Dec 272017

Here is the one hundred sixth article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Trump judicial nominee Thomas Alvin Farr. He is so honored for his extensive history of racism and KKK support.

Trump JudgesAmong President Trump’s worrisome nominees to the judiciary, perhaps none is as alarming as Thomas Alvin Farr, a protégé of Jesse Helms, the former North Carolina senator, and a product of the modern white supremacist machine that Mr. Helms pioneered.

Mr. Farr, nominated to serve on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, began his career as counsel for Mr. Helms’s Senate campaigns, where he participated in racist tactics to intimidate African-American voters. This alone is reason to reject his nomination, as is his apparent lying on the topic to the Senate Judiciary Committee. But Mr. Farr’s connections to Mr. Helms’s white supremacist causes and political network go much deeper.

Having lived in North Carolina since childhood, I know Mr. Helms’s racist legacy and I hold no doubts that Mr. Farr perpetuates it. An unabashed segregationist, Mr. Helms was affiliated with the Council of Conservative Citizens, an outgrowth of the White Citizens’ Councils that promoted white supremacy. Mr. Helms, who served in the Senate for 30 years, used his honorable seat to support the apartheid regime in South Africa while opposing desegregation, civil rights legislation and the creation of the Martin Luther King’s Birthday holiday in this country. Mr. Helms also belittled Carol Moseley Braun, the only black senator at the time, by singing “Dixie” to her in the Senate elevator…  [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

SPLC reports Farr’s racist activities in detail.

Compared to this guy, David Duke is a boy scout!



  16 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 12/27/2017”

  1. Look out, look out,Republicans on parade!Here they comeStompity stompityThey’re here and there,Republicans everywhere!

  2. I have yet to see any good nominee, for any position, put forth by our poser-in-chief.
    Due to the rules for many judgeships, such as lifetime appointment, damage done by these appointments, if accepted, will take decades to repair.
    Instead of our country and our people growing and prospering we will be decades behind the advancements of other industrialized nations.
    Makes me want to vomit just thinking about it all.

  3. The man from Hell, I see.Besides all the rest of them……BARF !!!

  4. When is this gonna stop? He nominates some THE MOST unqualified, inexperienced, and down-RIGHT STUPID people to be in his cabinet and anything else that he can screw up! Judges that have never even seen the inside of a courtroom. Heads of committees that have the plans in place to shut down agencies ready to go from DAY ONE! This is a new LOW!

    TC, you already got me beat! I’m needin a BREAK! Come on now! I had a good season goin and now! I can’t catch a BREAK! WELL! Good luck, dude! I guess 4th place is better than last!!! It’s been fun!

    • Vivian, this is his plan, intent, wish: to destroy any semblance of democracy he can.  If you are old enough to remember Barry Goldwater, this clown-in-chief is the embodiment of the movement Goldwater stood for: racism, elitism, oligarchy, thought control by way of privatizing education (as can be seen in Betsy DeVos).

    • I agree with Mitch.  Trump and the Republican party want to establish s fascist Reich masquerading as a Democratic Republic.

      We still have a game to play for 3rd place.  One never knows.  27

  5. This is exactly what I had in mind when I said that this was the area in which I underestimated the Tangerine Torquemada’s power to destroy.  Two questions: has he already been confirmed?  And, if not, will he be voted on before Doug Jones is seated?

  6. How does trump keep coming up with all these racist assholes to appoint to things?  Is he using some kind of reverse vetting process to screen out decent people?  Actually, that would explain a lot.

    And then the Republicans act surprised that black people won’t vote for them.

  7. How does tDump keep coming up with these racists?  Try the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the like: Radical right-wing-nut associations, for a start.

  8. Sadly, you’ve caught yourself another excellent specimen for Republicans on Parade there, TomCat.

    This time, Farr may not be totally incompetent like most of Drumpf’s nominees – he at least went to law school and was a lawyer for many years – but he has been blatantly White Supremacist in all his work as a lawyer. We know it’s really bad when the NYT start an article with:

    Mr. Farr [] began his career as counsel for Mr. Helms’s Senate campaigns, where he participated in racist tactics to intimidate African-American voters. This alone is reason to reject his nomination, as is his apparent lying on the topic to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    and then follow it up with a short but sickening career overview of nothing but racist “legal” work and a plea to ALL senators on both sides of the isle to vote against his nomination.

    But with Drumpf and the GOP showing their true face again, there’s little hope of that unless the vote is postponed until Jones has been sworn in.

  9. “… to support Mr. Helms and other political candidates who espoused the notion of a superior white race and opposed civil rights.”

    It seems that in order to feel superior, which he is not, Farr and his racist ilk must try to bring down others, in this case, the African American citizenry.  Farr is so base that he sees a snakes belly when he looks up.

    Drumpf likes to say that he is not racist, but everything he does and says tells a different story.

    Every senator, regardless of party affiliation, must stand strong and denounce Farr, voting ‘NO’ for this extreme racist POS at his confirmation hearing.

  10. Thanks all.  Hugs! 17

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