The Corker Kickback

 Posted by at 1:06 pm  Politics
Dec 182017

When I learned on Friday that Senator Bob Corker had flipped on the Republican Tax Scam, I wondered why.  He had said that he would not support a tax bill that added a penny to the debt.  $1 trillion plus is a lot of pennies.  That is in character for him, because he has been a deficit hawk throughout his career.  Trump could not threaten him, because he retires in January.  It just made no sense to me at all… until now.


Remember those five minutes when Republican Senator Bob Corker tried to position himself as the principled conservative opposition to Donald Trump? That ended this week, when the GOP bribed Corker into voting for his tax scam bill by adding a provision that benefitted him financially. It turns out Corker is nothing more than a financially corrupt conservative who happens to personally dislike Trump. Now it turns out Corker could be in actual legal trouble for his vote.

Corker, who is set to retire from the Senate in about a year, faced immediate blowback when it was revealed that he changed his vote to “yes” after the Republican Party made a change to the bill which sharply boosted Corker’s own personal financial prospects. There has been some debate in legal circles as to whether this qualifies an actual crime under the law, or merely a moral crime. But we may be about to find out – and Corker may be far from the only one facing potential reckoning.

The current Republican-controlled Congress naturally won’t investigate Bob Corker for any laws he may have broken in the name of voting for their corrupt tax bill. However, with Corker set to become a private citizen at the end of 2018, he could theoretically be prosecuted like anyone else who has committed financial fraud. If it can be demonstrated that he changed his vote specifically because he was offered a provision whose primary purpose was to personally enrich him, it could be categorized as a “kickback” or essentially a bribe…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Palmer Report>

I disagree with the author about prosecuting Corker, because even when intent is obvious as it is here, proving it to a legal certainty is a virtually impossible task.

Amy Goodman covered the story, including Corker’s absurd protestations.

Now, if Corker were innocent of switching his vote for a bribe, all he had to do is present a viable reason for doing so.  He did not.  But if you believe that he didn’t do it, you probably also believe the the Pope is not Catholic, and that bears never, ever shit in the woods.


Dec 182017

It’s another busy day here at the CatBox.  Our fantasy football league has almost completed the first playoff week.  Patty Monster has squeaked by Wendy.  The Squatch and I are neck and neck.  If Julio Jones scores four fantasy points in tonight’s game, I advance.  If not… Oh the shame!! Embarrassed smile 

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 5:19 (average 5:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From NBC News: The latest NBC/WSJ poll not only shows Democrats holding their biggest lead in congressional preference since 2008, it also finds them enjoying a double-digit advantage when it comes to voter intensity ahead of next year’s midterms.

According to the poll, 59 percent of Democratic voters say they have a high level of interest in next year’s elections (registering either a 9 or 10 on a 10-point scale), versus 49 percent of Republican voters saying the same thing. Additionally, 62 percent of voters who said they voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 have a high level of interest in next year’s midterms, compared with 50 percent of Trump voters.

"A double-digit margin here is an important indicator of Democratic intensity," said Republican pollster Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies, who conducted this survey with Democratic pollsters from Hart Research Associates.

We need to channel that intensity into a 50 state strategy, at all levels of government, based on progressive values, without shooting ourselves in the foot along the way. RESIST!!

From Pacific Standard: For the last two weeks, Philip Alston, a professor at the New York University School of Law and a United Nations special rapporteur on poverty and human rights, has been on a fact-finding tour of the United States’ poorest communities. Alston visited neighborhoods in rural Alabama where raw sewage sits in open trenches and pits. He spent time at a free dental clinic in West Virginia, where he met a 32-year-old whose teeth have all but rotted away. He saw a homeless encampment in Los Angeles where the ratio of toilets to residents is lower than the U.N. mandate for Syrian refugee camps. Today, Alston released a sharply critical preliminary reportsummarizing [sic]his findings. American exceptionalism may be alive and well, Alston concludes, but "today’s United States has proved itself to be exceptional in far more problematic ways that are shockingly at odds with its immense wealth and its founding commitment to human rights."

When it comes to poverty rates and other measures of deprivation, the U.S. is a stark outlier among other developed countries. Despite its status as one of the world’s wealthiest countries, the U.S. has the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world, the worst health outcomes, the highest incarceration rate, the highest youth poverty rate, one of the highest rates of inequality, and one of the lowest rates of voter participation. Eighteen percent of American children in 2016 were living in poverty, with rates in some states as high as 30 percent.

Politicians opposed to expanding the social safety net have leaned heavily on a certain false narrative about poor Americans to justify cuts to welfare and other social programs, according to Alston. "Some politicians and political appointees with whom I spoke were completely sold on the narrative of such scammers sitting on comfortable sofas, watching color TVs, while surfing on their smartphones, all paid for by welfare," he writes. "I wonder how many of these politicians have ever visited poor areas, let alone spoken to those who dwell there. There are anecdotes aplenty, but evidence is nowhere to be seen."

Behold the culmination of eight years of the Bush Regime, eight years of Republicans sabotaging and obstructing everything Obama and Democrats tried to make it better, and one year of Trump. RESIST!!

From NY Times: …The task in front of Congress over the coming week boils down to a basic question: Does Washington work for all of us or just for those at the top? Congress has a chance, right now, to take steps that will make life a bit better for millions of working people immediately and in the years to come. We should seize it.

This is the last paragraph of an excellent editorial by both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Click through for a great read. RESIST!!



Dec 172017

Wendy is due in about twenty minutes to destink the TomCat and help with several chores, including the dreaded task.  Since my Broncos have already won, may the holy Ellipsoid Orb bless your team.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:37 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (SNL Channel): White House Tree Trimming Cold Open


It’s almost too accurate to be funny. RESIST!!

From Politico: A lawyer for President Donald Trump’s transition team is accusing special counsel Robert Mueller of unlawfully obtaining tens of thousands of private emails during its investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s presidential election.

Kory Langhofer, an Arizona-based attorney representing Trump for America, spelled out the complaint in a seven-page letter sent Saturday to the main House and Senate oversight committees where he raises potential violations of attorney-client privilege and the Fourth Amendment, which protects against unlawful search and seizure.

Mueller’s office got the records earlier this summer from the General Services Administration, the government agency charged with holding all transition materials, even while it was “aware that the GSA did not own or control the records in question,” Langhofer wrote.

Translation: There’s stuff in there we don’t want known, and this false claim of misconduct could be the basis to fire Mueller, who may be dismissed only for cause. RESIST!!

From Think Progress: The Trump administration told policy analysts for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta that they could not use certain words in documents for the 2019 budget, the Washington Post reported. Those words were “fetus,” “entitlement,” “diversity,” “transgender,” “vulnerable,” “evidence-based” and “science-based.”

The administration prohibited these words from being used in the budget, which should be released in February, and in supporting materials for Congress and CDC partners. A “longtime CDC analyst” who spoke to the Post said that they did not remember a time when an administration previous banned “controversial” words from budget documents. The analyst said it’s probable that other areas of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services have had the same directive.

The next step in the Republican censorship of truth description terms will be to hijack funding for State and Local entities that employ them. RESIST!!




No Parade for Kennedy

 Posted by at 1:19 pm  Politics
Dec 162017

If you’ve been reading for a while, you’ve seen me slam Republican after Republican for heinous behavior, especially in my Republicans on Parade Series.  However, if I did not credit Republicans, on those very rare occasions that I see one doing something praiseworthy, I’d be as hypocritical as a Republican.  Therefor I have no parade for Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), at least not for this.


In a hearing this week for six of President Trump’s judicial nominees, Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) simply humiliated one of the potential judges. He asked Matthew Spencer Petersen a few questions that should be basic for anyone working in law. Yet Petersen, a Republican commissioner on the Federal Election Commission and a nominee to the U.S. District Court for D.C., not to mention a graduate of the University of Virginia law school, was stuck. The key exchange—over his understanding of a motion in limine and a few other legal terms—went viral.

“Do you know what a motion in limine is?” the senator asked.

“[M]y background is not in litigation…I haven’t had to, again, do a deep dive,” Petersen said.

“Yes, I’ve read your resume,” Kennedy replied. “Just for the record, do you know what a motion in limine is?”

“I would probably not be able to give you a good definition right here at the table,” Petersen said.

This is not the first time Sen. Kennedy has publicly challenged Trump’s wave of judicial nominees, many of whom are controversial and some of whom have been deemed not qualified by the American Bar Association, but most of whom have largely received a rubber stamp of approval from Republicans as they move through the confirmation process. Kennedy in fact is the only Republican to have voted against one of Trump’s judicial nominees so far. But there are a number of other ways he’s drawn attention to some of the most questionable, headline-grabbing people that Trump has nominated to the federal bench…

Inserted from <Mother Jones>

I’m not even a lawyer, but even I know that a motion in limine is a motion, with no jury present, to exclude evidence.  Almost every trial has them.

Here’s video.

Kudos to Kennedy.

You have to give Trump credit for consistence.  His judicial nominees are every bit as competent as he is.


Dec 162017

I’ve had another busy day figuring out this week’s grocery list.  All the extra hassle is keeping me tuckered out.  Happy CATurday!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:00 (average 5:05).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Real Time Channel): Real Time with Bill Maher (2018) | Season 16 Trailer


I’m looking forward to his return in January. RESIST!!

From Washington Post: Congressional Republicans secured enough support Friday to pass their massive tax plan, a measure that would deliver a major legislative victory to President Trump and his GOP allies and make tax changes affecting nearly every American family and business.

Passage appeared certain after two critical holdouts, Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), said they would vote for the bill next week.

They know what they are doing to America. They know they are bankrupting people. They know they are murdering people. They know they are making children go hungry. They don’t care. We must hang this around their necks, until me drive them the way of the Whigs. The survival of The Republican Party and that of the USA are mutually exclusive.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: The House Intelligence Committee is racing to complete its investigation of Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, scheduling a host of witness interviews here and in New York for next week as Congress heads for its break, and, Democrats said, leaving other leads unfollowed.

Some of the most important witnesses are to be interviewed in New York by committee staff early next week, possibly leaving Democrats to choose between attending those depositions or voting on the massive tax bill coming before the House.

And in an indication that Republicans hope to wrap up their probe, the House committee has yet to schedule a single interview after the holidays, according to two committee officials familiar with the schedule. That has left Democrats fearful that the majority is trying to finish the investigative portion of its work by the end of next week, before the committee can connect the dots on one of the most serious efforts by a hostile foreign actor to hijack American democracy.

“I feel no need to apologize for concluding an investigation,” said Representative Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, one of the Republicans leading the investigation.

This is what they’re up to. When they are "done", Gowdy can declare Putin’s Piddle Puppet innocent, opening up more attacks on and possible action against Mueller. RESIST!!




Everyday Erinyes #105

 Posted by at 8:15 am  Politics
Dec 162017

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage.  These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that.  Even though there are many more which I can’t include.  As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”

Heaven knows there are petty little things I could be including here, like the 11-year-old black girl who was arrested and handcuffed by police who had a warrant for a 40-year-old white woman (yes, you read that right, and I am not making it up).  Or like the woman in Walnut Creek who raised a stink in Starbucks because two other patrons were “speaking Oriental” (did you know that was a language?  I didn’t.  Ummmm… I still don’t.)  But, instead, I want to bring up good old Core Civic.

Core Civic, you may remember, is the new (in 2016) name for what used to be Corrections Corporation of America.  In other words, private prisons.  well, private prison corporations have been seeing some handwriting on the wall for a while.  The push to legalize marijuana is gaining steam, and the more states it is legal in, the more the prison populations in those states will go down.  The other big private prison provider, GEO Group, has been expanding to non-prison services such as ankle monitors, halfway houses, substance abuse treatment, and the like.

But several years ago, both competitors changed their status on paper so that both are now real estate companies – technically, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).  This has allowed them

to score a massive tax break. In 2015 alone, the corporations used their REIT status and other avenues to avoid a combined $113 million in federal income taxes.

But Core Civic is taking their REIT status beyond paper and into the real world.

In September, the publicly traded corporation that owns and operates prisons, jails, immigration detention centers, and halfway houses bought properties in North Carolina and Georgia that are leased to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA).

In their words, the deals are part of a plan to make “additional investment via acquisition in mission-critical government real estate asset classes outside of our traditional correctional detention residential reentry facilities.”

In other words, CoreCivic wants to be a landlord of all types of government buildings.


They’ve almost got Kansas convinced to let them build and maintain a new prison that they can lease to the public, despite it being the more expensive way to go(emphasis mine)

I see this as a move from completely despicable theft of public funds into plain old ordinary graft.  Some might say that is less malignant – but every public dollar that goes to them is one less to be spent on actual governing, and actually providing what our communities really need.  One more dollar that goes into killing people instead of keeping people alive.

Alecto, it would seem to me to make sense to start in Kansas, if indeed it can be done cheaper without them.  A state reduced to selling sex toys to supplement the budget doesn’t need to be throwing money around.  On the other hand, a state that dumb may never listen.  You know your job and do it well, I won’t try to micromanage.

The New Mexico Political Report frequently concerns itself with matters of New Mexico polirics.  But, when it takes on national issues, it takes them on well.  A case in point is an article this week regarding mandatory federal sentencing, derived from work by ProPublica.

During Ronald Reagan’s first term (I’ll bet you all see red lights already),

Congress identified what it said was a grave threat to the American promise of equal justice for all: Federal judges were giving wildly different punishments to defendants who had committed the same crimes.

In 1984, Congress created the U.S. Sentencing Commission, with bipartisan support we could only dream of today.  The commission set firm sentencing rules (called “guidelines”) for every Federal offense.

In 1989, the case Mistretta v U.S. came before the Supreme Court.  Mistretta and the government both petitioned the Supreme Court for certiorari before judgment, and the Court took the case.  The issue was: Was Congress’s creation of a United States Sentencing Commission (with the power to establish binding sentencing “guidelines”) constitutional?

This was the Rehnquist court.  Thurgood Marshall was still alive,  Sandra Day O’Connor was on this Court.  Justice (Harry) Blackmun gave the opinion for the majority.

The Court held that, as society increases in complexity, Congress must delegate authority “under broad general directives.” The broad delegation of power to the Commission was undoubtedly “sufficiently specific and detailed to meet constitutional requirements.”

The only dissenter was Antonin Scalia.

If Scalia was right, as new evidence suggests he MAY have been, it will of course have been for the wrong reasons.

Mistretta was a momentous decision, but it’s now clear the high court relied on evidence that was flimsy and even flat-out wrong.

The Court used one study based on two reports from the early seventies.  The two reports appear to have been riddled with errors.  “Average” sentences cited for a district in which there had only been one case of the kind supposedly being “averaged.”  Other averages computed with mathematical errors.

The existence of the commission led to sentencing increases caused by fewer defendants being granted probaton.  And the creation of sentencing “enhancements” (think the opposite of “mitigation”) also increased sentences.

In the ten years since 1984, when the Commission was created, and 1995, the Federal prison population went from just over 40,000 to over 100,000 – an increase of 150%.

It also hasn’t helped that once Congress had created the Commission, and the Court had decided it was Constitutional, Congress failed to leave it alone to do its job.  It was Congress which made the punishments for crack cocaine convictions a hundred times more severe than those for powder cocaine.  The Commission more than once tried without success to get Congress to back off.

Megaera and Tisiphone, I fear we have gotten ourselves into an imposssible position.  We desperately need sentencing reform – we need it at all levels of our multiple judicial systems.  But I also admit the thought of giving any more power to judges who are now being appointed scares the bejeebus out of me.  I won’t even try to tell you what to do.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 HERE.

Dec 152017

I’m sure you all know that  The Republican Party has murdered Net Neutrality.  Yesterday Freya pointed me to a petition to urge Congress to override the decision, which they may do, but I have no realistic hope that the Republican Reich would consider, let alone pass such a measure.  Your ISP must tell you if they regulate any content, so read every word of the flood of fine print that’s coming.


Like many other celebrities, late night hosts were not happy to learn that the Federal Communications Commision (FCC) voted down net neutrality rules, rescinding customer protections that inhibit Internet service providers (ISPs) from slowing down, blocking, or charging more for certain content…

Inserted from <USA Today>

Stephen Colbert


Seth Meyers


Jimmy Kimmel


I fully believe we will get Net Neutrality back, but either the lawsuits being filed must win, or we have to take back Congress.

