported veterans” – doesn’t that just physically hurt to read or say?)  But we haven’t talked about, because I didn’t realize it could happen until I received an email this week, deporting people who are essentially active duty military.

Among those who watched the smoke rise from the World Trade Center into a perfect blue sky on 9/11[/2001] were an Army Reserve officer on the cliffs at West Point and a 7-year-old undocumented immigrant on the street in Queens.

The officer, Major Margaret Stock, wondered if the attacks might have been prevented if only the military had enough personnel fluent in foreign lamguages, such as those spoken by the plotters.  So she started designing and creating the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest program (MAVNI).  It would offer expedited citizenship to immigrants speaking certain critical languages.  It would also make the same offer to physicians, nurses, and dentists (of which the military has been pitifully short for a long, long time.)  The point was to make sure, in Major Stock’s words, “we have enough people to protect the country.”

The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which began in June 2012, opened the pool for MAVNI to these immigrants, better known as “DREAMers.”  When his mother heard about the program on TV, it was 2016, and the seven-year-old boy from Queens was now 21.  He was immediately interested.  His native language (Punjabi) qualified him, and he passed the language test fluently.  He signed the contract, and he took the oath.

“I, Harminder Saini, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

Saini was now a soldier.  The only thing missing was his background check.

But the Army had tripled the number of background checks for MAVNI without hiring enough checkers to actually do them.

Saini is now 23 – still prepared to ship out at a moment’s notice.  He’s been reading from a list that James Mattis gave to a TV interviewer, and going to the gym a lot to stay fit.

But in September, Saini and hundreds of other waiting MAVNI DREAMers learned

…that the president to whom they were all sworn to obey had revoked DACA. The termination was to take effect in six months, at which time the MAVNI DREAMers who were not yet in basic training and on the way to naturalization would be in jeopardy of being deported from the country they had sworn to protect.

Back in September, there was some talk about a bipartisan effort led by Lindsay Graham and Dick Durbin to retore the DREAM program by act of Congress.  But so many things seem to have gotten in the way since them … has anyone heard anything lately?

Certainly there’s at least one Congressman, I am thinking particularly of a certain dentist from Arizona (who incidentally never served himself) who will gladly torpedo any such effort if he can.

Congress also has characters such Rep. Paul Gosar, a former “Arizona Dentist of the Year” who has proposed legislation barring what he calls “DACA aliens” from serving in the military. Gosar himself has never served, though the armed services have long suffered a shortage of dentists, as MANVI seeks to address.

“I agree with @POTUS that it’s time to get rid of #DACA!” Gosar tweeted on September 5, making sure to append a DDS to his name.

Tell you what, Dear Furies, how about you, Alecto, go after Durbin and Graham and – well, the old saying it put a flea in their ears, but I am thinking more in terms of putting a bee where the sun doesn’t shine, to really get them moving on this.  Megaera and Tisiphone, you get hold of Gosar, and find out who the rest are, both in the House and in the Senate, who feel this way (we all know these people are big on feeling, since they don’t think at all), and – apply some compulsory re-education.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.

Dec 082017

Here is the one hundred fourth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican US Representative from Arizona, Trent Franks. He is so honored for his highly unusual form of sexual harassment.

Republican Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona announced Thursday night that he is resigning from Congress after being informed that the House Ethics Committee had opened an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment from two female former staffers.

What did Franks do, you ask? Let’s let Franks tell you himself. Here’s an excerpt from his statement announcing his resignation:

"Due to my familiarity and experience with the process of surrogacy, I clearly became insensitive as to how the discussion of such an intensely personal topic might affect others.

"I have recently learned that the Ethics Committee is reviewing an inquiry regarding my discussion of surrogacy with two previous female subordinates, making each feel uncomfortable. I deeply regret that my discussion of this option and process in the workplace caused distress."

Um, what?…

Inserted from <CNN>

Franks just updated his resignation and resigned effective immediately.

On the surface, this makes no sense at all.  Asking a staffer to consider becoming a surrogate is certainly uncomfortable, but hardly criminal.  However, when Lyin’ Ryan asked Franks to step down, Lyin’ Ryan said only that he found the accusations of wrongdoing to be credible.  Lyin’ Ryan has no problem with the many complaints of serial pussy grabbing by his Fuhrer.  Lyin’ Ryan still supports serial-pedophile, Roy Moore.  So, for Lyin’ Ryan to force Franks out, he must consider what Franks did even worse than what Trump or Moore did.  What could that be?

There is only one credible possibility.  Franks must have threatened his staffers that, if they didn’t bear his child, he would wreck their future in government.  Now, a normal GOP pervert demands the use of a woman’s body for long enough to use it for their own pleasure.  But this GOP pervert demanded far more extensive control of women’s bodies for a full nine months, and that is why he deserves the parade.


Dec 082017

The sun only hit the wall for an hour today, so it’s a chilly day.  Portland is in an inversion, so the air is overly polluted, and it’s setting off my COPD.  TGIF!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 2:55 (average 5:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?  If I win, some other puddy tat may have that bird.

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MoveOn Channel):

Appalachian Grandma


Amen Granny! The false god of Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians, the opposite of real authentic Christians, has horns and a pitchfork. RESIST!!

From NY Times: Michael T. Slager, the white police officer whose video-recorded killing of an unarmed black motorist in North Charleston, S.C., starkly illustrated the turmoil over racial bias in American policing, was sentenced on Thursday to 20 years in prison, after the judge in the case said he viewed the shooting as a murder.

The sentence, which was within the range of federal guidelines, was pronounced in Federal District Court in Charleston about seven months after Mr. Slager pleaded guilty to violating the civil rights of Walter L. Scott when he shot and killed him in April 2015. The case against Mr. Slager is one of the few instances in which a police officer has been prosecuted for an on-duty shooting.

“We have to get this type of justice, because being a police officer is one of the most powerful jobs in the country, and it should be respected,” L. Chris Stewart, a lawyer for Mr. Scott’s family, said after the hearing, which was punctuated by tears and grief. “But that doesn’t mean you’re above the law. That doesn’t mean you can do as you please.”

This is an all too rare win for justice against deadly abuses of power by the thin blue line. I hope that Slager takes advantage of prison programs to help him correct the criminal thinking that empowers his Republican authoritarianism and Republican Racism. RESIST!!

From Alternet: Steve Curtis, the former chairman of the Colorado GOP, has been found guilty of voter fraud for forging his ex-wife’s signature on a ballot.

As The Denver Post reports, Curtis may face up to three years in prison for forging his ex-wife’s signature on a Colorado ballot in November 2016 after she’d moved to South Carolina in 2015. He was arrested in February after handwriting analysis and DNA testing revealed he’d committed the forgery.

Isn’t it ironic that, contrary to Republican claims, voter fraud virtually never happens, but when it does, the perpetrator are virtually always Republicans? RESIST!!


